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Posts posted by Gladiator

  1. Hello,

    I married my USC husband in 2010 and have been meaning to register my marriage with the Egyptian government through the Egyptian consulate in the US. I called the Egyptian embassy in DC a few times and they haven't been much help at all. I'm hoping I can get the answers I need here to my questions below.

    1. What paperwork do I need to send the Egyptian Embassy to get my marriage (which took place in the US) registered with the Egyptian government?

    2. Do I need to send anything to DOS?

    3. I changed my last name to my husband's last name. Do I need to change my last name on my Egyptian passport and ID? If I don't, is that going to create much hassle in the future?

    4. We welcomed our firstborn baby daughter in October of this year. I need to start paperwork on her Egyptian citizenship. What paperwork do I need. Can this be done through the embassy in the US or does it have to be done in Egypt?

    Any input would be much appreciated.


    Al Salamu Alaikum Sister,

    For the best of my knowledge, do not call and waste your time, but show up there with the following documents,

    - Your American Marriage Certificate.

    - Your Passport

    - Your husband's passport.

    - $50.00 cash.

    - A legal document of changing your last name.

    - Birth Certificate for the baby. If it is in an American Birth Certificate, please make sure to have a translated-notarized copy

    It will take about less than 15 minutes, to get stamp on the back of your marriage certificate that verifies your marriage. However, you and your husband should be there in person. Additionally. I think it will be easier to do it in one of Egyptian Consulates around the States.

    Good Luck!

  2. Please for everyone looks at the person who wants a lot of drama and police and stuff. Look at the words she say from her own words and try to think about it.

    People with no argument resort to empty questions like "is this how you talk to your husband?" and "why don't you post your private life here?" Uh, duh. Most people DON'T post their private life here

    That is why this woman hides her name from this forum. That is the reason behind that she never tells anything about her private life. I wish Mrs. Dee. And everyone got the message well? These people like to know about your private problems and never tell anything about themselves. My Lord Almighty, if divorce and other staff were not a private issue, what on this earth is private then?

  3. It would not be fair if you knew me well and I did not know you.

    Your posting under his name has nothing to do with why I knew who he was from the beginning. His previous ID has his name in it.
    LIVING WITH YOUR WIFE and knowing your wife without living together are two entirely different things, something I'm sure you know quite well. You can know someone online for 5 years, but living together is an altogether different thing. This has been made clear with Dee's situation and others who have posted over the years

    I said before "If the husband and wife can not solve their problems by themselves, then they were in hasty in their marriage". Thanks the Lord Almighty, my wife and I have discussed everything about our life, however. If you have been abused before Sarah, do not put your own problem in others. No all men like how your man was.

    If the VJ was not court, then why in the hell did you put your judgments about a guy you did not listen from him? Why in the hell you want to the police to be called?

    By the way, why do you avoid my questions? Why do you like to discuss others private life and keeps yours away? Tell us about how many times did you get married? And if you have been abused before? Why do put your private aside?

    I am sorry Sarah, should I put some of your private life here, to refresh your memory? Or you prefer to do that yourself. Today will be a nice Drama called, "Inside the hidden Life of Sarah"?

  4. Sarah, how many times did you get married? Please, tell us about your first husband and what did he do for you in Egypt? Let us benefit from your stories, and how did you deal with it? Did you call the police for your abuse husband like how you wanted Mrs. deemabrouk to do? Of you are giving an advice you have missed to do it.

  5. Peace is upon whom follows the correct faith:

    And you come in here quoting the Quran to tell an abused woman to take it like a good Muslim. And to prove you're right you're quoting the Bible?

    Where is on the earth did I say abusing a wife is good? My posts about this subject are here. Try to quote from them as show me where did I say that? Lying does not help person to support an idea. A simple question, does my reply touch a hidden part in your life that you want to forget Caladan?

    And No, I did not call this thread as show. I mentioned about those who like to see a dram show. Those who wanted to see police involved, I literary said†On the other hand, some of them like to watch a daily show called "The Road to Divorce", starring Deemabrouk and her husband. For any successful show, the more the drama elements, the more the show is aggravated thrill and excitement."

    If people think that ending a marital in a good note is bad and they prefer the police to be involved, then good for them. As you own people, you must be owned someday too.

    I suppose someone as arrogant as you will say you have

    Peezey, or Sarah, is that the same way you speak with your husband. Wow, what a man he is? Who in the hell has told you that I want to be a friend for a person like you? Who in the hell told you I have female friends? My wife is so enough for me. What is really funny you did not listen to the story from her husband and you are here arguing; what do you argue about? Where is on the earth and innocent idit judge puts his last judgment without listening to all the partners involved in the same? I guess I know who she is. I am not here to discuss my personal life Sarah. Go and play this game with someone else. If the husband and wife can not solve their problems by themselves, then they were in hasty in their marriage. My wife and I have been planned for any possibility and every thing may happen in our life. My wife and I know eac other for more than five years, not one year like how you said. Sorry, your information needs to be updated. Oh, by the way, why do not you state your personal problems here to be discussed as well? Like how you like to discuss other problem. Or you just like to know about others problems and put your personal life aside. I am sorry, I not here to discuss with the Desperate Housewives.

