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Posts posted by Lizzy

  1. Hey Guys!

    My little man is here!!

    Well i did not have to wait until tomorrow for an induction as my waters broke with a huge gush on Thursday Night at 10:00. I gave birth at 1pm on Friday. I asked for an epidural and they gave me one, the thing is it did not work so i felt EVERYTHING!!!!! I have never felt such pain!! I am very proud of myself for doing this and Alexander Xerxes is here and SOOOOOOO LOVELY.

    I will post a pic in the next few day

  2. Lizzy, wow, you will have your baby on Monday! I am so excited for you.

    My doctor says he won't induce prior to 41 weeks. I hope my little guy will come out by himself. And yours too!

    Its soooo normal NOT to have nay contractions now hon, maybe your having them and not even feeling them, that can be normal too, i am getting lots of Braxten Hicks ones on an evening but none during the day.

  3. My baby is 39 weeks on Monday NOT 36 weeks as your cousin was. I would not of got induced at 36 weeks thats too early for the baby to be ready.

    I asked for the induction my doctor did not suggest it. I agree through sometimes some peoples doctors can be a bit to "induction Happy"

  4. Lizzy...I didn't think they would induce prior to 40 weeks. Are they inducing because of the baby's size? Or because you're dilated?


    Yes they will induce from 39 weeks in my practice. It is because i am dilated and thinned out. They think he is a large baby also. I actually went in and said when can i be induced, they said at 39 weeks, i said "lets go" Thats next Monday.

    I think he will be out before then naturally....

  5. OK all i have some news..... I AM BEING INDUCED ON THIS MONDAY COMING!! I will be 38.5 weeks. He is getting huge and i am 4cm dilated and 80% effaced, No contractions, so we decided so be induced. I am scared stiff!

    Lyuba.. your soo close too!

    As normal i will keep you all informed.

    Hi to all the new members.

  6. Stina, i know what you mean about the hip pain! It hurts me really bad when i get out of bed after being asleep, hope your feeling better, your soo close now, could be any time (not to early through!)

    Hope all you other girls are doing great, take care of yourselves and your baby's:)

    Awww no, i am still here!! just waiting..... 38 weeks, i am soo ready now, will keep you posted!

  7. I lost my mucus plug (sorry if tmi) this afternoon, doctor checked me, still 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. He offered to do another membrane sweep and i said no. My back is killing me and i keep getting cramps but no contractions! Baby, if you can hear me come out pleassseeeee!

    Wow those birth control pills are expensive!! I have to think about this also, i may go for the depo provera injection, not sure.

    Hope all you girls are ok. :)

  8. Hi Girls,

    It was to check the fluid for some reason.. the fluid around the baby is fine, it was 18.... not that i know what that means.

    Yes i was quite surprised the Dr did the sweep also, I came back positive for Group B strep, so really he should not be messing with the membranes. i was cramping all day yesterday but no bleeding. I think he did it because i am so dilated. I can not believe i am 4cm already with no pain! Hubby has decided that from today he is working from home, so that he can be with me all the time.

    Oh the Dr said my bag of water was really bulging also, so the waters can break anytime, i am like a prisoner at home, i dare not go out!

    Hope your all ok and will keep you posted.

    Edited to fix a spelling*

  9. Well update from my 37 weeks appointment. I am now 4cm dilated AND the Dr did a membrane sweep without asking me, while he was checking my cervix! it hurt like hell and i have been cramping ever since.

    The Dr's called me and asked if i could come in today at 9 for an ultrasound, i have no idea why and never had one so late with my daughter, ill keep you updated girls.

    CONGRATS on the baby boy!!!!

  10. I know that me saying sorry really does not help this pain you are in at the moment, i have been thinking about you since you went for your ultrasound, What a sad time for you hunny, take care of yourself and get lots of rest.

    Big hugs....

  11. It should not take that long maybe a few weeks, in the mean time, freeze bananas and his teething toys in the freezer, this should help with any pain he has.

  12. I know! the doctor even said he could come on xmas day!

    Don't be surprised if when you go to the dr's he says your dilated, i have heard its pretty common. I don't feel anything apart from back ache in the middle of my back all the time.

  13. I will keep you updated i promise hon! I will probably be walking around like this for weeks.

    I think you get checked at 36 weeks every week. Do you do for weekly visits now? if so you will be checked also.

  14. Well i am 36 weeks tomorrow, the Dr said that was full term when i said is this not a bit to early. I had my daughter at 37 weeks and she was ok, but yes thats what i was thinking, is it not to soon?

    I heard that people can stay at 2- 3 cm for weeks!

    I am having a boy :)

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