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Posts posted by woodgc

  1. It has been a while since I have been here I am haveing some problems at home and am wonderibg what the correct translation of this is. If you are willing to tell me I have a page or two to translate am willing to pay. Also would like some advice on VN culture as I am having some problems and do not knoe the way out.


  2. you may want to read my old RFE post to gather more data but in general make it very clear and ver simple i.e. write nothing on the back because they must turn the item over then. Highlight circle all dates and info. The said that even though my boarding pass and passport visa had same day and month the year was not shown on the boarding pass so I did not prove I was there when I said I was!!!. The year month and day were on the baggage claim stub that was also included. Some people say do not send to much I think in hind sight I would go with alittle less phone records online chats and more reciptes of what where when and why. Again photocopy all onto a 8 by 11 with large spaces left on the front so you can lable in large print who when where. on the RFE I went so far as to circle the calender in the photo of our engagement party and wrote Date on the side.

    When I got done I that any one reading would be insulted as it would apper I thought it was for a idiot to prosses but in reality maybe thats what they wanted and it was very clear sailing through the prosses afterwords. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Vn has a very high fraud rate so the standard they use for Vn visa is most likely higher then other countries

    Good Luck

  3. I got a RFE and one thing they said was photo's with dates were needed claiming mine had none. After the final interview in Sigon I recover the photo's and confermed I had put date in large print on the back of every photo. So dating photo's on back may not help if the moron's the DHS hires to review your package are to stupid or lazy to turn over or read the back of the print.

    My solution was to submit photo's on 8 by 11 photo paper from a color copier and then write the dates & place on the margins on the front, so if the iodiots can read you might have a chance.

    In hind sight the RFE was very help full because after that she had a ton of extra evidence submitted before her interview at the consulate and also had 2 senators and a congressman asking questions. It delayed us maybe 2 months.

    She just recived her green card 6-16

    Blessings all

  4. Just to let every one know My wifes final interview was a month ago and a couple weeks before the date I had a chance to take a quick job that would have neted most of my years income but myself having just gotten back from a job, we decided to let it go. The following week we went to the immigration office Downtown to find out how to change the apt date if another job comes up; all my jobs are unexpected and I leave within 72 hours of getting one. We were told that they only adjust the dates for extreame emergenceys like a death and that you must prove it to them, a new apt could take up to a year to get; if they do not just void her visa. So I would think very very hard before you follow their instructions on the bottom of the appointment form to change the interview date even though the statement is very benign and appers it is not a problem to do; this is very very far from the truth.

    P.S. she passed the interview; it was only about 15 mins; asked me how we meet and why I loved her; asked her the same. my wife is very very funny and when asked if she had ever been arrested she said "Not Yet" the very nice interviewer lady corrected her and says that that is not the correct way to answer the question like that; it is a simple "No"

    My wife apoligized for the poor humor and things went on well from there. I thought it was quite funny myself, both the joke and her dressing down, but managed to contain all but a slight giggle.



  5. popped the question 3 hours or less after fist physical contact. meet online; she wanted to brush up on her english. first a couple emails and then chatting 4-6 hours / day for the first 9 months except while I was traveling 2 6 weeks trips or in Vn with her. First time we meet had talk every day for hours we instantly clicked and have been clicking ever since. married now 6 month and living happily in USA. Why would it seemed rushed if one had already chatted for a few hundrend hours??? after the first 9 mounts we weened down to an hour or 2 a day but I decided that going to VN every couple months a better option.

  6. Well it has been awhile and I see an interesting post so here are my wanted or unwanted four bits.

    #1 havening live in other countries and lived and worked all over the USA yes the north and south thing really exists; its life live with it. try walking into a restaurant in southern, way south, Louisiana and asking the waitress to take the order from your black friend first, since he sat down 5 min before you. (a test we came up with so he could prove some things to me- he was right) you will see a big difference between north and south USA, some of it is very funny some very sad.

    #2 the one thing I have noticed about my wife’s and most likely any one born or raised after the takeover of the south – she is from the south-. Their views were formed in a much propagandized educational system and being from the south I was surprised to here some of her remarks during our private conversations. I have nicely told her that when we are in the company of American VN and most importantly X-refugees she should be very careful what she says as she will be misunderstood and maybe hurt someone’s feelings. I WILL ADD SHE IS VERY SMART AND DOES REALIZE MUCH OF WHAT SHE WAS TAUGHT WAS B.S. but it is very hard not to fall into what was pumped into your head for 20 years

    #3 having lived and worked with people that escaped from the eastern block commie countries, when one needed to escape, I have learned that propaganda truly works people truly believe it. Please read Thought reform and the psychology of totalism by Robert jay Lifton if you have questions on this stuff.

    #4 remember most people are really great but bad folks do exist so do not feel persecuted or if you really do feel this way get some good counseling help; Help your lady understand that many american VN people went through a very different experience then her and we always need to listen to other peoples thoughts in order to grow; Plant seeds not mushrooms!!!!

    Good Luck

  7. My wife lived in HCMC and we waited almost 3.5 weeks for ours. As a note it would apper that from the time HCMC said it was mailed and it was actually mailed was almost 3 weeks so it apperes aftr it is "mailed" it can sit in some office a long time. I think the only thing you can go by is if it is longer then 3 weeks pick it up in person.

