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Posts posted by jorossr

  1. Thank you for responding. I am just worried that something went wrong or if I filed at the wrong office.

    Reading the posts from the link, I saw that there may be a long time before my GC gets approved. Should I just renew for another 1 year before the current 1 yr extension expires? How long should I wait before I start bothering their office for an update or before I start talking to lawyers.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I filed my removal of conditional status last July at the Vermont Processing Center since I live in Texas. Today, I received a letter saying that my case was transferred to the California Office stating that they have jurisdiction. I remember before sending the packet and all information to send it to Vermont because Texas residents should send it to Vermont. I am confused if the website is wrong, or they just made a mistake, or if I am in trouble.

    Has anyone had the same issue before? Should I worry? I am legally married to my wife, without dubious reasons, we even have a daughter before we got married, and we have been living together since I got to USA.

    Thanks in advance for your responses!

  3. Thank you for the responses Cheezees and Rhastamaria.

    I filed late because of some unforeseen circumstances. I was already ready to send the I751 last January 2013, I called USCIS hotline and they said wait until 90 before GC expires. Then 90 before GC expires, we were moving to a new house, had a lot of medical bills to pay for my son, and a couple of expenses. Budget was okay after we moved to this new house. I know it's scary given the small window timeframe, but I hope this really works out fine for my ROC status. Anyone with similar experience? WHat happened to your ROC?

  4. Hello everybody,

    I have been visiting VisaJourney since 2008, this is the first time I am posting.

    I just want to ask you about your opinion or about your situation (if similar to mine). My 2yr GC is set to expire today July 19, 2013. I filed the form I751 together with all evidences and check to Vermont processing center last July 11. I checked USPS and they said that it was delivered last July 13, 2013. I haven't received any confirmation nor was the checked cashed in. Does this mean that they consider me as late? Should I be worried? And will I be out of status?

    I am just worried because kids' school is going to start soon and that we just moved to a new house. I had to work my ####### off really hard and save that's why I was sort of late in filing.

    Hope somebody can advise or give me good news, haven't been able to sleep since my yesterday. Thank you in advance!



  5. Hello everyone,

    I filed for the removal of conditional status last July 11, 2013. I have a major concern though because the expiry of my 2yr GC is today. I checked the tracking number from USPS, the packet was delivered July 13, 2013. Does this mean I made it in time? Should I be concerned, or am I just being paranoid. Called USCIS hotline, the lady said it was okay, but took her a very long time to answer the question. Does anyone have a similar situation? And will I not be out of status?

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