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Posts posted by a+edarwish

  1. Did anyone's husband's here apply for tourists visas and got denied (while you were dating/engaged)? I posted this as a separate topic a few days back, but wanted to ask all of you here...

    My husband did not mention me in the interview which I fear might screw things up down the road. He just said he was going to see his cousin which was true, but also wanted to meet me and my family. I've been trying not to freak about this but you all know how high tensions can be with all of this.

  2. Heh... indeed I recall that. But your response to it was totally warranted. I wasn't very kind toward your situation and I regret that.

    Anyway, I feel your worries. My incompetent lawyer made a mistake on my petition for my fiance (clerical error - the year we met wasn't correct in the statement she prepared for me) so I worried for several weeks that it would somehow dash my fiance's visa chances to hell. But then I realized everyone makes mistakes and when you get the opportunity to rectify it you do, but other than that you put it behind you and move forward. No one knows what the future holds but we're all striving for the same thing and I believe God rewards those who are patient and persistent.

    I wonder if it was when I had my old account. I left the site for a long time after how I was treated quite a few times.

    I think you're very wise. My faith has been very strong throughout this process and I know our prayers were answered when the expedite was approved. If this past visa denial is an issue I will tell my husband he must explain honestly what happened and cross the denial bridge if that occurs. I know God is watching over us, I just have to remember that.

  3. E,

    I know you're not a fan of my advice, but consider this: the what ifs will drive you crazy and accomplish nothing. What is done is done. What has been said has already been said. Lots of tourist visa applications from your husband's country are denied, probably nearly all of them. It doesn't have much bearing on immigrant visas unless he outright lied, which honestly is debatable. It's an omission. Will it be a problem? No one can say for sure. But recognize that anything you put up on the internet [in forums such as these] is now public. You should focus on the next steps and take things as they come. You're still a long way away from the interview so it's probably best to focus on the strengths of your relationship and the evidence of said strengths. That will count at the Embassy stage more than most other things. Have a little faith. Be well.


    Sarah, have you given me advice before and I responded badly?

    I appreciate what you said. At this point there is nothing I can do except make sure everything else we do is honest and accurate, which it has been. This anxiety is driving me crazy. I just need to turn it over to God.

  4. I think what others are telling you is the US Embassy will not care if an outside influence (your husbands cousin) was involved. They are just going to look at the documents submitted and decide if the answers to the questions were answered honestly. I think everyone here is trying to be helpful. I think the best thing both of you can do now is to continue telling the truth and pray for the best outcome. I have a feeling if you are honest it will all work out in the end. Just be prepared for some specific questions regarding this past VISA attempt and have answers ready...truthful answers.

    Aloha Ke Akua

    I guess I am trying to find out how to even explain. My husband really didn't know any better and instead of doing research on his own he didn't. He did not really do anything on his own. That's the truth right there. He was naive and didn't research.

    I appreciate the help people have offered.

  5. He can say what he likes, if it comes up at all, so long as it's the truth. The fact is, he'll have ignored instructions *right there on the form* that tell him who he should declare in the USA. Unless of course you weren't engaged at the time of the tourist visa application. It's not on his cousins back, or anyone else's - it's his own, personal, responsibility to have been honest in the previous application and any applications going forward.

    I don't think it's worth getting stressed about - he should be honest if asked about it, no doubt about that, but it may not even be an issue.

    I am not blaming his cousin because at the end of the day my now husband should have made sure what he was doing was right. Everything we have done since has been honest and legal.

  6. I applied B-1 visa or tourist visa a few year back. There is a box where the applicant will be asked, " what your purpose is coming to US". I put mine as " I want to see my boyfriend". My visa was denied though I brought thick papers including my bank statement, insurance, etc.

    My question is:

    *What did he put on the box?

    *If he was going to visit you while were still dating and meanwhile his B-1 visa got denied, keep in mind when he came to interview the CO would see all evidence including timeline of you and your fiance have started dating, he had applied visa and been denied, married, and apply for spousal visa. Be aware what questions the CO would going to ask your husband in the future. After all, always tell the truth. Good luck!

    I feel extremely discouraged. I was so happy because our expedite was approved then I remembered this whole tourist visa thing. I am fairly certain he put to see his cousin which he was, but it was also to meet me in person and my family.

    My husband didn't know any better. He knew absolutely nothing about visas and neither did I. His cousin told him what he needed to do and we both trusted his instruction. He has a lot of experience applying for visas so we thought he was a good source.