    Yes I know that means a plane ride

    Good Luck


    as a side note there is a wide range in times for the interview date we gt a 13 day notice and i meet people that only had 8 days notice so it is sometining to call about evey week once the package 3 is in seems to take 60-90 days for an interview

  8. Her interview was on Oct 5th and we picked up the visa on Oct 10th.

    Since they seemed happy that I was waitting outside the consulate during her interview and since they did take my military and merchant marine ID's, I can only assume it helped that I was present.

  9. Well her interview was a snap. We got safely to the USA yesterday morning so I decided I had best post her questions.

    She had a very nice older man for her interview; he treated her very well. Her interview was less the five min. and I think that they were only verifying who she was and that she could speak English.

    By this I mean they had already decided our case ahead of time and the interview was just a triple check.

    She was asked what my name was answered XYZ

    She was then asked what she called me and she said X but her lovers name for me was Capt. Joe at which he laughed leading us to believe he read our online chats and jknew what that meant. -- We had provided several days chats in the initial K-1 package.

    Next was how many times I had visited -- 5 times --- when was the first trip and how long it was -- Nov 2005 and for 2 weeks ---

    How was the 5th trip --- he is waiting out side--- he laughs again

    What was your Job Before? XYZ

    He asked to see our first emails she handed him a stack of our chats between her and my kids so he could look at them while she dug for the first emails; she had put them at the bottom of the stack with the kids email so it was the interviewer that found them as she looked franticly for where they had disappear too. He laughs at this also

    He spent 1 min flipping quickly through our pictures about 50-75 of them

    He said enjoy America with your husband and she corrected him and said we are not married yet he laughs at that comment and the gave her the pink slip she said thanks so much and said have a nice evening and then corrected herself and said she meant afternoon he laughs again and said he will and he will have a nice evening also

    We got to the interview on a Thursday she was scheduled for 1000 went there at ~0830 was seen at ~1145.

    Was told to get the visa at Tuesday at 1600 that took only 30 min Tuesday.

    A Note: as she picked up her visa there was a man there to get a visa and she overheard them tell him sorry all those visa’s have been given out and there is no more allocation available and they can not give him a visa today and they have no idea how or when he can get it .


    AS a said before the Vn staff was very nice and the American staff was exceptionally nice.

    The best advice I got here at VJ was the one on being booted from the interview room as he waited with his fiancée’. I was going to try and go myself to sit with her but changed my mind and instead gave her my passport, Merchant Marine ID, and USN naval reserve ID. When the VN staff went through her papers she asked if they wanted any of it and was told no but later as she was waiting the Vn staff came up to her and asked for both my Merchant Marine ID, and USN naval reserve ID.

    Also we had a RFE in April that asked for some things that they already had – except for a copy of birth cert and translation—it had really upset me since some of the things they already had; photos with dates on etc. The RFE gave us the opportunity to include even more data; my 2ed trip photos with the engagement party pictures and at that time I included copies of my Merchant Marine ID, and USN naval reserve ID which I had not in the initial package; I can only assume that helped.

    Any way sorry this took so long and will keep you all posted send your questions I will be online more now that I am back in USA



  10. She passed she noted that 2 girls speaking throuh translators also passes. Every one very nice to her. Vn staff very helpful American intervier very very nice; quick 5 mins no problems very smooth.

    Thanks for all the good info I will fill in the very big blanks when we are in the states


  11. Thanks for all the imput,

    I consider it very reasonable to get her ticket ahead of time. It was a good price, good for 1 year and no charge to change it so keep on the big picture folks; My buying a ticket should not be the big point of all this once we all exchanged the orignal ideas on price. In a nut shell good price good exchange change policy we wanted to do it; and really if blowing $650USD is the price of her walking into the interview with a big smile confident and her head held high I say thats a pretty cheap price and not a gamble at all. etc.

    And thanks for the I got thrown out info That really helps decide what to do and go Thursday morning



  12. My ticket was $950 total JAL hers was $650 JAL bought in Saigon. I got the tickets because we plan to pass and the emotional boost of my being with her and her getting the ticket is tremendous. It is what we want to do and staring at papers all day does not help the situation.

    we have superb evidence, 5 trips to Vn total almost 3 months toghere ,hundreds of hours of chats ,a couple thousands in phone calls, good income, Pictures, engagement ceremony etc. if we do not get pink it is just one of those things and we will hunker down for the long haul but for now it is Think Pink.

    We got an RFE on what I considered very questionable questions so we are use to having solid data and still hitting road blocks but we pray it goes smooth this time.

    I understand you can not be at the interview but it sounds -- read some posts -- that you can wait in the lobby???? Does anyone have thoughts on this???????



  13. Got off the phone Thursday night with the consulate and our interview is Oct 5th; last week they said some time in Oct and call back at the end of the month.

    While I was online Friday evening giving her the news her package 4 arrived the letter in it was signed Sept 19 mailed Sept 21 received Sept 22. Our Package 3 spent 3.5 weeks in mail limbo!!!

    So do not think you have or will get a large heads up we have only 14 days notice!!

    Right know JAL has a special on tickets HONO to SGN $953 total but her 1 way return is $1500 and a round trip from SGN is $2300 I was told to see if JAL in SGN has a better price; anyone have any advice on the best way to get her ticket???????????


    Capt Joe and Logic Girl

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