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Posts posted by okhan90

  1. DSO finally got back to us. Said she can accept the job no problem, and her ead is technically still valid and will remain so until an immigration officer terminates it, which it sounds like never happens. So....good news! thank you guys for all the advice and keeping me sane through all this. Will be back in a few months possibly depending on the STEM extension result. Peace.

  2. Thank you for the quick reply. I have a follow up question if you don't mind. If the DSO is not contacted, is the F1 automatically terminated at some point or does it remain in a state of limbo?

    Basically I will begin work next week. I am married to a US citizen and if there is no flexibility on the 90 day deadline I was planning on applying for AOS and EAD while working. I know this is not recommended. My question is, will contacting the DSO put me at a higher risk if I begin unauthorized employment? I will begin work next week and my spouse and I are trying to figure out if it is better for me to just begin work and apply for AOS and EAD or to contact the DSO. If the DSO says there is no flexibility we will then apply for AOS and EAD. But will contacting the DSO make things more difficult do you think? I know this kind of behavior is not recommended nor condoned, however, we are both good people with no bad intentions here. I would really appreciate it if you could please help us out. Thank you.

  3. Hello,

    So this is my situation. I graduated this past may as an international student on F1. I applied for and was granted OPT. My EAD start date was 7/9/13. Unfortunately I couldn't find a job before the 90 day deadline (90 days after EAD start date). I was planning on leaving but have just been offered my dream job. The problem is I was offered this job 30 days after the deadline. My first question is: has anyone heard of or had experience with this deadline being flexible at all or is it very strict? Another question I have is, if i contact my international advisor, will she terminate my F1? And if I don't contact my international advisor, what happens? Thank you in advance, this whole process is very confusing and we international students should be given more than 3 months to find a job!

  4. Hello all, this is my second ever post. I have been researching this and have had no luck really. Here is my situation. My girlfriend graduated in May and OPT application was accepted. There is a deadline of 90 days to find a job I believe. 50 days after this deadline she found a job and just started working a few days ago. We are faced with two options: get married and apply for AOS and EAD while she continues working OR contact the DSO and see if there is any flexibility on this 90 day deadline. We are wondering if we should contact the DSO or not. We are worried the DSO may cause problems for us by contacting USCIS or something. Any advice? Thank you in advance.

  5. Hello all, i am new to posting here, but first want to say this website has helped me very much. I have come across a problem and am wondering if someone may be able to help.

    My girlfriend is an international student, I am a U.S. citizen born and raised here, we have been together for two years. She recently graduated and was given OPT, however, she was unable to find a job within 90 days. For the past month she has just been getting her things together and planning on moving back to her home country. The other day however she was offered a job that she had applied for months ago. My question now is what is the best way to deal with this? It has been more than 90 days since she has graduated, which leads me to believe F-1 is now out of status and EAD now invalid, however, she has been offered a job in her field at a university.

    1. if we get married immediately is there some way to file an AOS application and apply for work authorization so she can work while the AOS application is pending?

    2. If we get married and apply for AOS after she begins work will she face any major consequences (i.e. deportation, getting arrested,fines).

    3. Are there any other suggestions or tips you guys have?

    Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time out to help us, its all very confusing!

  6. Hello, I am an international student on an F-1 visa and recently graduated from a masters program in May. I was granted OPT and received my EAD a couple months back. I have been unable to find a job to fulfill my OPT and it has now been more than 90 days. My first question is: I believe my F-1 is now considered to be out of status due to unemployment for more than 90 days, what happens to my EAD, is it considered invalid now? Secondly, I would very much appreciate if someone could tell me all of my options, i.e. marriage etc. to stay in the country and work. Thank you all for your time and help.

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