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Posts posted by roxcrew

  1. you get a letter from them, but by the time you get said letter, they probably have gotten your packet and it's at the embassy already, I believe I waited about a week, then called the NVC number and got my case number early so that my fiance could make pay for and make her appointment asap, I would recommend that strategy, I believe I got the letter about 4 days or so after I called them.

  2. Yes, I am very aware and grateful of the sacrifice my fiance will be making in giving up her life there and moving here. That's part of what worries me about homesickness, as it is quite a lot to give up.

    I'm also interested in knowing the specifics of these horror stories of the way pinay girls are treated here by guys. Maybe it is region specific, but I'd still love to know regardless, if you don't mind sharing.

    I have no doubt that you are, as am I and anyone else lucky enough to have found their true love...wherever it may be.

    As far as the "horror stories" I used that phrase as an example of the thinking I have heard, I have yet to hear any specifics, but my Fiance occasionally uses the phrase, and tells me she has heard of mistreated girls, etc...the point I was trying to make was that people overseas do hear "horror stories" regardless of there (the stories) truth, some folk do hear them, and it can color a persons outlook, meaning that someone may overreact to a statement or phrasing, and that in my opinion it's best to always try to assume the best in our loved ones.

  3. I'm in the boat where I'm waiting for my Fiance to get here (we hope in a couple months!!), but from what I have read on posts, it seems many marriages are ending due to misunderstandings, I think it's important to bear in mind that someone is giving up a lot to come here (the US) and that will make even the most optimistic individual afraid, at least a lil bit, and some cultures aren't as confrontational as US culture, so what we...as USC...see as "airing our feelings, etc" the other person might actually find...well frightening. My Fiance is from the Phillipines and she likes to tell me "horror" stories about men mistreating pinay girls here in the US, I think many USC always have the nagging fear that they are being married for a "ticket" and many foreign fiance's worry that they may be exploited...and this can lead to some nasty and unpleasant interpretations of things that under other circumstances, would not occur....

    I think other then the advice giving above (which applies to more physical needs) my thoughts are to apply the philosophy of always remembering three things: "Love her, Assume the best, and THINK before I speak" maybe I'm being Naive a bit, but honestly trust given is trust earned in my mind, and if one is hung up on fears and stereotypes, it will color our vision and thus we will never "make it work".....

  4. Hi all,

    I'm first time poster, long time reader, and this site has been invaluable. I am hoping someone can help out here with this issue I have recently discovered. I will try to be short and sweet here. My Fiance and I were recently granted NOA2 but when the hard copy arrived it was noticed I had misspelled her last name on the I-129f! Naturally this has caused some concern for the both of us. So far I have:

    1. Filed a service request with USCIS (although I suspect that won't help as they should not have the packet)

    2 Called the NVC, where I was told they can do nothing and to call the Embassy when I get notice that packet has arrived.

    So the question is: "has anyone been through this before?" and "what if any affect this will have on my Fiance's medical (she's concerned)" etc any one have this experience, and if so what did you do, and how big an issue will this be?

    I thank anyone and everyone for any replies, thoughts, and advice, in advance :)

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