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Posts posted by Asia123

  1. Hi,

    The U.S. Embassy is well aware of the common fraud of transferring money to the applicant so she can point to it as her resource. Don't try this.


    My mom recently sold a property which was worth over $15,000. We are well aware of these frauds and how US embassy looks at huge recent transactions in your account. Unfortunately , we never thought of this because it was my moms money and she was confident about it but being honest sometimes can go against you. When the consuler asked about the money I guess they should have told the truth that they sold a property but my mom thought that would also go against her because the consuler would think that she is selling all her assets and planning to settle down in US. I mean if you look at it from any angle that would have a negative effect on her visa approval . I am so confused what to do now

  2. If she has no intentions of staying in the US her only option of the two would be the tourist visa. An immigrant visa is only for those who intend to come to the US and stay. The fact that you live here, your father will be living here soon, and your mom already showed intentions of immigrating, probably means the chances of them believing she does not have immigrant intent is very slim. All you can do is have her apply for the tourist visa and see what happens. My guess is you and your father will have to visit her.

    Good luck!


    Thanks for your reply . I visit pakistan almost every year but it's my dream that my mom come once and visit me. Let me ask you something,the consuler specifically asked about the funds in my moms account in the interview . The consuler asked "where did the 10 lakhs come from in your account"? My dad owns a business and my brother told the consuler they own a business but I guess the counselor wasn't convinced because the account wasn't active in the past months and they saw a deposit of 10 lakhs in the account which was a recent transaction.My 25 year old brother, he goes to university also applied for a tourist visa with my mom and for some reason I think that's why my mom didn't get a visa because it's very hard for young men to get a tourist visa in Pakistan . Let me ask you something if my mom gets a travelers check for 10 lakhs or more will that make any difference because travelers check is just like cash because another lawyer told me to show significant amount of money . I am just desperate to have her over this summer. My brother would not re apply , so isn't that a good reason for my mom to go back to her country? Will the counselor look at this way? also I wanted to ask if I file a I-130 petition for my brother how long will it take? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.?

  3. Hi,

    I am a U.S citizen, I filed an I-130 petition for my both parents in December 2013.My dad got his immigrant visa and will be coming to the U.S next week however my mom wasn't sure if she wants to move to the U.S. She is very close to her siblings, and family plus she was building her house in Pakistan at that time so she decided to withdraw her petition. Anyways, I never contacted NVC for a year regarding her petition but then she got a letter that her case has been dismissed. To make the long story short, now that my father is coming next week she also wanted to visit with him for 2 months , she has no intention to stay in the U.S she applied for a tourist visa and got denied. My question is can I file I-130 petition for her again ? Will Nvc review it differently and will there be any problems getting her an immigrant visa ? My dad didn't have any problem getting a visa. Or what are the chances of tourist visa if we re apply? Please help !!!!

  4. Boiler,

    I had only filed an immigrant petition for my mother , not my brother . I said I made a mistake by withdrawing her case while in the process even if she didn't want to live in the US she could atleast visit once and then she could does abandon her green card. I guess the immigrant petition filed and then withdrawing raised red flags. I just want to re apply for my mother visit visa again not brother . One other question , can I re apply for immigrant petition for my mom again?I understand that I have to pay the fee again .

  5. Boiler, if they wanted to immigrate then why would she ask me to withdraw her immigrant petition . We withdrew her case because she realized that she cannot settle in the US at this age otherwise she had no problem getting an immigrant visa. She just wants to visit me this summer for 2 months and I mentioned all these details in her ds-160 but I guess consuler wasn't convinced .

  6. J&ana thanks for your reply . My mother and brother had all the necessary documents to show the consuler . My mom recently built a house and had the deed to show , my brother goes to college he had the documents, but they never asked for a single document . The interview duration was hardly a minute I mean how can you prove your strong ties to your country if the consuler doesn't even allow you to show that document . What do you suggest at this point ? What shall I do ? Re apply or don't bother re appling ?

  7. Hi , my 25 year old brother and 55 year old mom were refused a visit visa last week based on 214b. The consuler asked few questions and gave no reason of refusal. She asked my brother "how old are you"? Asked for the bank statement , she didn't even look at my inviation letter or tax returns . I am very frustrated please give me any suggestion when to re apply for only my mother ? The refusal note says that we should not re apply soon unless there are some major changes in the circumstances . My brother not applying again with my mother I think is a major change what do you suggest? I'm thinking of re applying in April . by the way I am a US citizen living in US for 15 years and the consuler also asked my mother that how long have I been living in the US. My dad has a green card but the consuler didn't ask anything about my father . I had also filed an immigrant petition for my mother 2 years ago but then she changed her mind about moving to the US and we withdrew her case which I think was the biggest mistake . Please tell me what to do now as I want my mother to visit me this summer plzzzzz help ????

  8. Correct. Do not mention them on each others I-864 because they each have their separate I-130 and I-864 forms.

    Yes, you check the box for part 6 #4 and put $0 in #5. Then list your husband as Person 1 and fill out his info in #6a - 6c. Then list his income again for #10 and check the box for #11 since he is supplying an I-864A to go along with your I-864. You will need an I-864 from you and an I-864A from him for each parent.

  9. Asia u have to fill out every thing under ur name immigration dont need any affidavit of support papers rigt now they need it when they approved ur pettion so at that use ur husband as cosponsor

    Shami, my parent's I-130 petition has already been approved, AOA fees has been paid just having difficulty completing the I-864 forms as they are very confusing in some parts.

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    Thank you very much Jay-Kay for a comprehensive reply!

    I have filed petition for both of my parents concurrently so do I count my mom in household size part 5 I-864 in my dad's form or vise versa in my mom's form? Or I just don't need to mention them in each others form because its considered a "separate " visa petition.

    Since I dont work do I check Part 6 # 4?

    And do I put $0 in part 6 # 5? And then put my husband's income in part 6.c?

    Thank you very much for your quick, clear, and detailed answer.

  10. Thank you very much Jay-Kay for a comprehensive reply!

    I have filed petition for both of my parents concurrently so do I count my mom in household size part 5 I-864 in my dad's form or vise versa in my mom's form? Or I just don't need to mention them in each others form because its considered a "separate " visa petition.

    Since I dont work do I check Part 6 # 4?

    And do I put $0 in part 6 # 5? And then put my husband's income in part 6.c?

    Thank you very much for your quick, clear, and detailed answer.

  11. You fill out part 6 of your I-864. The petitioner is always the primary sponsor. Your husband will be filling out the I-86A as your household member. His info and income will be entered as Person 1(#6a-c) and your combined income(which will be just his amount again since you have none) will be entered on #10. You will check the box for #11, The total income from your taxes will be the same on your I-864 as on his I-864A since you file married jointly.

  12. Hello, I am the petitioner, I filed I-130 for my parents but I don't work. My husband is going to take the financial responsibility for my parents because his income meets the poverty guideline requirements. Now I understand that my husband has to fill out the I-864A but then who fills out the I-864? Who is considered the "sponser" in I-864? Is it going to be me the "petitioner" or my husband?In this case if its me and I don't work then who fills part 6 (all questions )of the form. It is so confusing. My husband files his taxes as a couple.

    Thank you very much in advance

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