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Posts posted by sukhbansvirk

  1. Hi guys,

    I have a question. I got citizenship last july 2016. My wife got green card on may 27th 2014. We have a daughter who is 20 month old and born here. According 2 uscis, my wife can apply 4 citizenship 3 months before completing 5 years which would be feb 28th 2019. I filled taxes jointly from last 3 years that is 2014,2015,2016 and will be filing again jointly next year for 2017. So, if i leave my job as i have enough saving for the year 2018 and go 2 india for some course for few months and my wife will be here with my daughter. Does it effects her chances when she will b applying 4 citizenship in 2019? I am planning 2 quit my job by the end of this year. Thanks in advance 2 all.

  2. Yes keas got it right. My only concern is wat if left job couple of years before my spouse citizenship is due which will b in 2019. Does that jeopardise her chances 2 get citizenship. We r planning 2 move in India a year before her citizenship as out parents needs us.her family is alone so thinking of moving after getting citizenship

  3. Thanks a lot icezlady I really appreciate your help. She is still 3 years away from completing her 5 hears. We wud b going for her citizenship in 2019. She won't b leaving outside USA for more then 180 days. My only concern is that since I m already a citizen if I leave my job in couple of years and move to India with her and cum back before her 180 days in year 2018 which we r thinking tthen there will b problem in her citizenship .

  4. hi guys can u please inculcate me abt the check list which i got from NVC.

    "A letter was sent to the petitioner or attorney of record indicating the

    Affidavit of Support requirement for this case is incomplete. Please
    submit the requested Affidavit of Support form(s) and/or financial
    evidence, as indicated on the checklist. The requested information must
    be submitted to the NVC for this file to continue processing.

    so what i need to include when sending the required document back 2 NVC. How much time they will take 2 complete my case when i send the AOS document. Thanks i advance.how much time it will take for medical & interview if my case gets completed by the end of this month.Mine embassy is New Delhi INDIA. I m bit worried abt VB retrogression as Mexcio has gone back 2 2012.God bless u all

  5. hey guys can anyone tell me wat if ur case has been compleleted by NVC and one is waiting for interview& medical but date retrogress.my case is on final statges and hopefully by 1st week of march my case will b completed by NVC since i have mailed all the required civil documents and paid fees.Please help me out since mexcio had retrogressed and mine country is india which is still on sep 8 2013. thanks in advance

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