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Posts posted by lilypad

  1. Hi guys,

    I called the DOS this morning to ask about the case status of my K1 petition. It was electronically received at the embassy in Paris on 8/19, and the case status read "Ready" as of 8/23. The guy I spoke with said they haven't sent out the packet 3 yet, and further that the case was in Administrative Processing?? This caught me off guard, and I asked is this normal to be in administrative processing as soon as the file is sent to the embassy and he said yes.

    Does anyone have any input? I don't really understand AP other than it's extra background for "hot" countries. My fiance is a French citizen and his dad is from Spain but that's it.

    Every step of this process... cray5ol.gif

  2. Hi - just posted this in France forum too - so there isn't actually anything in the Packet Three that you need to send back, which you can't download? I know that when we got an RFE there was this gold top page included, that we had to send back with our response.

    I mean, is it possible to just send the forms that we've prepared (DS-2001 - DS-230) around the right time and hope that they just cross in the post? We filed in December and we really need our interview date within the next 6 weeks.

    I was wondering the same thing myself. No input from France members on a required extra slip of paper? Almost tempted to try it...

  3. Jeannie & Al - thank you! You seem like a really positive person. Thank you for being uplifting!

    I really wish I could help other petitioners battling not only the wait but the mistakes in the system :(

    For those waiting months and months, I really admire and envy the strength of their relationships. I will not be able to rejoice like they will when they get to be with their loved ones :)

  4. help-me plase, What I can make? I´m clinical depression, really!!!!

    Most importantly, remember it's God's timing. Not ours. I try to take the time to become the person God wants me to be.

    Try to think of it this way: even if that visa was ready tomorrow, what good would it be to you without your fiance? No good.

    What good would it be if you were someone who was only defined by another person? No good.

    What would you be doing if you weren't waiting on it? Becoming the person you were meant to be. You are not a person who only waits around all day luv.gif

    I hope this helps.

  5. As usual, just as I reach the stage of clinical depression...

    Took into consideration the 8 day time it's been averaging to receive a case number and waited (not so) patiently over the weekend... I just called the DOS and they JUST assigned a case number!!!!

    Avoided the NRC hole of despair. My Senator is still getting a mouthful from me about that problem, and I can back my info up because of what you guys post. The information and recommended actions everyone shares here keeps me sane. Many thanks. rose.gif

  6. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-HAW!

    I've been doing so much math the last few weeks it's not funny. I've estimated approximate time from TSC to NVC as 2 weeks and 3 days. And I. Counted. Every. Day. And I counted everyone else's notices. And counted and counted.

    I despaired yesterday after that mark, figuring mine would be part of the 3-5 week pile (if -egads- not "accidentally" lost), but TODAY at 5:01PM I got a text and e-mail with "Your blahbiddyblah has been sent to the Department of State"


    It's OUT OF YOUR HANDS, SERVICE CENTERS. You can't touch this nooooo mo'!!!!!! I CAN SEE THE LIGHT!!

  7. tumblr_ltv3abjfzl1qa476qo1_500.jpg

    You can get so confused
    that you’ll start in to race
    down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
    and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
    headed, I fear
    toward a most useless place.

    The waiting place…

    ...for people just waiting.
    Waiting for a train to go
    or a bus to come, or a plane to go
    or the mail to come, or the rain to go
    or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
    or waiting around for a Yes or a No
    or waiting for their hair to grow.
    Everyone is just waiting.

    Waiting for the fish to bite
    or waiting for wind to fly a kite
    or waiting around for Friday night
    or waiting, perhaps for their Uncle Jake
    or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
    or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
    or a wig with curls or Another Chance.
    Everyone is just waiting.

    "Oh! The Places (You'll Wait) To Go!" - Dr. Seuss

  8. Dear weird, outside of work friends in whose company I spend several hours a day,

    Word of encouragement to veteran VJers: The kingdom of Heaven is like this. Hang in there.

    Gentle reminder to newbies: Please take the time to read through contributing posts to find an answer to your question. I guarantee you will find them. After you have done that and still need to ask, then please do!

    Reminder to pre- AND post-approval petitioners: Don't stop with one letter to your Senator/Congressman/etc., if nothing more than a short note on their convenient online submission form they provide just for the purposes of contacting them! I'm not talking about help with YOUR petition; I'm talking about complaining about the system as a whole. Immigration reform, however greatly needed, doesn't just need a solution; it needs the resources to be enacted. And resources are obviously lacking. The pressure is helping - believe it!

    Aaaaand in more important news:

    3rd transfer notice this evening as well.

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Though the streams are swollen
    Keep them transfers rollin'


    (Thank you for putting the transfer info together, d3adc0d3.)

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