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Posts posted by freedom2travel

  1. My USA citizen husband of four years has just filed the i-130 petition and we are awaiting first stage approval, during this time we are dotting the I's and crossing the T's and I was wondering about my proof of address as a UK citizen.

    I work away from home (main residence) between 10-20 days at a time all my bank accounts, driving license etc are registered at my home. Whilst working away I live in a short term casual let, I pay monthly to friends of my boss and this is inclusive of all bills etc.

    Do I need to prove my address whilst I am at work, since I do not currently have a tenancy agreements or pay any bills here? My husband vists every few months and while I am at work he stays in my short term let and we travel back to my home together.

    I am probably overthinking this but if I need to get a tenancy agreement or at least a letter from my lodgings then I'd rather be prepared than get stuck without proof at the interview.

    Many Thanks


  2. 1. No, as long as he has enough assets or a co-sponsor to deal with the financial support aspect of the visa.

    2. Yes, anyone who is a greencard holder or US citizen living in the US can co-sponsor; they need not be family, or live in the same state or anything.

    3. A greencard holder- which is what you'd be for at least 3 years- must be resident in the USA. You can travel abroad, but you cannot live or work abroad.

    4. No. First, very few employers would be interested in you without knowing when or even if you can work for them. Second, it is the US citizen petitioner that needs the financial assets.

    5. They don;t care.

    Thanks very much for your advice :) Very helpful

  3. My civil partner and I have been together for 5 years, initially I travelled to the US from the UK to spend a few months at a time with my partner. On my last trip over 2 years ago Border control advised me not to travel again without a visa but was allowed entry, due to our personal circumstances and a return ticket.

    Over two years later after spending a few weeks at a time together in the UK, as my partner has dual nationally with Poland, we were able to spend a few weeks together in Europe visiting family, as and when he felt well enough to travel.

    My partner and I have over the last 5 years been coming to terms with his young onset of parkinsons disease and was awarded full disability status in the states nearly two years ago.

    As our civil ceremony was held last year in the UK we will be upgrading to a full marriage in the Summer of 2014 and are aware that this will enable my partner/husband to petition support for my visa as a spouse to live/travel freely to the US.

    I believe I can also have unrelated co-sponsors to help with the petition of support which is fine, but will my husbands disability status effect our visa application. I very much wish to remove the need for my partner to travel so much and instead travel to the US with a view to making it our country of residence for the future.

    A few questions:

    1: Will my husbands disability status effect our visa application

    2: Can un-related co-sponsors help with the petition for support

    3: Should I be looking to make US my permanent residence or would I still be free to travel to the UK every 6 months?

    4: Would it help if I apply for work prior to my visa interview ?

    5: Can I mention about going self-employed or is it best to find a job then go self employed later?

    I am sure there are lots of potential pit-falls along the way and would like to get as much information, well in advance of my visa application, as money is tight want to be well prepared for the process.

    Thanks in advance for your time and advice you can offer.

    Have a great day! :) Much love and Respect

    Regards Stephen and Robert x

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