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Allie Wabbit

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Posts posted by Allie Wabbit

  1. And Vegemite! AND SMARTIES OMG. Their bulk candy aisle is ridic!

    I swear when I drive to Toronto to get my fiance I'm stopping by a Wegmans on the way back along I-90 (or somewhere near) and I'm just going to food shop there.

    OP, do try going to Wegmans at least once!

    When you drive to Toronto, try a Hero Burger :D Soooo worth it. Even if slightly pricey :D Also, for me.... eat at least once at Harvey's and once at Smoke's Poutinerie..... Hahaha I sound like a junk food junkie and am far from it :) But these are all our "misbehaviour" foods which are sadly not available here :( Oh, and have a GIANT timmy's, cream only :D

    yep I'm literally a 2 minute drive from the Moorestown one! LOVE IT! You go to the European section and you can get Coffee Crisps and Aero bars! MMMM!

    Next time you are my neck of the woods, we can grab a coffee or a beer or sumink :D

  2. Wegmans in Cherry Hill was my happy place (there's 1 in Moorestown too), definitely try food shopping there. That's probably the one thing I miss from there.

    Wegmans is the best! We avoid going there hungry as a wee bit of salad turns into $40 worth of salad, etc. from the salad bar :D LOVE that place. And feel so infantile when I get excited (every time!~) about seeing the wee train above the dairy section :)) Love it!

  3. Oh yea if you're right down by the waterfront, you really should be fine! That whole strip is really nice. You can always drive over to Cherry Hill to do your groceries and stuff. I love Jersey! Great state!

    Yeah, we love our apartment and dont hang out in Camden at all. We shop in Cherry Hill or Deptford (spelling?) Mall or Pennsauken :D I am liking it more and more :D

  4. Actually I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, my fiance is the Canadian :hehe: I lived in NJ for two years because I was living with my mom and she worked remotely for Campbell's Soup from NY. They moved us down there so she could be there in person. Campbell's Soup is in Camden so...I know all about things there :unsure: NJ is okay but...it's not NY! I just had to come back...I do miss not having to pump my own gas but I sure do love paying only $95 a month for my 2012 Chrysler 200 (still using State Farm). Progressive or Cure car insurance might be the better bet to stick with in NJ, I only had State Farm because I didn't want to change companies, loyalty and all that.

    I don't any advice to offer about importing your car, my fiance decided that since his car has a speedometer with only km/h (US requires mph) he'd leave it in Canada. It costs about $1k to convert the car to US standards and his car is worth about that much...not worth bothering with the change. There are a whole bunch of threads on this board for importing cars, they seemed to have pop up all at once! Rob & Monika (is there a way to link to members?) usually has very good advice about this topic.

    Ah, I see :D Yeah, that is about the only good thing that came out of Camden ;) The soup I mean. I know what you mean about NY... it has its own smell, taste and feel and yes, it is quite intoxicating to visit :D I will try them all, but first I will need to get the whole "import" issue sorted out. And exchange my driver's license if I EVER receive that SSN :) I was with Wawanesa in Canada 3 years ago so mayhaps they would give me a better deal here as a past customer :)

    I think I found someone who can help. Browsed for hours yesterday and randomly came across a one man army :) Someone who does imports for IBM for 20 years and sounds like he knows what he is doing. If he comes through this may end well :D Thank you for all your advice! :thumbs:

  5. PS: You're brave for moving to Camden, even when I am just going to the Aquarium in the middle of the day, I lock my doors and try not to make any wrong turns.

    Yeah, I know... My hubbilicious moved here from Philly because the building we are in is quite nice (and a friend and colleague of his mother's has been living here for a few years and sang its praises). We are RIGHT by the Aquarium and yes, when we drive to the Pop Shop in Collingwood I pray for green lights all the way so we dont have to slow down :D He works over the bridge so we dont spend almost any time here...

  6. I don't have any advice on your topic just kidding, actually I kind of do! You get your plates and license right at the DMV, they literally print out the license shortly after they take your photo. I see you live in Mt. Laurel, close to where I lived, don't go to the Cherry Hill DMV, you'll spend so many hours there...go to the one in Medford on route 70, it's very quiet and I spent maybe 40 minutes tops transferring my car stuff.

    I just wanted to say "Lord help you!", car insurance in NJ is crazy expensive!! I lived there for 2 years and my premium went up hundreds (yes, hundreds) of dollars just for *living* there, I lived in Marlton, NJ. At least you never have to pump your own gas :rofl:

    Edit to add: I had/have a clean record, no accidents or tickets, at that time I had a 2000 Oldsmobile 4 door. My insurance cost $197 a month from State Farm, ridiculous!

