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Posts posted by Jen15

  1. If the Petitioner is married and doesnt meet the household income requirements and is using a joint sponsor to complete the AOS does the Petitioner have to have his wife complete an AOS as well? Meaning petitioner completes form, wife completes form (because she live in household) and the joint sponsor completes form. Or can just the petitioner and the joint sponsor complete the AOS forms.

    My question is does the spouse of a petitioner have to complete the AOS form when using a joint sponsor or can her income not even be included special if her income won't meet the requirements as well.

    I want to know if submitting the petitioners AOS and the joint sponser AOS will be enough?


  2. Hi,

    My boyfriend is now in the process of submitting his DS-230 package. To give a little background, his case has been openned and closed for a few years now because it was being handled by a attorney who wasn't doing his job right. So documents were supposibly submitted a year or two ago and since NVC hasn't heard back form the attorney they have been closing his case every since. So flash forward he has contacted NVC and now has to submit his DS-230. He is in the process of submitting all his civil documents but losted his passport. He has an appointment with his passport office next week but because it was reported lost there has to be an investigation and that may take 1-3 months to recieve a new passport. NVC has stated they may have some of his previous documents but not sure of what.

    My question is, if he has a copy of the biographic data page from the passport he lost should he just submit that with the other documents? The thought is by the time he gets his interview he should have his new passport in hand but in order to speed things up and not wait for the new passport his thoughts are just to send that copy in since it isnt an expired passport. When NVC has the biographic data page from passport what information do they exactly take from that sheet?

    Any advise or help would be appreciated. I beileve all they give you at the passport office is a reciept to come pick up your passport when its ready and I dont think NVC excepts that. Thanks.

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