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Posts posted by cordobesa23

  1. no no no you should not have any issues regarding this matter as you have all proof that the relationship is real o one thing who is filling out you affidavit of support because you do need someone else than him to sponsor you I believe because that person has to show that they can currently take care of you in the US once you arrive and if he is in Argentina with you I am guessing he does not have a job either in the US yet..

  2. Please I need help asap

    We have everything from the list to turn in for package 3 so we can get our interview date. Last minute when putting all papers together we started with the conufsion.

    Please let me know which forms we have to fill out

    DS230 Part 1 what about DS230 Part 2 ????!!!!

    DS156 ????

    DS 157 my fiance is 49 does he fill this one out as it says on the instructions for male between 16 & 46 years old ???

    DS 156 K ????

    Ok please which one of these do we need to send in to the embassy for package 3

    We have everything ready just dont know if we have to send all the above mentioned forms for our specific case

    Please help


  3. Ok so if petitioner is one in the household and plus fiance its 2 total the required income form USCIS is around 20.000 for 2 and petitioner makes 33.000 and has letter from employers that has been at both jobs for more than 5 years and both are full time . And also will send in with I-134 i will send in taxes for last two years

    Will this be enough ???

  4. No no red flags

    We were high school sweet hearts . Went different ways for 24 years after my divorce we got back together and now engaged many years of history together and many trips to Argentina to be together. Since our engagement in Dec 2012 I traveled 3 times to Argentina

    Many many pics together and our families

    I didn't go and everything was fine. I think Argentina is a relatively scam-free country, so as long as your evidence is good enough, it's not really necessary to go. Usually, when they have doubts, they are willing to give a second chance, at which point you should go.

    Does your case have any red flags?

  5. Depends on the country. Some consulates encourage the petitioner to come, while others don't even let the petitioner in the building.

    Find out by calling the consulate or ask for members here who went through it in your country.

    Its for Argentina , it says we can be there I am just so stressed

    Trying to figure out I guess I will make a descicon once we get our appointment and I will be trere somehow dancin5hr.gif

  6. Congratulationssss !!!!!!

    Wow I know they feeling that is great newsssss!!

    I hope I can go I dont know if it was good or bad but in order to get everthing organized and proof of our relationship I traveled 3 times in 6 months so know its not easy

    Anyway I will do everyting to go.

    Thank you

    I know that the plane ticket is not super cheap but if you can afford it I would go. Especially if you are more familiar with the documentation than your fiance, you can always be there to clear up doubts and help out. It is also a great emotional support and could help to calm nerves and avoid mistakes. I am planning on going down whenever it turns out to be, we just got the NOA2 today!!

  7. Hello Yes ok now you can go to the DHL webiste look for "track by refrence" on the reference box enter the date that the setn you the letter this is how you enter information

    EXP 17 JUL 2013 A

    OK the sample is if they mailed you the letter on jul 17 2013 enter it like that with the EXP in fron and an A at the end

    it will give you windows to neter between this date and this date

    This will tell you if the embassy received your package from the NVC and then after that you will receive package 3 from the embassy in the mail this is sent to the perosn in Mexico you will also get an email saying that they received the package from the NVC

    Hope this helps


  8. Hello

    I dont know what country you are from but from our Ebassy in Buenos AIres Argentina on the Ebassy website it gives you specifics of what you can bring that bag is not allowed.

    In Argentina only keys and papers in your hand that is all not even a cell phone or bag of any kind.

    Look up on your embassys website the list should be theres


  9. Hola Candela

    Ohh gracias for the tip jajajaj es verdad mi mama que vive alla ahora me dijo una vez eso y ahora con todos los nervios se me olvido mas tarde la llamo a mi mama que me ayude con eso ya que ella vive en Cordoba ahora tambien.

    Ok otra vez gracias y nos mantemos en comunicacion


    Hola cordobesa, mucho gusto! Todavía no llegamos a la etapa que involucra a la embajada así que no te sé responder la primer pregunta. Lo único que te puedo aconsejar para la segunda, (que estoy casi segura es así, ambas certificaciones deben ser realizadas en Buenos Aires) es que las realicen mediante un gestor, así tu novio no tiene que viajar para hacer el trámite. Saludos!

  10. Hello Candela and Liam

    Nosotros tambien con mi novio estamos haciendo tramites un poco diferente porque es peticion de fiance o sea para que le den la visa y casarnos aca.Yo soy nacida aca en USA de padres argentinos de Caballito y me crie en Cordoba asi fue que conoci a mi novio. La historia es larga pero despues de 30 anos y ya sin que nadie nos prohiba nos vamos a casar jajajaja

    El es de Cordoba y ahora estamos esperando el paquete de la embajada para mandar la ultima documentacion y que nos den la entrevista para si Dios quiere le den ya la visa.

    Todo esta bien solo que como el vive lejos de la embajada estan saliendo preguntas que al menos hasta ahora no me han respondido de la embajada.

    Una es que como el vive en el interior si puede llevar el sobre con los reultados del examen medico el dia que va a la entrevista asi no hay que viajar dos veces a Buenos Aires. O sea una para hacerse solamente el examen medico y la otra el dia de la entrevista.

    Y la otra pregunta es si el certificado de la policia tambien tiene que ser legalizado en Buenos Aires como la partida de nacimiento.

    Bueno Candela quizas no sepas la respuesta de estas cosas porque vivis en Buenos Aires y no se complica tanto .

    Pero bueno cualquier cosa que necesites saber ojala te pueda ayudrar a vos .

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Candela, I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina and my husband Liam is from Minneapolis. We met in 2008 while he was studying abroad here, got married in 2010 and have been living together in Buenos Aires for the past four years. We just started the journey to get my green card so that we can move back to Minnesota next year. He showed me this website and suggested it would be a good support group through the whole process... it's a great site and I am looking forward to sharing experiences with you!

    Wish you all the best with your journey!

  11. Hey Guys speaking about medical interviews , How will that work ? Do i need certain vaccinations in advance? I ve heard that Gals from Philipines are asked a bunch of shots etc.

    I am originally from Peru, But live in Canada for 2 years. Before to come here i had to go through the same medical review.

    If you guys can give more information about it would be Awesome !

    My question is also about the medical exam does it have to be sent to the embassy when you return the package with all the documents or can you take it to the interview as he lives far away from the capital and the doctor which are authorized to do this exams Does someone???

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