    Tee hee hee :D That was great advice! We did go to the DMV in Cherry Hill earlier today to make sure that my passport, marriage cert and a copy of the lease showing me being added three weeks ago are sufficient as proof of identity. The website said original everything and since my husband was never given an originally executed copy of the lease and since we were on the same road because of applying for an SSN we stopped off at the DMV. Apparently the lease will be ok, however cant apply until I get my SSN (apparently earliest it will arrive will be in 2 weeks - there was no record of me in the database, so USCIS never bothered .... or we will see as I was told that I may end up with TWO SSNs..... wont be surprised if that ends up being the case :o)

    The guy at the reception at the CH DMV gave me forms regarding vehicle registration and mentioned nothing about importing or inspections.....

    I dare not think how much the insurance will be and am glad that the letter of insurance I will (eventually) get will help somewhat.

    Wowsers.... then again I was paying $181 for my Accent back in the T Dot with no tickets/accidents and 7 stars record... le sigh. Being an ex insurance agent I KNOW what a scam insurance is and am yet to see mine go down. Every year the rates creep up or float the same and the excuses are different - industry raise, you live in a bad area, inflation, blah di blah blah... Can hardly wait to start getting quotes :D

    Did you import your car from Canada or just transferred it from another state (assuming you lived in a different state and bought a vehicle there)? I am not in Mt. Laurel... am in *drumroll* CAMDEN :D Crime capital of the US of A :D Yes, ma'am, it is TRUE love that brought me here :D

  7. You'll need to have a letter of compliance stating that your car is in compliance with US regs (unless it has a sticker on it somewhere stating that). For insurance, you'll need your driving history from your present insurance company. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much cheaper insurance is here than in Canada. You'll have to take it to a port of entry and see the customs people there to import it. In California, you need to get a state driver's licence within a couple weeks of becoming a resident. Don't know if it's the same for NJ.You might need to take a written and a road test. Once you've done the importing bit, you register your car at the DMV where you'll get your plates.

    So, I decided to "deal" with this today... Called Huyndai Canada and they said they do provide a compliance letter... HOWEVER, it says my car complies with CANADIAN regs... what sort of redundant nonsense that turned out to be... In addition, she was supposed to email it and has not yet. Guess I will be calling for that useless piece of paper tomorrow again :)) I tried it on with Huyndai USA but since I did not purchase the vehicle in the USA they wont provide me anything except with advice to use an importer (think that ship has sailed since the car is now in the country). Do you know where to look for such a compliance sticker?

    I am waiting for the letter of experience from my insurance company as well.... I guess whatever (and by that I mean everything) dos not get resolved with one call, can get resolved with many a call :D

    I confirmed with the DMV that I have 60 days to change my license. I will need to provide them my SSN, something else that should have been coming in the mail and hasnt (applied for it today and was told should have it in 2 weeks...).

    I did read up on their website and it seems no road test... phew :D

    The importing will be the trickiest - still cant figure out exactly how to go about it. The POE officer said to go to Newark airport for the import but after I have downloaded and completed all the forms. So it seems POE and BP officers do not really have more than vague knowledge about the process.... SIGH... just thinking about it is exhausting :)

    Thank you for your advice!

    you'll also need to find the closest cbp location that does car importation, likely at the closest sea port.

    oops, what he said ^

    I was told Newark, but am thinking Philly is bigger airport.. am probably being naive here :D Thanks!

    you'll also need to find the closest cbp location that does car importation, likely at the closest sea port.

    oops, what he said ^

    I was told Newark, but am thinking Philly is bigger airport.. am probably being naive here :D Thanks!

  8. Hello again!

    I need help... again! Well, some good VJ advice :D

    I guess I did not spend too much time thinking about this and when we hired the U-Haul we got a transporter and put my car on it and drove merrily towards the border.

    At the POE the officer asked if I have the import paperwork?!? Ahem... say what? :D He said not to worry, we have up to 6 months to import the car (my Canadian insurance company informed me they can do insurance for 180 days of me living in the States), so it seems I am not doing anything illegal. However, I now have to figure out how exactly to get Jersey plates and insurance...

    Does anyone know what forms I need to complete? What fees/taxes/other monetary damage applies? Or where to find out about it?

    How do I get plates? Am assuming at the DMV ....

    Also, any advice on how car insurance will work here? I am a female, 40, clean driving record, G2, driver's license since 1993, no accidents, no tickets, clean insurance (think am a 7 star in Ontario).

