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Posts posted by MD & NM

  1. the best way to make an Medic Appointment in Kenya is to email to this email mrfnbommsc@iom.int

    include all your Fiancee info name date of birth, his/her NRB case number and explain when you want so they can give you around the same time its very easy and legitimate

    when I did mind as a petitioner i just said I need to make an appointment for my fiance and they email me back in view days with the appointments date and info

    good luck

    Thanks. I appreciate. I just got NOA2 approval today online. Now to the NVC.

  2. Just finished my medical and will come back tomorrow for the result...and I have checked our case via CEAC and said it is now READY FOR INTERVIEW...WOW!....thank God! I need to bring with me this notice to the SLEC tomorrow....:-) God bless me with good results for my medical...:-) and we have scheduled my interview on October 24, too...they allowed us to make the appointment via phone even if they dont have yet the hardcopy of our case yet...the lady at first didn't want to schedule us and so my fiance was just quiet listening to her on the other line while talking and explaining things but eventually (thanks to her), she said to my fiance that she will allow it but we should make sure to check first if they have our case before the interview or else we will have to reschedule it...but now since it says at the CEAC that it is READY...so it means that my interview date is final already! Thank GOD! :-)


  3. We're now outside (at the bad end!) the range of VJ's estimated adjudication dates. 75 days since NOA1 and 73 days since our case was touched.

    Does anyone have any insight into the reasons some cases sit unapproved while most of the others around them are processed?

    Who else from July is still waiting on NOA2? I take my hat off to you, it can be incredibly exasperating!

    It seems it just random can be a batch assigned to lazy officer it makes no sense since now 08/15/13 applications are being approved. Was yours transferred to Texas? Did u check online on uscis.gov the status. I recently saw an application go from RFE on 09/18/2013 to Initial processing due to a bad address . The mail was returned. https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/Dashboard/CaseStatus.do . EAC1390587928.

  4. Hello everyone,

    My fiance filled petition in jan 2013, it was approved on 23rd Aug, then NVC recieved it on 16 Sept. It has taken over 9 months for all that to happen.

    After NVC recieving the file they sent email with NRB number which i used to have my medicals done inclusive my son.

    Could someone advise if this could affect during my interview at the embassy since medicals were done way earlier before my file gets to the embassy in Nairobi?

    I will be grateful hearing your views.



    LYNE according to9 my understanding the earlier your Medical the better but its taking 1 week for your file to get to Nairobi track it here .


    Hi everyone. My fiance's visa was approved yesterday! This thread has been such a big help to us throughout the process that I wanted to share our experiences here in case they can be of assistance to anyone else. I will try to give as much detail as possible, as that is what provided the greatest support to us. His 7 year old daughter was also approved. I mention details about her occasionally. Please message me if you have specific questions about what the process is like with a child. I had a hard time finding information about K-1 with kids involved.

    Starting from NOA-2:

    We received this in early June. By mid-June, our case was at the NVC. I called one time about 10 days after we received the NOA-2, and the woman at the NVC was able to confirm this for us. By the end of June, our case had reached Nairobi. I received an email confirming this and pointing us toward a page on the Nairobi consulate's website that listed instructions for Packet 3 and links to all required forms in preparation for the interview. We read conflicting directions from a few different sources--the instructions from the Nairobi consulate website had fewer requirements than were listed on the US Dept of State website, so we decided to fill out everything just to be safe. All forms, including DS-230 were needed at the interview.

    Once all of our paperwork was complete, around mid-July, we called IOM to schedule his medical exam. We called several times over the course of a few days without reaching anyone. When we finally spoke to someone, she informed us that we needed to schedule by email. We had to wait a number of days to hear back via email as well, but were finally granted a medical exam for Aug 2. Directions on this email from IOM were confusing. See below for more explanation.

    Then, through the CSC Visa Information Service website for Kenya, paid our MRV fee using mpesa (my fiance lives in Uganda) which was quite simple. Just follow the very clear directions given on the website. With the receipt from the MRV payment, we were able to schedule the visa interview in Nairobi. The calendar was pretty empty and we were able to schedule for the exact day we wanted, though there were appointments available as early as 4 days from when we logged in.

