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Posts posted by cbconte

  1. I am seeking advice on what to do next...

    On 2/1/15 my alien spouse (he immigrated here from DR on 8/17/2014) called 911 and said I pushed him and broke his nose. (He had fallen on the icy sidewalk when trying to ignore me, turn and walk away from the argument we had been having. I never laid a hand on him. I am 5 foot 1, 100 pounds. He is 5 feet 11, 195 pounds.) He did opt to go to the ER by ambulance (attending EMT's told me to take him; 2 minutes from the house). I heard nothing for hours. At 4:30PM the hospital called and asked me to come and get him (only a scrape on his nose), the police said he was in no immediate danger of abuse, to return home and to call if something DID happen. He told the ER attendants he did not want to go home and was taken to a local hotel. I had tried to contact him several times. It had been snowing all day. He had no coat, no gloves, no boots, nothing. My husband has no license; no car; only a cell phone. He never responded. I considered contacting ICE.

    Two days later I was served with a PFA order from the county court. I was scared to death because had he returned, I could have been evicted from my home. Both the sheriff's deputies and my attorney advised me to try to obtain my own to secure my home. It was granted. It seemed as though my husband had been told what to do, possibly from another immigrant friend, I do not know. I read stories about con artists from the DR. I had suspicions about his family (always felt entitled for me to pay for/buy everything; never saying "gracias"), but Lorenzo seemed different.

    In the meantime legal documents from the courthouse, including a notice of summons (my PFA) had arrived in the mail at my home for him. Not wanting any more problems, I informed them that I was unaware of his whereabouts and not permitted to have that info. The court had NO OTHER ADDRESS either! On the day of the hearing he did show up, and both cases were dropped. So at the moment we are back to square one, where it most likely looks like abandonment.

    At this juncture, I need to report to SOMEONE that he is not residing here. (I signed an AOS stating I would take responsibility for him.) He came here on a CR1, we hadn't been married 2 years (Anniversary 3/25/2013), so if I understand this correctly his conditions cannot be removed until April/May 2016.

    I'll admit, things were difficult for us at times. Mainly because it was such a culture shock. I loved (and still do love despite him trying to destroy my life) him with all my heart. I wanted him to have a better life. I knew he missed his family (his son especially - financially it was not smart to begin the visa process for the little one at this time. We were waiting for my raise in September.), but I never thought he didn't love me. For the past 3 years I have spoken with him at least once a day. I haven't heard his voice since 2/1. I am hurting, I am angry, I am scared. I do not know how to proceed, but I know I need to let Immigration know what is going on.

    Any/all advice is appreciated.

  2. My husband's Dominican passport expires in October 2015. His US 1-130 Visa is printed in it.

    According to the Chicago DR Consulate website this can be done via mail.

    However, must we wait until the passport expires to renew it?


    Must we provide a birth certificate printed within 6 months of renewing the passport? I really do not want to visit the DR again any time soon, especially just for a birth certificate!


  3. We took Lorenzo's portfolio of docs to Banco Popular (in the Carrefour off of Avenida Monumental) and they didn't charge a $15 fee for IR1/CR1. I insisted on a receipt proving we were there and tried to pay. Sometimes I don't trust workers there. The manager explained that the fee was for K visas only. Regardless, we weren't even asked for a Banco Popular receipt during any part of the interview.

  4. Buenas tardes, all! :unsure: (I posted this earlier in the wrong forum. Sorry... Just NERVOUS.)

    I have been in the Dominican Republic for a little over a week for my husband's visa interview. He was approved, and our status currently says issued, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

    The PROBLEM is I have to return Sunday for a job interview on Monday and now he will most likely be traveling to the US alone. I am absolutely sick over this. His English isn't very good, I am worried about him missing his flight, I am concerned about him filling out Customs paperwork while on the plane, and my biggest concern is him ALONE at the POE.

    Here's what I can share. I will be flying him direct from Santo Domingo to Philadelphia, and driving to get him there. I live in Pittsburgh and we have maybe one direct flight to the DR each week, and that's to Punta Cana. I DON'T want him connecting!

    Can anyone give me/us suggestions on what he will need on the flight? What he can expect at the POE? Whether or not an airline will grant me a Gate Pass?

    I am just sick over this, but the job interview is VERY important to me.

    Any & all advice is welcome. Thank you in advance!

    ~Courtney [and Lorenzo]

  5. So it appears that SOMEONE is working the computers but I am not sure if we will go the way of many people on here switching back and forth.

    Interview/Visa Approval: Monday, July 28th 10:00AM

    Status for Tuesday July 29th: READY

    Status for Wednesday July 30th: AP

    Status for Thursday July 31st (today): ISSUED

    Not sure what will come next/soon...???

  6. My husband and I arrived this morning at 6:30...4 hours later we were approved! 13 months of waiting, wondering, sometimes doubting. Happy tears today. Thank you all for your cotinued support and now we go into the process of waiting of the actual visa. We did opt for DomEx pickup, and were told not to call until a week from today. So even with the glitch, there still is hope!

    Our immigration officer was very kind. She asked about our interests and how I felt the first time I visited. We shared our photos and she asked about how in the future Lorenzo's son would play into things. She certainly put our nerves at ease.

    On a side note, after finally receiving our interview date, had returned to the Catholic Church. My faith was tested many times during this process. I will keep attending and keep praying, because really only the first journey has ended...the new one begins now!

  7. I called NVC on June 6; they told me our case was complete and en route to STO DGO. I was told to wait for an email with further instructions/interview date and to call back in 2 weeks if I heard nothing. Well, I received an email at 1AM Thursday June 12 with our date...July 28...Yes, I'm here with the hubby now...We go tomorrow!

  8. We go Monday for our CR1 interview. I'm in Santo Domingo now. I didn't want read these posts. Were either of your passports taken immediately? I thought that was a tell-tale sign things would process poquito mas rapido. Not that it's going to help, but I came armed and ready with my State Senators' offices and Representative's office numbers. I'm trying to bring my hubby home with me in a respectable time. I'm (like you all) tired of this waiting game... Good luck and prayers sent for your cases.

  9. Wow. To think that people try to scam money out of something so important. I will make sure he ignores those people outside.

    Likewise I figured that exact change was necessary. He goes for photos tomorrow and the medical Thursday. Is it likely that he will have to return to pick up the results? I read where they only send the results to the Consulate if there is a problem.

  10. Hi all! My husband goes for his medical exam Thursday in Santo Domingo. On the US side the website is under construction and the old link to the vaccine prices is gone. Does anyone know another place where they are listed? $180 USD for exam. I thought I remember vaccines costing ~$70 USD. Any information is greatly appreciated. (He will most likely need all. I doubt his family has/kept medical records from 1988 and on.)

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