    My car is a 2008 Hyundai Accent (4 door).


  9. After much tax advice for myself, and much reading on the Serbinski site, here are some thoughts to consider.

    Leaving it = filling the 8891 yearly to defer the US tax until you start to withdraw - which will include eventually a withholding tax in Canada plus some taxes on the income to the US. You also have forms to fill out indicating your foreign account.

    Taking it out = paying some taxes now and having that money fully available to you now to use or reinvest in the US (which means paying tax on the withdrawal here in Canada and the 15K being added to your total income for this year - potential to bump one up into the next tax bracket).

    There are so many more points that weigh in favor of either side, that I personally have narrowed it down to the above 2 factors carrying the most weight as to what I choose to do. So do some reading on these issues And I believe you'll have 25% withheld even in you do small amounts, as it's the tally for the year that the bank statements will indicate on forms you'll receive for taxation in 2015. ie even if you lose 10% on each small withdrawal - but I'm not absolutely certain.

    You'll do taxes in both countries for 2014, as exit taxes are required from Canada, so contact CRA (855 284 5942) to fill in an NR73 determination of residency form when you get to the US. And ensure your bank here is aware you've moved for proper taxation information for next year, esp if you leave the RRSP here.

    You'll be using a form 2555 in the US to exclude your Canadian income from the joint US filing. There will be a box on the bottom of the US schedule B of the 1040 notifying you to file forms on any foreign accounts.

    Good luck with your decisions and I hope this has been a little bit helpful:) Links of value below!



    Thank you so much for the prompt and very informative response! Great advice and very useful too. So I settled on the taking the RSPs out option, but then realized that I would have to declare it over the border at the POE and maybe pay something for coming in with that much money and also would lose money converting to US dollars, as our Canadian dollar is not worth so much nowadays. Since I will be losing $1500 just for withdrawing the measly $15K I really dont want to pay any more taxes/penalties than I absolutely have to....

    So, I figured I will take out the RSP, put it in a savings account, wait for the exchange rate to get better (I hope it does and soon!) and as soon as that happens will transfer the entire amount into a RBC US $ account. From there on out I can open a RBC account in the USA and transfer the US dollars equivalent of my RSP to that account and withdraw in the US. I hope am doing the right thing but I honestly dont see us coming back to Canada at any point so having the RSP out and available makes sense at this point.

    *head explosion*

    Of interest - I called the IRS recently to ask about the 8891 because I had forgotten to do it for a couple years - like since i filed one when i first moved and did my US taxes for the first time. They told me that I only had to file one 8891 for the time being to defer the taxes until I retire since I am not receiving an income from it (everything is rolled back in...I'm not anywhere near retirement)

    I don't think its necessary for everyone to file an 8891 every single year - it appears to depend on your current situation. Phoning the IRS was very helpful - esp in Nov when they weren't very busy.

    Thanks! That's good to know.

  10. Right now the cdn $$$ sort of sucks, so it may be best to just leave it alone if u do not need the $$$. I had to inform my Cdn financial institution when I left Canada--they sent me a short form to fill out. All I had to do Canada wise (dont have to file Canadian taxes each yr because of those RRSP's)

    USA wise all one has to do is fill out form 8891 each yr! Uncle Sam is not going to tax them (if ur leaving them alone) Someone stated some States may tax you, but I can't confirm that. I know Virginia didn't tax me!!

    Always ask at http://forums.serbinski.com/viewforum.php?f=2

    Thank you so much Flames! I have never been great at saving money, hence why I only have 15K in RSPs but what intimidates me more is the tax consequences.... and now the double trouble of both countries viewing it differently and am brain dead :D

  11. Hello,

    We were approved - hooray!!! So, I am wrapping up my life and moving to the States!

    A burning question - what to do with my 15K in RSPs?

    Shall I leave them in my RBC account and keep a chequing account open so I can transfer and withdraw?

    Or do I just cash out now, pay the penalty (10% per 5K withdrawal x 3?) and then what?

    File a 2014 tax return in Canada? Declare them as income on my 2014 tax return in the USA?

    Am confused - help please!


  12. Certainly it can vary from officer to officer, but doing things like (i) bringing pets, and (ii) bringing a large amount of luggage (more than would be required for the stay) are things that will often get you CBP's attention.

    It sounds like you encountered a real #######, however.

    I completely agree both about the pets and the large amount of luggage.

