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Posts posted by JohninAZ

  1. So they arrived in May on a K1, and we have done everything we needed and currently have an appointment for the "interview" on the 24th but we have yet to receive anything for her daughter (13) so she can fly back to China later this summer. I thought given she wasn't being issued a green card her adjustment of status would have been handled by now. If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it or do I need to call someone for an update ?

    TIA, John

  2. Here in AZ we had an ### of a doctor who you could tell hated his job, besides the fact that he was busy every time we went to his office (Ill explain) he spent all of 5 minutes with us the first time, 5 shots later and $395 we were done. Whats funny is he wouldn't even look at any of the documents supplied from her exam there.

    So we go back for him to view the TB test on her arm and get the sign documents to file her AOS and he says, oh...... you have TB ! I was so pissed, I said no.... she doesn't and he needs to view her medical records from China and I had him the information and he says he can't read it because its in Chinese ! I said what can't you read its translated in English !

    So then he looks at the info and her arm (basically her skin was normal Caucasian color and not Chinese yellow but not red or pink)and says she need a chest X ray. So that was another $95.00. What a scam... they only have I think it was 5 doctors in AZ, what a joke.

    The worse part of this was saying she had TB and her spending the next 2 days (till we got the x ray results) crying, apologizing, thinking she was going to be made to return to China until she did some research and found that its rather common that Chinese people test a false positive on the TB test. Anyway, we ended up making 3 trips to see this idiot and I just wanted to post our experience. Really !!! He said right to her face, You Have TB! What an ###.

  3. My now wife believes she left that approval form back in China the beginning of May, we see that its on the checklist for filing the AOS papers and basically are ready to mail. Can I fill out another one online with all that info that was on the original or does she need a stamped version ? If it is needed how do I go about getting another one.

    Thanks in advance !

  4. I love this website sometimes, thanks for all the answers (which doesn't pertain to me directly) and to the question I was going to post. I too had my attorney quote me $1500 per person (fiancé and daughter) then the $1070.00 plus the $130.00 whatever fee so your looking at $5400.00 for both thru the attorney.

    Since she and her daughter are here and we will be getting married in a couple weeks I think its worth the savings to just take the time and do it myself. I did use the attorney for the K1 and K2 and honestly for ME it was well worth it. Still not cheap even without him but was worth the other 2K or so I paid but this, given whats been posted, seems to be something I can absolutely do on my own.

    Thanks again to all who contribute here.

  5. That's what I thought so thank you all for the information. The father hasn't had contact with the child in 10 years (shes 12) and signed the consent to move to the US form without even asking about the child so I am sure he will sign whatever is needed to completely divide himself from her even more and allow me to adopt her. I just don't understand how some parents can disown there children so easily. Happens in the US all the time also. I despise my EX but never once turned my back on my kids. Oh well...... this will all workout as it should also.

  6. So my fiancé and her daughter were approved and will be coming to the US May 16th (yeah!). So my fiancé was divorced, the child has the fathers family name. He signed off for her to come here and there is no support paid ever by him. I have to be able to support both of them when they come here but I am curious if because of the K2 the daughter will assume my family name. If not is this then considered an adoption and I will have to go through that process ?

    Anyone with any experience in this I would greatly appreciate your input.


  7. Thanks, and they asked her 12 year old daughter if she was doing well in school and if she was happy to go to the USA. Also asked if I was a nice man. As far as my fiancé, they didn't ask her to show anything. But, they did ask if she was going to the US, JUST for a green card, if it concerned her I was married and divorced in the past and how we communicate (she speaks good but not great English). Then said ok, you pass that that was it.

    My fiancé used to manage an export manufacturer so she was rather ####### about gather all the documents, pictures and copies of all our chat logs and compiled a folder the size of a 1980's US big city phone book and it seems it was all for nothing.

    Good luck and let us all know how it went.

  8. I posted on a different post about my fiancé's timeline. Approved on the 10th, send for processing on the 11th and they were at her bank in Nanchang on the 18th. Im sure they will arrive soon and all will be good and I hope she feels better soon.

  9. So here is a quick update. As of Tuesday US 14th, China's 15th the US doc site still said her passports were at the consulate. The last 2 days she has said they are having website issues and she cant check it. I asked her to confirm the web address again and she copied the USDoc site me and I went on, plugged in the case number and it said this. We discussed when they go to processing I would buy the plane tickets 14 days out to give enough time for the mail to get them to the bank for pickup.

