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Status Replies posted by Joaozinho

  1. hello again...how youn doing...??? ia mw ondering when you filled the DS 260 did you print it and sign it and email it to the nvc or what exactly you did ? if you did submit it how did you sign it ? i am lost at this stage...thank you for your time

    1. Joaozinho


      DS-260 is an online application. The signature is digital, so I'm not sure of any printing and sending or emailing it. Sign in to the CEAC website and choose to complete the application when it is ready to be done. This will happen after you pay the fee and they open this option up to you. It took a while for me, so it may be the same for you! Try and let me know!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. hello...i just want to ask if you emailed your DS 3032 in the same day you received your case number from NVC or how long you waited ? thanks

    1. Joaozinho


      Actually, you won't do any of that. All of those were replaced and you should now do the DS 260 online, but it will be a moment until you can do it. You will have to wait for the fee to be generated and accepted first. At least, this is what I'm doing.


  3. hello again...well i am wondering when you recieved the email as for the expedite request last time as for your petition and you got approved within 45 days...i am wondering if this expedite request made by your senator or by the ombudsman or by you ? and how you checked about it ? did you keep pushing and calling the senator and contacting the ombudsman within the 45 days of waiting or what you did ? thank you so much for any info you may provide

    1. Joaozinho


      Well my senator checked about the expedite request almost weekly and then after a while I got a message from USCIS saying my Alien Registration number was changed and then 15 minutes later, my approval. If any senator or representative office will check for you, it works best.

  4. congratulations on the NOA2 my question is which local office your petition was transfered to ?

    1. Joaozinho


      The Ombudsman's office prefers online contact, so if you emailed them, it will be more likely to reach them! They should email you soon if you included your case number in the subject line of the email. At least this is what they did for me.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. congratulations on the NOA2 my question is which local office your petition was transfered to ?

    1. Joaozinho


      You can always check with the Ombudsman to see if they've obtained anything. They will probably respond with the same message, but it won't allow them to forget about you. As for checking the status of an expedite, it is quite hard for an individual alone. However, the senate and representative offices can get a more complete status through the USCIS Congressional Office. My senator checked mine and was able to tell me that one was also submitted by the Ombudsman and that it was given...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. congratulations on the NOA2 my question is which local office your petition was transfered to ?

    1. Joaozinho


      They told me this as well, but for some reason, they just held all the files for months instead of just sending them to the local offices. I feel like USCIS is just confused. They tell the senators and representatives anything to stop bothering them. I got one of my senators to file an expedite on my behalf. Have you tried to contact the Ombudsman? They were very helpful as well.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. congratulations on the NOA2 my question is which local office your petition was transfered to ?

    1. Joaozinho


      Thanks!! My petition wasn't transferred to my local office. Everything was done at the NBC.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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