    Shortly after this thread I headed back to Canada with my pooch. That was the first time someone "noticed" I have the dog with me. Because the Sherpa dog bag looks like a duffel bag and my pooch is quiet and still I dont think they clue in that I am traveling with a pet :D I said "yes, am coming back home and both her and I are tired" which puzzled the Canadian customs officer ... So he asked to see her paperwork :)

    And yes, that guy was a major douche, for sure :)

  13. Here is my timeline:

    Friday, February 7, 2013

    Interview in Montreal. Same day CEAC changes status to "Issued" and the narrative says in AP. wub.png

    Monday, February 10, 2013

    CEAC status unchanged, afternoon email to the consulate to enquire ETA of passport as traveling (trip booked a year earlier) on Monday, February 17, 2013. Email response an hour later that my passport was returned to me and my file is closed until I return it to them. headbonk.gif Immediate call to the consulate and after being on hold told passport found and visa will be issues ASAP (in fact, someone working on it as we spoke).

    Tuesday, February 11, 2013

    CEAC status changed to "Ready", narrative elaborating that I may now schedule my interview with the consulate. ranting33va.gif Another panicked email to consulate, explaining status change and the fact it now appears process is moving backwards. Upon no response another panicked call to consulate, told to ignore CEAC website and to wait to be contacted. ClockWatch2.gif

    Mid afternoon receive email from consulate saying visa issued and picked up by Loomis. Contact Loomis, told unless waybill, no information available. Email to consulate regarding waybill number. CEAC status now changed back to "Issued" except this time narrative says, final processing, should receive within 5 working days. offtopic45vn.gif Website provided in pop up window does not work, as they spelled courier with a double r - courrier... Off-Topic2.gif

    Evening email from Loomis saying passport picked up from consulate and will be delivered in a few days. alien.gif

    Wednesday, February 12, 2013

    At 4:30 a.m. Loomis' website shows package arrived at Brampton. wow.gif

    Mid morning voicemail from Loomis advising package ready for pick up. good.gif

    After an hour and a half drive on a 35 minute trip (thank you, rush hour Toronto traffic), I am deliriously happy to be holding my passport, visa, remainder of paperwork dancin5hr.gif

    POE planned for mid March - this is FINALLY happening!!! goofy.gif

  14. well do you have it?

    It arrived in Brampton at 4:30 a.m. and yes, I was awake for it oops8rh.gif As in I checked around 4:15 a.m. and then obsessively again at 4:30 and it showed as "arrived in facility". So today, after 3 hours and change behind the wheel I HAVE IT dancin5hr.gif Am sooooooooooooo relieved and so glad it is done and that we are going to Greece. Can finally start packing for that trip and continue packing for the move... phew, YAYwub.png

    I am sure you will have it in time! It is stressful though eh! Glad you got your waybill # I was soo happy when I finally got mine!

    Both you and NLR are right - I have it in plenty of time! But yes, the last few days have been a nightmare, but all is well when it ends well :D The visa looks pretty :D

  15. Heck I had mine in Alberta next day. Literally, had my interview and was put by 9am, left Montreal at 2pm, next morning around 9 or 10 am get a call from the local Loomis... If you dont have it tomorrow I'll be flabbergasted.

    If I have it tomorrow I will :D They were supposed to process it on Friday and the website said Issued. Monday it still said it but I wanted to confirm. Ooopsies, you took your passport, we dont have it. Oh, wait, we have it. We are issuing the visa ASAP and working on it NOW. Then today status changes to "your case is ready for you to schedule an interview".... So ya, I am hoping against hope that it is here. I offered to bloody drive 5 hours each way to Montreal and back to pick it up but apparently that is not an option for security reasons.... I have aged with 2 years in the last 5 days and cant wait to actually HOLD my passport in my hand again... oh and for someone to pack my suitcase for me as I will be to feeble from all the emotional exhaustion ;)

  16. Ugh!!!

    So if it says issued, call the loomis spot where you are supposed to pick it up every day to see if it's there too!

    I know, eh? :D

    You know the start of the whole ordeal... and once again am in the twilight zone, as Loomis wont talk to me unless I have a waybill number ;) I have called them twice yesterday and 3 times today... yup, bordering on stalking, but quite understandable under the circumstances.

