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Posts posted by anya-D

  1. This is for a friend, really :)

    I just learn that my friend who is from Thailand (on J-1 visa, I think) is getting engaged to her girl friend. I was happy for her but then also was quite confused actually so I asked her where would they live and she said she will stay here, thinking that her partner could apply for the GC for her.

    I havnt been in the immigration world for so long but I know that same sex marriage does not count as marriage by USCIS, is that still the true? Has anything change?

    I just want to make sure I didnt miss anything and I tell her the correct info.


  2. Did any of you know that in Thai wedding, guests, especially family, normally give cash as gifts? Especially relatives, they will help out with the wedding by giving money as a gift. So some wedding, those cash paid for the entire ceremony (or at least half of it). My parents paid for our wedding but by the end of the day, it was only about $500 total for 300 people in BKK.

    Just an FYI for those that have the ceremoney in Thailand.

    For Sinsod - my husband and his family had a rough time about the idea at first. We explained to them what it was meant so my husband just bought the gold necklace and all other money were from my parents and my grandmother (for show). The gold was actually bought from my saving and we sold it back to buy my plane ticket later.

    Sinsod is different in each family. Some family, the sinsod meant the thanks for the bride's parent that took care of the bride's to become a women worth marrying. It could be for some family, the money to take care of the bride's parent because the bride will no longer be able to take care of them (move far away). Some family, the money is to show the bride's parents that the groom know how to save/manage money, enough to be able to take care of their precious daughter. In some family, the money goes for the bride to keep as her pocket money (long time ago when women doesnt work and depend on her husband to take care of her). But now, for a lot of family, it's just a tradition that we had and the money were given back to the couple as a start up money.

    If you have a problem with the amount. Talk to them what is acceptable to you. If you have a problem with the idea of it, talk with your fiancee and also her mother why you feel that way.

    good luck

    -- havnt been here for so long I almost forgot my log-in

  3. Well, it's depends on where you are going.. Pathum Thani is still submerged, and will be for another 4 weeks...at least. Other family located in Bang Sue are still dry but unsure for how long. My In-laws house is very close to the Chao Praya river ( soi 19 ) and my other family member is on soi 11 and has lost everything.

    You might want to consider visiting your local physician before departure. I forsee disease to be a problem soon.

    The water is filled with #######.. deceased rats, snakes, soi dogs, garbage, benzine and anything else you can think of. some of the escaped chalawan ( crocs ) have been captured and no attacks so far...

    Amazing Thailand

    Square Head Sponge Bob's sister is totally worthless.... :(

    My sister has a condo in Dusit area next to the palace - no water there yet. Her house near the new airport also at risk - but at the moment, no water yet. I think I'll be at her house, or go to my parents in Bangsaen, Chonburi. I dont think I'll be seeing any flood. I just really hope to see my friends in BKK but it doesnt look like it's happenning. Also no shopping for cheap accesseries lol. Also planning to be in Phuket to visit my grandparents too.

    I'm hoping to flu shot for my son but he is still sick (we are all sick) so I might have to get all the shots in Thailand. Planning on buying several OFF bugsprey since my son's mosquito magnet and will leave the rest for my family. There are bugsprey in Thailand but right now people has been buying those I dont know i'l be able to find it there easy enough.

    My thought is that I'm afraid what's going to happen after the water goes down. Everytime I've been in Thailand there's something going on. 3 years ago the redshirt burned BKK the first time I almost didnt get to come back. Last year I got stuck in NYC on the way back for a week from snow storm and this year this major flooding in Thailand. It's just make me uneasy when think of what could be wrong and that I'll get stuck somewhere again.


  4. A couple more... one from inside his house and again out front loading what can be saved.

    Luckly, they have evacuated to our village.

    Bluntly, this ###### is bad..bad, bad, bad. :(

    wow, I'm so sorry! I hope the water go down soon so at least the house doesnt have to stand in water for too long.

    I'm still heading to Thailand next week.. I'm nt sure how I feel about it :/

  5. This flood is pretty bad and so widespread. I'm crossing my fingers that the airport will hold as my son and I'll be there in two weeks. My family has a condo and a house in BKK yet to be flooded but I'll probably do to my parents's and hope to fly to Phuket to visit my grandparents.. so I really hope the airport keep open!!!

    I'll try to find a way to help, if not physical (no babysit!) If you guys thiking of helping (donating) think of Thai red cross :)

  6. Action speaks louder than words that's for sure, especially in a long term relationship. But to establish a relationship, some mutual understanding should be shown, mostly by words, especially when there are two differenct cultures involved. Then, once that is established, saying I love you every 5 minutes, once a day or none at all should depend on their relationship.

