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Posts posted by Lieram14

  1. My fiance has her interview scheduled for wed 19 march. We had planned for her to do medical this week but somethimg came up where she couldnt go. Is it possible for her to get it done on monday and tuesday and still do the interview on wednesday? The next available looks like late may so I really dont want to reschedule if I dont have to. Thanks.

  2. Marry her there, then do what the heck you want. I'd say your fiancee could cut them off from the support to, and say it won't come back unless they agree to sign. But I doubt most Filipinas would play that kind of hard ball with their parents. Sounds to me that its not that they don't want you to get married, they just don't want their meal ticket leaving the country and forgetting about them. I know my wife's mother is forever grateful that she didn't forget about her family there when she moved to the USA. It was one of her mother's biggest fears. And that wasn't about money, it was about being in contact and caring about them. How much more fearful would her parents be if they're dependent on her for survival?

    I'm already too far into the K1 process to think about marrying her in the Philippines. I'm loosely planning the flight for April 16 and I really don't want to delay her coming here another year by canceling the K1. Although she's not the quiet type, I seriously doubt she'll play hardball like that to her parents. I've told her to just keep talking to her mother and reassuring her that they will stay in touch and she won't be forgotten about. My fiance is going to let her have her iphone and pocket wifi with the promise that I'll keep them both loaded(within reason) so they can skype. Right now that looks like the only option we have besides rolling the dice at the CFO interview.

  3. You don't need it to get married in the US. That's correct. However, the CFO often asks for these documents in order to proceed with the Seminar and/or to get the CFO Sticker to leave the country. It's not a requirement for the K1 Visa process.

    That's what my biggest concern about this whole thing is tight there. That after all the time and red tape to get a the K1 approved, that she'll be sitting in the Philippines with an approved visa ready to go but not able to leave because of not having a CFO sticker.

  4. Practical solution: Your fiancée may be able to convince her parents that the only way she will be able to support them is to go to the U.S and marry you.

    Impractical solution: Your fiancée could petition the court to grant the power of attorney to one of her cooperative aunts or uncles. Then, the aunt or uncle could sign the parental advice form.

    Gambler's solution: Your fiancée could take her chances at the CFO seminar without the parental advice form. It seems that, since the CFO has taken over putting on the seminar, they aren't as strict as PRISM and St. Mary's were about parental advice. This could be a good option for someone who is confident and assertive, but it's probably not a good idea for the shy types because the CFO picks on them.

    I like options one and three. 1. Even though she's not the oldest she's still considered the bread winner for the family. I'll never understand how parents can have so many kids and then pick one to be totally dependent on for support. 2. She has an Aunt that would be willing to go along with this but for now it seems unnecessary. 3. I've read so many time on VJ that it wasn't even asked for at CFO. My fiance is not the she shy type and would be more likely to argue the point rather than accept defeat and walk away silently.

  5. Looks like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place without their signatures. There is no way of getting around this situation legally. See the following taken from the USEM website:

    A judge, a minister or any other person authorized by the Government of the Philippines can perform the marriage. Marriage applicants aged 18 to 21 must have written parental consent. Applicants aged 22 to 24 must have received parental advice. Philippine law prohibits the marriage of individuals under the age of 18.

    The best you can do is to continue to convenience them by your actions. Keep in contact and visit. Two years sounds like a long time to have to wait but if she is worth the wait then you will need to put in the time. I waited 5 years for my fiancé as we worked through all the issues that came with our relationship. We worked through all of them, one at a time, and a week ago Friday we were married.

    This is your moment to shine. Good luck.

    I'm blue in the face from conveniencing them. I've always been super nice to them in person and taken care of almost every 'emergency' situation that comes up. I've paid for a funeral, provided food and electricity, money for phones and entertainment. I'm at the end of my rope with them.

    Correct me if im wrong but...theyre not allowed to get married in the Philippines since they are already processing the fiancee's k1 visa, right?? Unless they will just withdraw it, which is a huge waste of time and money. I think he was asking about the parental consent for the cfo seminar.

    Lieram14, does she really need to have that consent to attend CFO even if she's already 22?

    That's kind of what my question is about. Since she is 22 she only needs advice. When she goes to CFO, if she doesn't have the Letter of Advice signed by her parents will she be rejected? She will have the top portion of that letter filled out and signed by herself certifying that she sought advice from her parents but that advice was refused. In my mind that's as good as gold since advice doesn't equal permission, consent equals permission.

    well, you've certainly got a big problem to suss out,

    having an IV Interview date of 3/19 this year.

    does mom want her daughter to be an OFW instead?

    Not sure if Mom knows what she wants. She said that we could marry, that part is clear, but she doesn't want her daughter to leave. I tried to reason that a husband and wife should live together and she said I should move to Philippines instead. Even after I told her that I have to work in the US at least eight more years before I can get a military retirement she didn't budge.