    The GREAT news is that about an hour ago I FINALLY got the Loomis email with a waybill number - HOORAY!!! dancin5hr.gif I mean am now "cautiously optimistic" that they wont lose it and that they wont take "a few days" to deliver as they state in the email... The package has departed the Lachine Loomis facility at 7 pm today, so hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I will have it in hand so I can start packing and more importantly BREATHING :D And stop spazzing out ... phew!! Oh, and right after the Loomis email the CSC website updated and shows the waybill, so here's me hoping a courier from Montreal to Toronto takes less than 2 days good.gif

  17. Yes, finally got my waybill # last night, & as soon as I got it, my MTL# finally worked on the site...weird eh! I was a bit worried but now it is figured out. smile.png

    Weird indeedy. But not as weird as what has been happening to us. I am FREAKING OUT! I had my interview on Friday, was told they will try to process my visa ASAP as we are traveling abroad this upcoming Monday (so overall 10 days but only 5 "real" business days).

    Yesterday, I was told they no longer have my passport as it was given back to me at the interview, so I had a heart attack that they lost it. They later found it and around 2.30 pm started working on my visa. So much for the ASAP... it had sat since Friday morning and had I not called yesterday would have been collecting dust somewhere in the Consulate ....

    On Friday the CEAC website showed "Issued", yesterday morning too. The narrative below explained it is undergoing AP.

    Then this morning the status changed to "Ready" and the narrative explained my case is ready for me to schedule my interview at the consulate ?!?!?!?! I called AGAIN, told AGAIN to be patient.

    Then this afternoon, the status changed to "Issued" stating if I dont receive it within 5 working days to contact them.... I have no waybill number, Loomis cant look me up without it and the CSC website is useless....

    Am trying not to lose my mind but the last 4 days have been a nightmare.... Instead of us celebrating the end of a very long and very strenious process and the beginning of looking forward to our "normal" life together I am losing sleep and my mind over whether I will be able to join my husband on our honeymoon or will stay in cold Toronto while losing thousands of dollars already paid. I did try to reschedule prior to the interview and was told to go and explain my case... so looking back, there is not one thing that I could have done differently.... Sigh.

    Congrats on your approval :D

  18. From all you said, that's good prima facie evidence for CBP that your husband was planning on moving to the US on this trip. You say he wasn't and I take you at your word (it would seem fairly silly, with his immigrant visa interview right around the corner) but you have to understand how it looked to CBP. They particularly seem to take an interest when you bring pets here; I recall someone else having the same problem who was bringing a cat or dog or something like that.

    Anyway, it won't have any bearing on anything. He can try again armed with more proof of needing to return to Canada at the end of his authorised stay (and chief amongst this would be his visa interview letter, as someone else pointed out), although you could always visit him instead.

    To be honest, it is all unpredictable and makes no sense.

    I am Canadian and often cross the border to see my husband. The last two visits I have brought my dog with me. The CBP didnt pay her any mind. At no point was I asked for her documents, nor was I given a hard time or extra questions. Both visits were by air.

    The first one I was not even asked the purpose of the visit. We had a nice brief chat about the weather and long lines at customs, I was stamped and let in.

    The second time was asked for purpose of visit, to which I replied with "visiting my husband". I then made a joke about not being able to wait til I see him and can they tell we are newlyweds and after a chuckle and a stamp was told to have a great day and come on in.

    By contrast, during the summer, when I took the Megabus and crossed over by Niagara I was given such a hard time by the CBP. The guy looked me in the eye and said that is not me in the passport. When I sheepishly joked that given 5 minutes and my make up bag I can restore his faith in passport pictures I realized this is a guy without ANY sense of humour or any sense for that matter. He then demanded to see what I had in my purse, took it from my hands and rummaged through my money looking for extra ID. Told him I never needed anything beyond a passport for my visits to USA or even when in transit via USA. He then rummaged through my handbag. Demanded to see if I have more luggage and sent me for a search at one of the tables. I have nothing to hide but the more he treated me like shite, the more flustered I got. The way they interrogate is appalling and can turn an innocent person into a nervous wreck. I honestly thought he was going to blacklist me from entering the States just because of his foul mood...

    Thereafter, I have dreaded my visits but every time "visiting my husband" has worked like a charm.

  19. That's good you finally have an answer.

    Yes, indeedy :) I will print and take to the interview and hopefully the consular officer will agree to proceed this way... or even better - commit to getting the visa issued in less than 10 days :D yes, I can dream! dancin5hr.gif

  20. Out of the blue earlier today I received 2 emails from Montreal almost back to back. The first one said:

    "Thank you for your email. You may discuss your situation with the consular officer on the day of your interview."

    The second one was more helpful:

    "You may come to the interview and keep your passport. Once your travel is over, you may send us the passport in order to continue processing your immigration application."

    I guess someone does read emails and attempts to respond to/address the issue... and it "only" took 2 weeks ;)

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