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Posts posted by Decaydance

  1. I didnt arrive penniless I had $730 (not much I agree) I was honest with the CBP and told them that this was our first meeting we had been together for 6 months (after meeting online now heading up for a year in 3 weeks) they can check FB and my mail they wouldnt find much in retort to speaking to other women I have taken this relationship very seriously and been faithful to her and only her it should of been straight forward I completely agree I was what I thought sincere and I had no reason to lie. as I stated the bringing her here whilst seems like a great idea and would do it in a heartbeat just is not viable for my gf.

  2. No I haven't met my partner this was meant to be our first meeting the CBP Officer told me that I would have to apply for the Visa if I wanted to retry coming into the country. meeting in another country or comming to me just isnt viable she has 3 children to look after.

    They never told me the actual reasoning behind the denial of the VWP is being a partial carer for my Mother who suffers from epilepsy a valid enough reason to return to the UK in the eyes of a VO or the CBP??

  3. Hi all,

    This is my first post I am really worried and concerned at the minute.

    Last january I attempted to go to the US for the full extent of the VWP to visit my girlfriend who I was intending to ask to become my fiance.

    I am 29 (was 28 back then) I live with my mother and am currently unemployed. In my first attempt I was being supported by my best friend

    he was looking to do something nice for me and send me out to the states so I could spend some time with my girlfriend and whilst there my

    girlfriends family would have supported me in the sense of a place to stay and feeding. After a 9 hour flight to MSP I was interviewed by the

    CBP who where very roundabout with their questions trying to trip me up and make me look like a complete monster and scoured through

    facebook and my various email accounts they denied my entry also denying me from using the VWP ever again. also on being denied all

    that was done is some code scribbled in the back of the passport along the spine almost indistinguishable it just felt odd the way it was all


    A year on I am making this attempt again my situation has not changed other than I am looking at a shorter stay (how long would you guys advise)

    I have saved my own funds to make the trip and my girlfriend and best friend are also offering further assistance in financials this time I do have to

    gain a B2 or a K1 Visa I am worried because of the fact it does not look like I have that great a tie to the UK other than family and the fact I am still

    looking for employment within the UK. I am worried that I will fail again and I hate putting my girlfriend through such dissapointment but nothing shy

    of getting a super job and a house I cant see how to tie myself to the UK even though I would be returning because of my family.

    any advice anyone can give me on how I should progress would be really appreciative

    Thanks in advance


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