    I think it will just slow you down, not stop you.


    The rule on parental advice is found under Article 15 of the Family Code. It states that any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor.

    A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought, together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement.

    However, if the marriage license is issued within the said three months and the parties were able to get married on the basis of such marriage license, the said marriage is completely valid but will subject the parties to civil, criminal or administrative liabilities in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 3 of the Family Code of the Philippines which states that:

    “An irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the validity of the marriage but the party or parties responsible for the irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and administratively liable.”

    So reading this it sounds like my fiance should go to the CFO asap so the three month clock starts clicking early but it's still not clear since this talks about issuing a marriage license. She's technically not applying for a marriage license, just clearance to leave the Philippines to get married.

  6. While in Manila I called the number given on the HK website, +852-2860-6558 (http://hongkong.usconsulate.gov/iv_polclear.html) and asked for instructions. They said if outside HK then to mail the required documents to the address given and they will mail the clearance directly to USEM. The exact instructions given on the website. Here are a few notes on the process:

    - No bank will cut the $205HK draft unless you are an account holder. We went to BPI no problems except for the long wait.

    - I had to grease the palm of the desk chief at the police department in Pasay with 2,000 php in order to get the fingerprints done. He acted like it was against the rules and he would get in trouble if caught. When my fiance went in the back to have the prints taken, he told everyone she was his niece and was doing her a favor. It seemed shady but whatever, we got them done.

    - When mailing, have the envelope already sealed and don't mention a check! I tried to use DHL at a pack and ship place in the Mall of Asia but they refused to send it with a check inside. Finally sent it through 2Go at MOA. They will need an actual name for a contact on the envelope. Had to call the above number again and was told to use the name Mrs. Hui.

    - I also sent an application form, standard personal data form, and fingerprint consent form (downloaded from http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/08_forms/) along with the fingerprints, color copy of her passport with HK visa, COPY of letter received from NVC with the MNL# and a full english copy of the letter from USEM with section e highlighted and flagged.

    Right now it's a waiting game. My fiance's interview is March 19 so there should be plenty of time for this to be processed and sent to the Embassy.

    I have never done a police clearance but from what I have read to get the police clearance for HK you need to go through the HK consulate there in Manila/Makati. I know there are a few that have done this on VJ just not sure if they are still around.

    Hong Kong Embassy in Philippines

    4896 Pasay Road Dasmarinas Village
    P.O.BOX 0063-2
    Makati City
    Metro Manila
    Website URL:

    Keep us posted.


  7. Hello. Just got back from visiting my fiance for 10 days yesterday. Had a great time as always. I think I may have a problem with my fiance getting her parents to agree for her to leave.

    A little background; I've been to the Philippines four times and I've met her parents three of those times. When we've gone to Quezon province to visit them I've slept in their home, drank with her father and friends and met a lot of her family and neighbors. I generally feel I have a good relation with her whole family with no indications of disapproval. I was there for three weeks last May and I asked her Father personally if I could marry his daughter. He and his wife both agreed it was good.

    On this visit however, my fiance told me that her Mother had told her that she didn't want her to leave the Philippines. We only stayed in Quezon one night this time due to the short stay but that night I sat around with her parents and many neighbors drinking, good times, and the next afternoon there was a huge combined birthday party for her father and 72 year old Lola. For her Fathers birthday I paid 20K php to have the electricity installed in her parents house. They are very poor. At the party I talked to her Mother telling her how much I loved her daughter, that I wanted her to be with me in the US and we would visit often and plan to move to Philippines permanently later on. She has limited english but she understood enough to tell me 'No, big big no! You can be married but she needs to stay here in Philippines.'

    As of now her Mother won't budge and her Father is of course taking the same stance. My fiance is 22 years old (I am 38) and my understanding is that she only needs to have Advice of Parents. I've seen the example letters on visaconnection-philippines (thanks Hank_) and my question is if my fiance signs and has notarized the Advice of Parents and indicates that advise was refused, without parents signatures, will this be OK at the CFO interview or will it be a show stopper?

    We both believe that the reason her Mother is refusing is because she will miss her daughter. My fiance will keep talking to her Mother to change her mind but she may not be able to. They are close to the extent that they speak/text almost every day when her Mother has a load but my fiance hasn't lived with her parents in seven years. She has lived and worked three hours away in her Aunts bakery since she was 15 to go to high school. Two years ago she went to Hong Kong to work for six months, her parents were in agreement then by the way. My fiance has lived by herself in her own apartment for the last nine months and regularly sends money to her parents who cannot (read will not) work.

