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Posts posted by amunabasi

  1. congrats!! we're a september filer too, and we scheduled our interview on 24 June since my work contract will be terminated the end of june...

    ANYWAYS, I am wondering that what supporting documents of co-sponsor did you provide?



    send me a private message if you want and you can contact my fiance in person. the japanese k1 fiance visa applicant.

    she has a better memory than me, and she's the one who was actually there.

  2. congrats!! we're a september filer too, and we scheduled our interview on 24 June since my work contract will be terminated the end of june...

    ANYWAYS, I am wondering that what supporting documents of co-sponsor did you provide?



    co-sponsor docs we used: taxes. letter from co-sponsor employer. letter from co-sponsor. letters from co-sponsor banks. actual i-134 filled out by co-sponsor.


    we did the same for me. primary sponsor. petitioner. but I assume they didn't even look at that. I couldn't cover the sponsorship anyway.

    I do not believe the we had a birth certificate or passport for the co-sponsor, but I could be wrong.

    basically - its my assumption if everything else is good, the embassy really just looks at the taxes, notices that the IRS knows the co-sponsor makes enough money, and then they just move on.

    we were really worried about it, and I'm pretty sure they didn't care. my co-sponsor was my dad. in certain embassy's, certain countries, I'm under the assumption it is easy. of course, other places it could be very tough.

    our situation worked out well.

    but we had as much info to substantiate our relationship and finances as possible. I don't think they care about substantiating the identification of the co-sponsor, as long as they have the tax forms.

  3. Just got home and opened my mail, I saw a letter from Homeland Security and was thinking it was going to be an RFE or something of that nature, I was wrong. It was our NOA2!! I can't believe it! (CSA for those who are wondering).

    I noticed on the NOA2 is stated that the petition is approved and "forwarded to the listed consulate." However, there isn't a consulate listed anywhere on the form. I am assuming it is the Embassy in Tokyo. Where do I go to confirm that?

    Also, my fiance scheduled a trip next month to come to the US for our friend's wedding (not ours) for 10 days. Will that be a problem?

    Yoshi and Beth,

    Congrats! That's great.

    I don't know why it doesn't list the consulate, but if you're in Japan it is my understanding that the only two places for interviews are in Tokyo and Okinawa. My fiance just had hers in Tokyo 2 days ago.

    So that doesn't help you with the consulate. But it does tell you where your interview will be.

    And regarding the trip: most people say to just come and be honest at the border and have ready proof that the fiance is returning to the home country, not planning to just stay in US and get married. Of course, my fiance came and just kinda' fibbed about her plans. She was here in the US for 2 weeks, said she was visiting friends and checking out schools. The customs/border folks just let her through. I don't know that its advisable though.

    Good luck!

  4. Great but Japan has zero to do with the Mid East when it comes to requirements. Egypt can be very difficult. Mistakes is understanding or approach will result in denial.

    all countries and all situations are different.

    I was offering perspective as a person who has dealt with the situation in relation to lack of income.

    obviously, my perspective is not perfect, and may not be useful.

    I don't actually see anyone on this thread giving advice regarding the mid east or egypt or any relevant situations.

    But yeah, thanks for your critique.

    I'll make sure in the future to only reply to posts have exactly identical situations.

    I'm sure that will make this community so much more useful when everyone does that.

  5. if you meet the income requirements, don't talk about where you spend the money.

    they don't need to know that the money is invested in something other than normal living expenses.

    also, we used my dad as a co-sponsor because I don't meet the income requirements.

    I'm a grad student with no income.

    so co-sponsors can work, depending on the consulate, I think.

    and... ours just took 8 months, and we were on the ball. if you want to get married in dec you better get moving.

  6. we just got k1 fiance visa approval with a co-sponsor, my dad as co-sponsor. I have no income at all because I am a student.
    I've heard that it depends on the embassy, but you can do the co-sponsor with the i-134.

    my dad filled it out.

    I filled it out.

    we also included his tax documents, my tax documents, letters from the banks, letters from each of us and basically any financial information we could think of that would prove we could take care of ourselves.

    best way is with a co-sponsor who will fill out the i-134.

    good luck!

  7. Hello,

    We've been browsing this site for months, but we never joined before. Just yesterday, at the US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, my fiance got verbal approval for our K1 Fiance visa.

    Started application in September 2012. First notice of action, Texas Drop box Sept 17, 2012. Verbal approval and some slip/paper indicating approval May 20, 1013. 8 months, 3 days.

    Anyway, they said she would get the official visa and approval with her returned passport in the mail in a week. I just wanted to join this site and offer advice for anybody in our situation.

    I'm a grad student (US citizen) with no income. I live off financial aid, scholarships, loans. My father was our co-sponsor and filled out the i-134. I also filled out the i-134.

    More details later or as needed.

    Thanks to everyone on this site! Its been really great getting to read everyone else's stories and understand the process better.


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