    Finally, prophet Muhammad "peace and mercy be upon him" got married with 11 wives and he never put his hand on or abuse any of them, whatever her age, sex or religion. Although he has all the power to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants as a governor for all Muslims. When his wives complained that they do not have enough food and money; imagine that, the governor of a country lives as a poor man, it is impossible to see something like that nowadays, The Lord Almighty told our prophet (peace and mercy of Allah be upon him), tell his wives:

    The Translation of the Meanings of the Quran by Abdul Allah Yusuf Ali

    {[33:28]O Prophet! Say to thy Consorts: "If it be that ye desire the life of this World, and its glitter,- then come! I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner.}

    Read it carefully, "I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner". This implies giving her all her rights as a wife and leaving her in a good manner. Not only abuse the wife not during the marital life but also, abuse her not during the harmful part; divorce period where the feelings are so touchy. Compare that to the number of divorce cases at the courts around the world. In addition, divorce must be in a kind manner. No police or any problems. These are the ethics of the Quran and that is how male Muslims must deal with their women.

  6. Peace is upon whom follows the correct faith:

    I really did not know that I was going to be the main even and icon for those whom spent their lives online, when I posted for Mrs. Deemabrouk. As I am a Muslim, I respected her privacy and I did not email her in private.

    But guess what, the lawyers and the advocators whom started to comment on my post, their eyes could not see my post's preface very well. My post here was for one person only, not for anyone else. What is really funny the person I posted for her did not give any comment!

    Now, why did these lawyers have a problem with me? Because I quoted from the Noble Quran;

    The Translation of the Meanings of the Quran by Muhammad Asad (2:237)

    {And forget not [that you are to act with] grace towards one another}

    This means; if you wanted to leave him, leave him on a good note. Remember that you were in love someday. If he was an evil, she does not need be an evil as well. We do not deal with the people like how bad they are, but we deal with the people like how good we are. I did not tell me {If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.} Matt 5:39 but I said, "Even if during divorce, do not forget that both of you had some good moments someday.†And if these layers read my post after removing the hate and evil from their hearts, they would see me said literary at the first line of my prior post "I am not sending this post to ask you to stay with your husband or not."

    The question here is? Why do those layers want the police be involved and who knows what may be the sequence? Those layers who were not with her when she chose him, they were not with her when she got married in Egypt, they were not witnesses for her marriage, and even who have not listen to the story from the other partner yet. Where on the earth a judge or a jury can put their last judgments for a case before listening to all the involved partners in the case?

    We do not need a psychotherapist to conclude that some of those, whom replied with the extreme hate, got married more than one time. They had at least, one failure relationship while they were abused. They wanted Mrs. Deemabrouk to take a step, they could not take before. Simply, they wanted Mrs. Deemabrouk do to, what they could not do.

    On the other hand, some of them like to watch a daily show called "The Road to Divorce", starring Deemabrouk and her husband. For any successful show, the more the drama elements, the more the show is aggravated thrill and excitement. So, every day they bring their snacks and soft drink and watch the show. This show must last as much as it can be. Ask about those whom were here a year ago and they got divorced, who on the earth in this VJ still ask or even if care about them anymore or Mrs. Deemabrouk try to see what may happen after your divorce? They would leave your show for another, why? Cause your show would be like a match has been lit. See, how many times these words have been used in VJ “There is no drama today.â€.

    Every one of those layers after watching the show, return back to their husbands and families, laughing, eating and having some fun. Wow, how much do they really care? Their lives did not stop of you or your problem and their lives will still continue after it as well.

    Finally, for those who liked police and drama. Do never think the life smiles for the person all his life. Or you are in the safe place cause of your marriage lasts for ten years. The Soviet Union collapsed in less than a day after more than forty years of its foundation. As you judged people without listening to them, the day must come for the people to judge you in the same way without listening to you. Do what you want; as you own people, people must own you. Now, I am off of this show.

  7. Al Salamo Alyikom (peace be upon you):

    Mrs. Deemabrouk:

    I am not sending this post to ask you to stay with your husband or not. But, I want to give your attention for a fact; it may be hidden among clouds, fog and the dark lines of the situation you are facing. Allah Almighty states an important fact in a verse that talks about divorce;

    The Translation of the Meanings of the Quran by Muhammad Asad

    {[2:237]And if you divorce them before having touched them, but after having settled a dower upon them, then [give them] half of what you have settled – unless it be that they forgo their claim or he in whose hand is the marriage-tie forgoes his claim [to half of the dower]: and to forgo what is due to you is more in accord with God-consciousness. And forget not [that you are to act with] grace towards one another: verily, God sees all that you do.}

    Even if during divorce, do not forget that both of you had some good moments someday. He sometimes made you laugh and felt with happiness. Both of you have shared the same life and had dreamed with the dreams. Both of you sometimes were so caring about the other. Do not forget the love was in you heart for him. Do not let the anger inside you now turns your kind personality. Do not let the Satan take his interest from you.

    Allah Almighty put a solution for your problem in His Book; have you tried it.

    The Translation of the Meanings of the Quran by Muhammad Asad

    {[4:35]And if you have reason to fear that a breach might occur between a [married] couple, appoint an arbiter from among his people and an arbiter from among her people; if they both want to set things aright, God may bring about their reconciliation. Behold, God is indeed all-knowing, aware.}

    Please, put these words in your consideration "if they both want to set things aright". So, if you both guys still want this relationship to workout, insha Allah the result will be "God may bring about their reconciliation".

    Allah Almighty assists and guides and blesses you sister for what causes the best for you.

    I and he came from the same background. Again, if you want me to talk with him, I may help insha Allah.

  8. The picture in my avatar was taken at Aladdin Pita. He will be missed by many.


    If you are still in the area, please offer my condolences to the family. They probably don't remember me, but let them know that an old valpo student has many fond memories of him and their restuarant.

    edited to add sorry, this is rahma. i guess my husband left himself logged in.

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