    It makes me feel sick thinking about the fact that this could result in a denial. Or it could not even be mentioned. But I feel that with the timeline it will be brought up. I know all he can do is be honest. Is saying he was advised not to mention me enough? Because that's the truth.

  7. Someone from April filers had an inquiry made about i-130s. They got a response that it is 6 months. So factor in that they filed in April and that's pushing 11 months. There is a big backlog right now. Some people who filed in January still haven't been approved.

    There is talk that the new Kansas service center will be processing i-130s at the end of this month which could speed things up.

    I would prepare yourself for at least 6 months.

  8. I understand this is lying. I did not know much about tourist visas and neither did my now husband. To make it clear, we were not married at the time he applied for this. We got married after he was denied.

    We both realize now he made a mistake. It was not our intent to conceal facts. He did not think it was necessary to mention me since we were not yet married. It was an honest mistake and he listened to his cousin who helped him with the paperwork. He was relying on him for advice. I understand in the end his cousin has nothing to do with his tourist visa.

    We have been nothing but honest as we applied for the ir-1/cr-1 visa.

    Should I get a lawyer or what?

  9. A denial for a tourist visa (generally because you can not prove lack of immigrant intent including lack of financial ties) is typically not an issue when applying for an immigrant visa. The only issue you might have is if your husband lied during the interview. Keep in mind, not offering information - that he also planned on visiting his fiance is different than being asked a direct question and lying.

    Did you or the fact that he might have a girlfriend/fiance in the US even come up in the visitor visa interview? If not, there should not an issue.

    Him having a fiance or girlfriend here did not come up. When they asked why he was visiting he said tourism and to see his cousin. I am kicking myself now for not being more involved in the tourist visa process. His cousin assured me he knew what he was doing and my husband also trusted him. I was naïve and I shouldn't have been.

    We just got approved for an expedite and I've been thinking about this.

  10. My husband applied for a tourist visa in October 2012 so he could visit me and his cousin. He was denied in November due to financial reasons. His cousin who was helping him told him not to tell them about me. I was not very involved with the tourist visa which I am now regretting.

    How is it best to address this if it comes up at the interview for ir-1/cr-1 visa? My husband and I were both so new to this whole process we trusted his cousin to lead us in the right. Now I'm worried this could be a big issue. We got married a month or so after the denial in Egypt. We no longer speak to his cousin

  11. Next week I'm going to send my I130 package to USCIS, is the content within the package good enough:

    Completed Form I-130:

    Check enclosed for the amount of $420.00

    Copy of the marriage certificate (translation included)

    Copy of birth certificate the petitioner

    One passport-type photos of me

    One passport-type photos of my wife

    G-325A completed and signed by me

    G-325A completed and signed by my wife

    G-1145F E-notification of application

    Spousal Affidavit of Marriage

    Copy of birth certificate the beneficiaries (translated)

    Copy of Department of the Navy of authorization to marry

    Copy of request for authorization to marry to the Department of the Navy

    Copy of Consular Report of Birth Abroad for my daughter/kosekitohon

    Photos of my wife, our daughter and myself included

    This sounds good so far. Do you have any plane tickets from trips to visit or have you copied your passport visa pages showing you have seen each other? Those are very common pieces of evidence included for the i-130.

    Also, you should put the G-1145F on the top as stated in the VisaJourney guides.

  12. A note on that, even though I filed for a spousal visa we have this question on the i-130. I also put N/A. My thought process was that it meant if my husband had been living in the US before then left or something. But, because of that N/A they put my husband as living in the USA at my address even though everything else, including his current employer, was for Cairo, Egypt. So, I would call and fix that. I had to fax the National Benefits Center my husband's address so they could update the system.

    No. You have to put your current address, or the last address you lived in for more than one year. They are not asking for an address in the US but an address outside the US.

    Here is an exemple on how to fill the form: http://www.visajourney.com/examples/INS-Form-G-325A.pdf

    All the exemple forms are here: http://www.visajourney.com/content/examples That is a wonderful help in filling out everything!

  13. Hi,

    I have been trying to figure out if my husband needs permission from the Egyptian military to immigrate to the US. He is 28 and was discharged after his year of mandatory service. He told me his service is finished unless there is a foreign war which would mean he would be put in active service again. Although, he also told me if that was the case he could apply for travel permits.

    So, is there anything that needs to be done? We are awaiting i-130 approval and have an expedite approval. I'm just trying to figure out the loose ends.

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