  8. We're doing it in Manila. I went ahead and scheduled an appointment for mid March to account for the time it will take to get the HK clearance. Ideally if I all the paperwork, she could go ahead and mail the request. We'll both be in Manila next week so it looks like we may just have to stop by the Embassy unless there is another way. What are your thoughts Hank? By the way, I cant begin to explain how much your guides and advice have helped me so far and I thank you.

  9. Hi! Need help please. Does anyone know of any not-so-expensive hotel or a good place to stay for the night near CFO Manila? Planning to attend CFO soon.

    Thanks in advance! smile.png

    Try looking on airbnb.com I booked a condo next to MOA next week for ten days for $414 total. There are good places cheap all over Manila.

  10. How often did you call NVC after your petition was approved?

    Since i was waiting through Christmas and New Year I only called twice. Once two days before I got it and then finally when I got the number.

    (On a side note, somehow my math was all screwed upoops8rh.gif . I received the MNL number 17 days after I got the text/email that it was mailed to the NVC. Not bad considering the holidays were stuffed in there)

  11. Hello everyone, here's a question for anyone who has had to get a police clearance from Hong Kong.

    I've searched the forum and a few other resources but I can't seem to find the answer. I need to start the process of getting a HK police clearance for my fiance before I can make an appointment. I have the instructions here: http://hongkong.usconsulate.gov/iv_polclear.html

    My question is about requirement number 2. See, I obtained the MNL# by calling the NVC and I have not received anything from them in the mail with the MNL# on it and I've read that they don't send anything for K1 visas so where and how do I get a photocopy of the letter from NVC which contains his/her name and the checklist of documents from the NVC?

    Thank you kindly

    An applicant residing outside Hong Kong must submit the following items. Please note that documents issued in languages other than Chinese or English, must be accompanied by an official transcript, in Chinese or English, endorsed either by the issuing authority or a certified translation services body.

    1. A photocopy of his/her Hong Kong Identity Card or valid travel document;
    2. A photocopy (for each applicant) of the letter from NVC which contains his/her name and the checklist of documents necessary for obtaining a visa (the one that references the need for police certificates);
    3. A photocopy of a document proving his/her relationship with the principal applicant for the visa if item #2 does not contain the applicant's name;
    4. a full set of the applicant's fingerprints taken and certified by a recognized and official police or law enforcement agency where the applicant currently resides. Certification of the fingerprints must clearly state: (i) the full name and rank of the person taking the prints, (ii) the full name of the police or law enforcement agency with their official chop; and (iii) the date and place the prints were taken. Prints that do not clearly show certification will be refused. Fingerprints taken by the applicant him/herself, a legal representative or private/commercial agency are also unacceptable.
    5. a bank draft in the amount of HK$205 per person, made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region." The draft must be payable in Hong Kong. A personal cheque in Hong Kong dollars, which is issued and authorized by any licensed banks in Hong Kong, is also acceptable.
  12. I just moved from the Tokyo area after being stationed there for four years and I've made the trip to Narita and Haneda many times. One serious issue you need to look into is transportation between the two airports. With light traffic it could take two hours at best to transit. Add that with time it takes to get your pass through immigration, get your luggage, find WHERE your transportation starts and then the check-in process at Haneda you're going to be cutting it extremely tight. I would suggest calling the airline and see if they arrange travel for the airport change. If not, the only way I see you will make it will be to take the Narita Express to Haneda. You'll have to be quick but you can make it. Ask for help inside the airport at a customer service desk. Once you go down the escalator to the train station hardly any one speaks english.

    Or you could just re-route your flight with a POE in Seattle so you don't have to change airports.

  13. Hello, could someone please explain what this means:

    • No valid record can be found for the entered receipt number. Please validate that your receipt number is correct and that you have paid the correct amount for the visa which you are applying for. [XXXXXXXX]

    My fiance paid the visa fee yesterday at BPI, around 15 hours ago, does this message mean that the payment has not yet posted to the embassy? I've tried all the numbers on the receipt and also her passport number but I get the same message. I just hope I'm being impatient instead of there being a problem. Thanks.

  14. I'm going back to Manila the last two weeks of January and decided to stay in a condo I found on airbnb.com. It's near MOA at the Sea Residences. Total for 10 nights is $464. The pics look as nice as any area hotel but has a full kitchen and is not as expensive. I'll give a full review once I return.

  15. I used to use Remithome for a three day delivery straight to her account. Lately I've been using remitly to send instantly. They even have an android app and I promise I don't work for them. They actually call her and she has the choice of picking it up at a local bank or having it deposited in her account. Done about eight transfers over the last five months without a problem.

  16. We just received our NOA2 today that our I-129F was approved. 23 days from NOA1 to NOA2!!! Next NVC... Good luck everyone!

    "On December 13, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283."

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