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Posts posted by Missingmylove2005

  1. Hi everyone,

    This is very hard for me emotionally to accept, let alone share with complete strangers online. It was something I thought would be a happy ending.. However, I am in need of some advice and encouragement in any way.

    I have been living in the United States with my daughter and husband for a few months now, I have received my social and Green Card since. The problem is that my husband hasnt been honest or faithful to me. He did this to me years ago, for many years and I thought things were going good and that he finally learnt his lesson as there were no red flags over the past few years... boy was I wrong. i cannot handle this kind of marriage emotionall or mentally. I have tolerated it in the past for many years and I dont deserve this treatment, nor to be unhappy. My question is, what now? Now that i am living here and our daughter is living here what do I do? If I wanted to return back to my country would I be allowed to seeing that our daughter doesnt have american status as of yet but holds status to my country, also she has been in my care alone since she was born and not his? Also what if I decide to stay, what should I do, and would I be allowed to. i refuse to leave without my child if I am ordered to leave. I am upset, confused, and scared. I hold a IR1 visa, which is for 10 years, but would I still be allowed to apply for citizenship eventhough we are seperated if I wanted to remain in the United States?

    thank you in advance for any advice or informaton

  2. Well I had quite a range of emotions overcome me this morning. The easiest part was the waiting, and the first window that requested all of my info. The most nerve wracking was the interview itself. The man was very nice and very compassionate when certain topics got me emotional.. The good news is I WAS APPROVED.. But the bad news is be informed me that the border still might deny me and that apparently us only seeing my husband twice in 4 years was not normal. And he's right it isn't normal, we never expected it to take this long. Also it's been emotionally hard on our daughter each visit when she doesn't understand why he had to honor why we had to leave. Not to mention money wise my husband has been supporting us here and himself there. I'm just glad this part is over. Now its the anxiety of crossing the border :(

  3. Thank you everyone for the needed advice, and many kind words.

    Tomorrow is my interview!

    I am so anxious, i dont know if it's because this is finally happening or the unknown.

    I am a bit concerned due to how long my application has been ongoing (4 years due to a crook consultant)

    I'm sure I am just worrying for nothing.

    I will post the outcome tomorrow as soon as I know.

    Good luck to everyone with their interviews as well! :)

  4. Congrats to everyone who has recently received an approval on their interviews!

    I start my drive to Montreal this Sunday for my interview on Monday. I will admit, I am extremely nervous. I have found a lot of comfort and info through this site, even though I wasn't an avid poster I still read everyone else's experiences etc.

    thank you all once again and the best of luck with your loved ones.

    God bless

  5. Hey everyone,

    I'm not sure I'm asking this question in the correct place but here it goes.

    Please don't judge me as what I'm about to say is very hard on me emotionally and the choices I've had to make were not easy.

    My interview I for July, I have been anxious, excited, and also scared. I've been reading up a lot on the types of questions they ask during the interview and my main concern is in regards to my 2 children that will not be accompanying into the United States. They currently live with their father. He is not to be around mine and my husbands daughter due to safety concerns, also concerns involving my safely. With that being said would this be an issue at my interview? Would I be looked down upon for this. Surely I could explain why things are the way they are but it would be a lengthly explanation.

    I hope for them to someday decide on their own to join me.

    Any advise or insight on this would be extremely appreciated.

    Thank you in advance

  6. I was told that my daughter could obtain dual citizenship once her and I entered the United States- once I receive my visa. Is this true? Because my interview is coming very soon and we have not filed any paperwork for her at all. She was listed on my paperwork as my child and that she will be accompanying me to the United States. Also on my interview letter it only lists me as an applicant having to attend the interview. Now I am worried my immigrating lawyer has mislead me..? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  7. Hi everyone,

    I've been reading everyone's visa journey but never posted my own story.

    It's been a long, emotional road for my husband, daughter, and myself. We started the visa process a little over 4 years. We chose what seemed to be a good immigration lawyer- boy were we wrong. He not only mislead us, but kept out family apart. With that being said we ended up searching on our own and did what we read online.

    On May 27th 2013 I received an email from the NVC stating my case was complete. Today my husband called the NVC and my interview date has been set for July 22!

    This is the best news we have heard on the past 4 years.

    The best of luck to everyone with upcoming interviews, it sure is a great feeling.

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