    In Nairobi, Medical:

    Preparing for his medical exam, my fiance's email from IOM said he needed to pay before his actual exam by obtaining a payment slip from IOM the day before. This was confusing, since the directions also state that the exact fees cannot be determined until you have your exam and are informed which vaccines are necessary. He went to IOM (which has moved but is now around the corner from the US Embassy. The physical address listed in the email they send you is now correct) the day before his medical to obtain the payment slip but they were very busy and told him not to worry about paying and to just come back the next day for his exam. He returned the following day (a Friday) for his exam. He consulted with the doctor who gave him the short list of vaccines he and his daughter needed and took his chest x-ray and blood work. His daughter had her skin TB test done as well. They received their payment slips with the total amount owed. Fortunately, the bank where IOM asks you to make the payment is just down the street from the clinic and located within Village Market, a lovely mall with food, shopping and free wifi. This day was very quick. They arrived around 8am and were out before 10am. They noted that the facility was packed and very cold, however they were allowed in and out during their wait, and food and beverages were also permitted.

    Day 2 of the medical exam was on Monday. All results from tests and the x-ray were back and my fiance and his daughter received their vaccines. The doctor who examined them was nice and friendly. Their visa interviews were scheduled for that Wed, so my fiance inquired to ensure that the medical report would reach the embassy in time (IOM sends it automatically) and he assured them it would be fine and even wrote that this case was urgent. This process was easy, but took a long time. They arrived at 8am and didn't leave until 2pm.

    In Nairobi, Interview:

    My fiance and his daughter had their interview scheduled for 7:15am that Wednesday. They arrived by 6:45am and were immediately let into the building and waited in a short line. During the next hour or so, they were called up to 3 different windows and submitted all of the paperwork and supporting documentation through various people. Everyone was kind and polite.

    After a short wait, they were called into their interview. The woman who interviewed them was a young American and was very friendly. She asked my fiance:

    1. How did you and your fiance meet?

    2. What does she do?

    My fiance has legal guardianship of his daughter and brought proof of this through the court orders. The interviewer asked to see these, but didn't have any questions about them and did not speak to my fiance's daughter at all. I have read a number of threads debating whether or not court orders work for proving legal guardianship. Many say no, but we had no problems.

    The woman then told them everything looked fine and that their visa was approved. She told them their passports would be ready to be collected from a DHL office within a week, but most likely sooner, and that we can track them online.

    It wasn't until he returned to his hotel that my fiance realized the embassy had kept his and his daughter's original birth certificates and a few other original copies of important paperwork. Not sure if this is normal. I've looked around a bit for help, but there are differing thoughts. We called the embassy back after realizing this and they said they should be returned to us in a folder when we pick up the passports. I hope so!

    That's our story! We still sort of can't believe we are through this step and can now breathe a sigh of relief. A few things we learned from observing others' in the process:

    1. Bring correct sized passport photos and bring more than enough copies. We were asked for extras at the interview.

    2. Bring 2 copies of all documents with you to the interview, even if it doesn't say that you need them.

    3. If you are unsure of whether or not to sign a document, don't sign. They will help you at the embassy.

    4. Female interviewers seemed nicer than men. I've read that a lot on this site, and didn't want to believe it, but my fiance also noticed that the male interviewers were cold and less polite. That being said, don't despair if you get a man. Tell the truth and you will be fine.

    5. Select the DHL at Village Market to pick up your passport. It is the closest location to the embassy, so its likely to get there sooner than the other locations.

    Tips for staying in Nairobi if you are also from Uganda:

    1. It is more expensive here than in Uganda. Be prepared.

    2. There are many cheap hotels in the city center. We stayed at Terminal Hotel. It is in a great location--across from a Nakumatt and a Java's Coffee. It is around $30 a night and is clean with hot water, mosquito nets and free wifi. It is about a $10 taxi ride from there to IOM and the embassy.

    3. Learn the bus and matatu routes--they are far cheaper than taking a taxi everywhere.

    4. Plan to stay there longer than you'd think. We've been here over a week now and have a few more days wait until the passports are ready.

    Best of luck to all. Feel free to message me with any other questions.


    k and r

    KLRM Many thanks for posting your experience it was Awesome for people needing information.

  5. What format is the NVC tracking number so you may book an appointment?

    For Kenya the police certificate is the certificate of good conduct from CID correct? Plus how do yo get an interview scheduled? By NVC or yourselves and were their dates closer than 2 months for Embassy appointments? Finally in Kenya there is no packet 3 you just make the appointment once it’s at NVC correct? Please provide guidance on this.

  6. For Kenya the police certificate is the certificate of good conduct from CID correct? Plus how was your interview scheduled? By NVC or yourselves and were their dates closer than 2 months for Embassy appointments? Finally in Kenya there is no packet 3 you just make the appointment once it’s at NVC correct. Please provide guidance on this.

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