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Posts posted by Tranquility23

  1. Thanks everyone for your help. Every month it is... as far as medical insurance... i know it's bad.. but my husband is not insured at the moment, I could put him on mine, however it would be a huge deduction from my paycheck and right now we just can't afford it. If I send every month for close to 2 years (i don't think i have every single month) of our bank statements and the previous financial proof... do you guys think that would be enough? We don't have much else. :unsure:

  2. Hello All,

    I have a question about the I-751 paperwork to remove conditions on a 2 year GC. This paperwork stuff has me so stressed out. I feel such pressure to make sure I get it right, I don't want my Hubby to have any issues. So as far as evidence this is what I have:

    + Taxes filed jointly for 2013, 2014 and 215 (he got here just at the end of tax season in 2013)

    +Copy of joint credit card

    +Copy of bank statements from 2014 untill now (probably not for every month, I feel like that would just be overkill)

    + Letter from Car insurance (Nationwide) stating he and I have had a policy together since 2015 untill present

    +Loan paperwork with both of us as borrowers for a car loan

    +Paperwork for my life insurance policy with my Husband as the benificiary

    +Sam's Club letter stating how long we have had a joint memebership

    I also had a few pictures to add in, as well as we are expecting our first child in June. I obviously don't have a birth certificate yet, but i was thinking of adding an ultrasound pic (although I've read this doesn't hold much weight unless you have proof that both spouse are actively parenting). When we got married I already owned my house and all utilities were already in my name, I didn't even think to change those. So what do you guys think? Will this be enough? Thanks for any replys or advice, all is welcome!!!

  3. So I am beginning to compile our packet I-751. The evidence list is freaking me out!!! I know I should have been looking ahead, however I didn't :(. We have:

    Deed with both our names

    Joint bank acct

    2 years of tax returns

    Car loan together

    I only have a life insurance with him as my benificiary

    We have not had a chance to go on vacation, because let's face it this process is expensive!! I didn't think to place his name on any bills. We currently don't have children yet. Im affraid these are not going to be enough. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

  4. Does anyone have a good idea about how long after the Biometrics appointment it should be before your employment authorization card should arrive?? My husband had his bio appt on Feb 11 and they said we should get it in a couple of weeks. Well it's been almost a month and we are waiting anxiously. We are afraid it is lost in the mail due to we have had recent problems with our mail getting lost or sent back due to the good old USPS. Does anyone know how we can find out? Any help would be greatly apprciated!!!

  5. Watching the show i couldn't imagne how tough it would be to start a marriage and a huge life change while being filmed.... I would not do something so intrusive durring such a delicate time in a relationship. Some of the relationships on the show come off as akward and not quite genuine, but you can't tell if it's due to the shock of a totaly new environment, the akwardness of being filmed or just being uncomfortable with one another. Im interested to see how these relationships go. Its so nice to see something I'm going thru to be documented and shown on TLC. It's somehow comforting.

  6. From what I understand with a K1 visa getting a SSN should be as easy as applying....or do we have to wait for adjustment of status to come through? We have filed AOS and the relase for work but haven't heard anything back yet. WE went to SS office and applied for a SSN for my husband and they said he should get it no problem, then today we recieved mail at the house saying they are unable to issue a SSN for him due to visa staus. Does anyone have any info on this?

  7. Has anyone else seen this new reality show on TLC called 90 day fiance? What do you guys think?

    I was at lunch on the night shift at work when I ran across it and watched. For me it was a mix of the familiar and a sense of now people are going to think they know "my story" Im not sure exactly how i feel. People from work know my story and i'm open with them, however they were making some pretty judgemental comments while watching the show with me and it was making me a bit uncomfortable. What is everyone's thoughts.......idea9dv.gif

  8. Have you already recieved your interview date and letter? If so you are the one to schedule the appointment not embassy. If not then you need to have an interview date before they will allow you to schedule the medical. U do not need to wait for the letter, u just need to make sure your fiance has it in hand for the actual medical. Don't wait to long before the interview it takes atleast a week to get results back! Good Luck!

  9. Ok so checked the CEAC website tonight at work and it Says READY!!! dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif I Cant believe it. It has been 3 weeks and 1 day since his interview. Im trying not to let myself totally relax untill my fiance gets it in his hand. Does anyone know about how long from this point untill we can pick it up?? I wish everyone a speedy journey. Much love to all the VJ family. You all have been my saving grace!!

  10. We are do close to the end, but we seem to keep hitting bumps along the way. Our interview was 9/24 and we were approved!! dancin5hr.gif

    However, this weekend my fiance was locked out of his email account. He has tried everything but can not access it, and has now had to start a new account. My question is when his visa is ready for pick up will they call and let him know, or do we somehow need to let the embassy know his email address has changed. If we need to change the address with the embassy how do we go about doing that? I'm hoping everything will be good, but I'm a bit of a worrier. Thanks everyone!! Much love!! heart.gif

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