    I do like to hear my husband say he loves me once in a while, or else it'll feel like being with a roommate with benefit :whistle:

  7. Good that she does show effection. should be nothing to worry about but to hear ' I love you' once in a while is good for a relationship, especially with different culture where you cant really 'read' the gesture coz of the difference.

    One thing to consider, Thais are very much 'service minded' so that should not be confuse with 'love'. I would pour beer/water/offer food to person I just 'know' and they would think I care, but I just did coz that's what I do, gave wrong impression to many though :(

  8. She dont feel comfortable saying I love you but does she loves you? Words doesnt mean much sometimes but the action does. How did she tell you she loves you? is she caring? Does she show her care by touch? Did she mean she doesnt feel comfortable saying it all the time? Or has she not say it becasue she doesnt feel comforable about it. IF the later, I feel that's weird.

    The part about her parents - I say it depends. All my friends hugs there parents, but I can see someone that just 'wai' - depends on the relationship between them :)

  9. Hey everyone I haven't been around, but Anna is getting BIG! She's a toddler now, and she spends her free time destroying the house. Her big brothers help out though. Hope everybody's babies are doing good and getting big :star:

    OMG she is so cute!!! How time flies! My little guy is also a todler now but he hasnt perfect his destroying skill yet :D

  10. I'm so sorry you've gone through this, especially your children too.

    I wold advice you report the child abuse ASAP! Also, If you, by anychance, have any picture taken of the kids, that might show the bruises, that will be a great evidence, also, their school teachers, friends, their friends' parents, I'm sure some of them noticed the bruises and can give you support.

    I wish you the best.

  11. Watched 'The last Emperor' over the weekend. So beautiful and so emotional, make me hug my baby more. After watching 3 hrs movie I stayed online for another 2 hrs reading up the life of Pu Yi. His life is super sad, and from no fault of his own (from his childhood).

  12. you are going to Thailand via Finair? that's cool! I looked at that too and sometimes theya re a bit cheaper to fly but the lay over are so long I dont know if I can do it, with my son. But if I can stop for a night or two that might be good trip. Tell me how the flight goes, will y a?

    I had to get theSchengen visa twice fromThailand, no problem at all and I used only my boss invitation and I think he called the embassy or something becasue I didnt have to show anything when I got there :/

  13. Thank you chnst and mrsfrisbey :) Sam is doing very well ad a one year old :D

    Sam is now walking everywhere.. he's bee walking since before his birthday but wow, now he just soooo fast!! we are doing CIO for his midnight nursing and he still cried for about an hour each night during midnight for his snack... it breaks my heart but it had to be done, he's been up about 3-4 times a night and I couldnt take it anymore (after a year, i need my sleep!) I really hope it's not too late, he seems to have a very high determination!

    So now I'm nursing about 4 times a day.. love it. sometimes i miss the night feeding though, listening to Sam cry wanting me doesnt help too :(

    It's been hot.. hope everybody stays cool!!

  14. Why don't we just eliminate corporate taxes? If the profits are distributed to shareholders and owners, those individuals will pay personal income taxes on those profits. If the profits are reinvested in the company, the growth of jobs and exports will be a huge positive effect on the economy. I don't see why people get worked up about low tax rates on corporations. The success of the company is helping the people in the area. And even if you think that money is all going to rich executives, etc. they are still paying taxes on that money as it comes in.

    what about small business? the tax paid, even not much compare to the corporate, it can do everyhting the corporate can in a smaller scale with more variaty! Same with coporate, the money earn to the owner will get tax anyway. Go local business!!

  15. I'm so sorry Nizzy - I hope things work out good for you in the end, which ever way it is.

    Thank everyone! Sam just went to the check up today and got 3 shots of vaccine, got his pee pee messed with (it re-attached so the doctor pulled the skin back, ouch!) and a prik on his finger.. poor little guy. But all in all, he's very healthy, 75% weight and 80% height, walking by himself A LOT but still doesnt say any words ( a little mama or dada here and there).

    The eye!!! yes, it much better now. No, it's not a pink eye Stef, thank goodness!. Some how mosquito bit him on the eye lid so it swelled up huge!! It's not back to norma yet but a lot better.

    So officially I have a todler.. wow, a year went by sooo fast!

    Caro, the video is very sweet :luv:

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