    Application ID or Case Number: GUZ20XXXXXXXXX 01 GUZ Case Creation Date: 10-Apr-2014 Status Updated Date: 11-Apr-2014
    Your visa is in final processing. If you have not received it in more than 10 working days, please see the webpage for contact information of the embassy or consulate where you submitted your application.

    I changed the case number but if I read this correct it means she should have her passport on or about the 21st. Am I reading this correctly ? But what confuses me is she said it never said this when she check from China but hasn't been able to check the last 2 days. Just curious what others think may cause this since it worked perfect for me.


  10. Congrats, pretty much the same as mine dealt with yesterday. The questions, do her parents approve, does she just want to marry me for a green card (didn't know this till she told me last night)and lastly, does it bother her that I have been married 3 times. Upon answering all 3 he said, your approved. They did ask her daughter if she met me, if she liked me and if she was ok moving to the US.

    Good luck in the future and keep us posted on the passport arrival timeline.

  11. Quick update, my lovely fiancé was approved today, 3 questions but the only real one was why did she want to marry me since I have been married 3 times in past. (2 died and one of 13 years I divorced, yeah I know bad luck) She said I am wonderful man and this should not matter and had a pleasant smile on her face the whole interview. Plus her daughter was also asked about me and said I am very nice and funny man. Anyway, 20 years between us (36-56) and its wait for the passport time then I fly there and bring her to her new home.

  12. So on January 15th I get an email from the Chinese consulate stating that they received all the paperwork for our K 1 but need my fiancés name and mailing information in Chinese in order to send the interview letter to her. In the email there is a link to reply (which I did that same day) I also converted all her information into Chinese characters and forwarded it. That was the 15th, its now Feb 25th and she not gotten the letter and we are both concerned.

    I know we had to deal with Chinese New Years (I was there for 16 days celebrating with her) but given everything is pretty much back to normal I wonder what others thoughts are on this. Can I send the info again ? The link does still open. I know you shouldn't call or bother them but she (fiancé) is way more worried than I am about this.

    Whats the normal turn around time from when they get the info to sending the letter? I would think it would be rather quick. My attorney is rather unclear on this using the New Year as the delay which could be true. Maybe im stressing for nothing but I would like to get some input from others.



  13. Haven't checked in for a while as with the holidays and such its been nuts. I am really surprised as to how fast everything is moving forward, maybe we are just lucky. Now comes the hiccup as mail stops flowing in China in 2 days because of the New Year celebration. We had hoped she would get her letter from the consulate before then and before I arrive back to enjoy new year with her on Feb 1st. My hope was she would get her interview while I was there (3 weeks this time) and get her visa so she and her daughter could just fly back to the US with me. Now it looks like I will probably be home for a week before she gets approved then its back to China for me, LOL.

    I wish everyone luck and while I'm not 100% satisfied (more like 90%) with my attorney I do believe it was money well spent. I will post more on that in the future for those interested.

  14. Real business means its a corporation I own 50% of and a business that generates 1M in revenue and 200K a year in profit. So yes all the documentation for the real business represents this.

    Being self employeed I was a legal entity but just never really showed much profit (taxable income) plus revenue wasnt that high either not that it matters. Even though the past income was 100% legitimate year end income just doesnt show enough to qualify. This is why I held off being serious in my search to find a woman/fiance/bride, until I knew that #1 I could support a family (dont want her to work after we marry unless she wants too) and #2 to meet the income level needed.

    I would think that by the time it all gets rather serious, assuming it will be after Jan 1, I would have this years return from the business and my personal one.

    Thanks for responding and hopefully I cleared up the confusion and would appreciate your thoughts again if you have time.

  15. So I have worked for myself and file returns every year but the last 5 years have shown barely more than the poverty level. So this year things change and I have partnered with someone on a "real" business and have a "real" income (minimum 60K closer to 100 with year end profit but I have no assets). But...... all our K1 papers are going to be filed in the next couple weeks and needless to say the 3 years of tax returns show I don't make enough to support my fiancé and her daughter but my bank statements show my current salary (5K a month) so will they look at this as my future income or do they actually only use the past years as the multiplier ?

    I cant really go back and change last years return but I have been collecting this salary since Oct of last year so there is a 12 month pattern of income that is verifiable.

    Thoughts ?


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