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Posts posted by MVM

  1. I see that the USPS Priority mail was delivered at the office location for Express/Courier address,as this address located at 131 South Dearborn is only meant for DHL,UPS and Fedex,I sent mine by mistake to that address as no signature was required with my Priority USPS mail. It is delivered,but I hope it will be received by the office and not delivered back or destroyed?

    Anybody had this issue,was the mail received by the office after sending regular mail to the Express/Courier address?

  2. I sent the EAD and AP renewal documents using USPS Priority mail to the USCIS Express/Courier address. Will this be received or would I need to use the USPS Interception opetin to have it sent to the P.O. Box address? If anyone had the same issue please tell me was the mail delivered or any other information would be helpful. Thank you

  3. We got the letter back in February 2015 and only called three times during the 6 month waiting process. I called the office when the 6 month expired and asked to speak to the officer who told me that they transferred the case from the first location to a second one and that he will call them so that they can update us on the case by a letter as usual. I am sure they have a lot of work which is nothing new but I just cant understand that they need 6 months to process the paper work as everything was for sure checked in depth before issuing the visa,in 6 month building are built and any excuse is not acceptable. I just feel sorry for us and all the rest for loosing the time toward the 2 year clock,this is just bad. Is there anyone else that received the letter in February for a 6 months wait time and still waiting?

  4. We got the letter back in February 2015 and only called three times during the 6 month waiting process. I called the office when the 6 month expired and asked to speak to the officer who told me that they transferred the case from the first location to a second one and that he will call them so that they can update us on the case by a letter as usual. I am sure they have a lot of work which is nothing new but I just cant understand that they need 6 months to process the paper work as everything was for sure checked in depth before issuing the visa,in 6 month building are built and any excuse is not acceptable. I just feel sorry for us and all the rest for loosing the time toward the 2 year clock,this is just bad. Is there anyone else that received the letter in February for a 6 months wait time and still waiting?

  5. Hi all,I have a few questions regarding my I-864,I have a person who signed the I-134 and now she will be also the sponsor on the I-864 but my main concern is that even if she does have the minimum funds required I need to know what to put in the form as she is on social security disability?She does have household income enough for the poverty requested but what and how do I put in the form,she is not retired.I am the husband and just got a new job a few days ago but I never worked in the USA before,I know that I also fill the form but do I put 0 on the annual incomes?Any help is appreciated,thanks

  6. I would just get a Post Office box from the Post Office. You only have to pay for six months, and

    even if you get your own place in several months it can all be forwarded to your new address at

    no cost. You can do it all from the comfort of your home at www.usps.com... Good Luck..

    Thank you,I know it costs lower then UPS but I read on a lot of posts that we must use the physical address on some of the forms,that is what worries me and UPS does have a street address and the PO Box does not and I wont like to have the documents sent back.Did you use the PO Box on all of your forms?

  7. I would like to know as me and my fiance will be staying with a relative at the start and will not have our own phisical address is it alright to use a UPS Store Address PO Box as the primary shipping address for all the AOS documents.I read that USPS PO Boxes are not acceptible in some cases but will the UPS PO Box be fine and is this secure?We would not like to use the relatives address then change it again as we would be looking for our own place but not right away,anyone else tried this with UPS Store before?

  8. Part 1. Basis for Filing Affidavit of Support.

    1.a. Check Item Number "1.a." if you are the petitioner who is filing or who has already filed a Form I-129F for a fiancé

    (e), Form I-130 for a family member, or Form I-600 or Form I-600A for an orphan. If you are the petitioner, you must

    sponsor each intending immigrant.

    1. Who Completes and Signs Form I-864?

    A sponsor completes and signs Form I-864. A sponsor is required to be at least 18 years old and domiciled in the

    United States, or its territories or possessions (see Part 4, Information on the Sponsor, Item Number 5. of these

    instructions for more information on domicile). The petitioning sponsor must sign and complete Form I-864, even if a

    joint sponsor also submits an I-864 to meet the income requirement.

    From Page 2 and Page 8 of the instructions > http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/i-864instr.pdf

    Thank you Jay-Kay,I have read this before,my problem is that I have not have a domicile in the US a long time,lived in EU,I did fill the I-134 even if we had a sponsor so if the same person is again the same sponsor and fills out the I-864 do I again have to fill it out and attache the same letter to explain why my income in the US was zero?This is my concern,should I again fill out like the I-134 even if I am not the sponsor,any help?

  9. Moja vjerenica je isla u ordinaciju u Smiljanićevu 22 jer je snimanje u drugu ordinaciju koja se nalazi u ulici pored i preporucio tu ordinaciju za pregled i vakcine jer je druga daleko i opet se dolazi na isto mjesto za snimanje u ulici pored Smiljanićeve ordinacije.

    Cao cao svima!

    Imam pitanje za vas. Danas smo zvali NVC (National Visa Centar) receno nam je da su poslali sve dokumente u Beograd 21 Marta.... Moj pitanje.... posto nam sledi sad lekarski pregled za K1 Fiance Visa da li neko zna koliko sta kosta.... i da li posto sam dobila broj da li da zakazem lekarski bez pisma ili da cekamo da dobijemo pismo od Ambasade?

    Jedva cekamo vec da dobijemo vizu.... super su vesti ali treba malo pomoc!!!

    Hvala Unapred!!!


  10. Htio bih da se zahvalim svima sto su mi pomogli sa mojim pitanjima.Vjerenica mi je dobila vizu bez problema,bila je 3 sata u Ambasadi a za to vrijeme su je prozvali pet puta,cetiri od kojih je davala svoja dokumenta i papire od medicinskog pregleda i peti put da prica sa Amerikancem koji je zaduzen bio da postavlja pitanja.Razgovor je trajao 5 minuta,nije puno pitao bez kako smo se upoznali,kad planiramo da putujemo i jos par jednostavnih pitanja,cak nije ni htio dokaze da pogleda koji smo ponijeli i obnovili sa novim slikama.Predpostavljam da su i oni istu kopiju dobili kao i USCIS kada smo poslali pa su unaprijed sve znali.Svi su bili ljubazni prema njoj a sto se tice cekanja to je valjda zato sto je tog dana bilo puno ljudi.Preporucio bih nekima da ne dolaze sa starijim osobama jer nema napolje dokle cekaju da se sjedi,bio je jedan lokal niz ulicu ali opet ja nisam htio da odem da me slucajno ne zovnu zbog necega mada je rekao strazar da bi okrenuli telefonom da dodjem ako je hitno nesto.Sve je odlicno proslo bez eto sto sam se ja smrzao tri sata napolju i sto nisam mogao da sjednem.Nadam se da svima ide kako treba i da brzo zavrsavaju proces.

  11. Hi,I would need some help regarding filling the I-134 on my behalf even if me and my fiancee have a sponsor.I would appreciate any help if possible,I will list my questions bellow:

    I-134 Question 2: Have resided in the United States since

    - I have been lining in Europe since I was a kid and I do not know what to type in this section as they are asking for a date,I left the USA in the late 80s and only went as a visitor two times since?

    I-134 Question 7: Employment Information

    - As I have never worked in the United States and this section is only for a person working in the USA what should I put here,should I put Unemployed and Income 0 and should all the other related income questions be marked with a 0?

    I-134 Question 11: Intend

    - Should I mark the check box and write that I intend to support my fiancee even if we have a sponsor?

    The last concern is that our sponsor had filled out the I-134 and sent the other documents but I am worried as the date next to the signature is almost 6 months old and the I-134 has a expiration date on 12/31/2013.I would really like to know is the signed date a problem and the one on the form?Any help is more then helpful!

  12. Where in Europe are you? I know in London, proof of domicile is presented with the I-134 at the interview, rather than in advance with the petition.

    Evidence usually includes things like getting a job offer in the US, a lease on somewhere to live, opening bank accounts, getting drivers licence etc. It'll be more than just a passport and a promise.

    The I -134 is was made by a family friend which is the sponsor and we will be staying at his address before we lease anything the first month,the other stuff must be done in the US from the drivers licence and bank accounts.

  13. Be prepared to be asked, at the embassy interview, for proof of domicile. Given that you've been living in Europe for the past 20 years and the K1 visa is given for people who plan on immigrating to the US, they might want to see proof that you are indeed going to live together in the US.

    Hi and thanks,I wrote a message to the USCIS when I sent the package that I have not lived there a long time and that I recently got my US passport after many years here at the Embassy as I am planning to move there and get married and live.I am sure they already knew that once they got the package before even reading anything,just moving with my better half to seek a better life like all members on VJ.

  14. It's accurate. You can ask the IRS. All USCs are on the hook to report all income, worldwide, whether they've lived/worked in the US or not.


    And this explains the whole picture...


    Thanks for the links,still not sure about this but will ask the Embassy.Thanks!

  15. It applies to any US citizen. You will need to backfile for at least three years, because that is what the embassy will ask for.

    I do not see the logic in this,a person is a dual citizen and never worked in the US and does not even have a bank account in the US and does not have a address in the US and he need to file tax.Sorry but I think this is inaccurate information,it would apply to a US citizen with a bank account and address who had worked before maybe but that is not my situation.Anyway thank you!

  16. You can fill in the form with your current, foreign income but specify in a cover letter that you realise this cannot be used as it is foreign

    Thank you,I have a sponsor in the US,she has sent the I-134 and she also sent the 1040 Form from 2011 and 2012 which is a Client Copy.She does not support no one and has listed her pension as income,savings and second real estate also which she rents.I did not understand the last part about the 3 years tax filling,I did not live in the US or worked?

  17. I would need some help if anyone was in the same situation.I am preparing all documents to have for the interview and I see that even if I have a sponsore who filled the I-134 and will be the sponsor for my fiancee that I also have to fill one myself even if I am not working in the US as I have been living in Europe a longer time.Can someone please help me,what do I fill in the I-134 if I am not working in the US?Any help is appreciated!

  18. Hi all,I am in the process to gather the necessary documents for the interview and I have a friend that will be my only sponsor as I lived out of US for a long time and I cant qualify my self.My friend sent me the I-134 and signed it and has included the minimum requirement and also has a second property value listed on the I-134 which she rents,she also sent me a 1040 Form from 2011 and 2012 which is a Client Copy,a paper made by the accounting agent with all the info,pin numbers and SSN of my friend,Can anyone tell me are these document fine,having only the I-134 and 1040 from 2011 and 2012?My friend owns a separate property which she rents and she is retired and receives pension which is also included on the papers I guess.

  19. Zdravo MVM! Ja sam radila pregled u Smiljanicevoj 22 pre mesec dana. Jako su fini i sve sam bas brzo zavrsila. On traje 6 meseci tako da mozes i nekoliko dana (ili sedmicasmile.png )ranije da ga obavis. Meni nisu cak ni trazili karton vakcinacije. Pitali su me da li sam primila neke vakcine zadnjih 10 godina. Kako sam zadnju primila,cini mi se u osmom razredu,dali su mi dve vakcine(MMR i protiv tetanusa). Mislim da je obavezan rengen pluca i ostalih analiza bez obzira sto ih je tvoja verenica radila u skorije vreme. Pregled je kostao 150$ (ali se moze platiti u dinarima) + vakcine (meni su dve izasle 4200 mislim da je toliko). Na kraj krajeva, kada ih pozoves prvo se javi sekretarica tako da je mozes pitati sve sto te zanima i ona ce ti tacno reci. Ja sam CR1 kategorija tako da ti za ostale informacije oko vize mora neko drugi pomoci. Pozdrav good.gif

    Hvala puno!

    Vakcina je 1200 dinara,a lekarski pregled cini mi se oko 150$.Razgovor u ambasadi 240$.Ne znam koliko vazi pregled ali bitno je da ga mozes obaviti samo na jednoj od ove dve adrese,ne na nekom drugom mestu...

    Hvala puno!

  20. Hvala puno miriam28!

    Mozes li mi reci kada se obavlja medicinski pregled,moze li to nekoliko dana prije intervjua ili mora bas da bude dan prije?Isto bi me interesovalo ako je vec neki snimak obavljen i star je mjesec ili dva mjeseca mora li ponovo da se obavi kod njih,nalaz krvi ili pluca itd.?Koliko je kostao pregled i sve ostalo u Ambasadi za K1?

  21. Zdravo svima,htio sam da postavim par pitanja za medicinski pregled u Beograd ako bi mogao neko da mi pomogne sto je vec obavio to?Moja vjerenica je imala par vakcina kad je isla u osnovnu skolu ali posto je to zavedeno na papir kazu da ce da bude teze da se nadje jer nije u kompjuter ali ce da pokusaju.Mene interesuje ako moze neko da mi kaze sta se sve radi na medicinski pregled i koje se sve vakcine primaju i da li pomaze ako ima dokumenat da je vec primala neku vakcinu jer ne znam koliko je dobro da se prima dva puta ista?Isto bi volio da znam je li moguce neke preglede obavit i ponijet snimke i potvrde ili bas zahtijevaju da se ide kod nekog od doktora koje oni imaju u listu?Bilo kakva pomoc je dobrodosla!Hvala smile.png

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