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Posts posted by JimAndInah

  1. Howdy All:

    I have used Ms. Dulay's service and had an experience very similar to Zelga's.

    It does take a long time, there isn't any rushing things - you just have to wait for things to get done. There isn't any rushing, you just do what you are told when you are told.

    One thing I would suggest is don't chew our Dimples unless you're ready to have your hair blown back. In the middle of this process, my fiance was required to make an additional, unexpected trip to meet with the psychologist. The stated reason for this was that she had left too early on her previous visit (with the consent of Dimple's assistant) and didn't get everything done. I wrote Dimples and pointed out that her people had screwed things up and I wasn't pleased. Her rebuke almost turned my cheeks pink. :)

    She'll get things done but just be patient. Don't push unless you're ready to get it back with interest.

  2. She can call the Manila office and discuss it with them but even if you don't the POE people probably won't notice it and if they do they probably will consider the preponderance of evidence that the visa is valid and let her in. I'd get it fixed once she's here rather than jepordize her missing her flight for the expensive tickets you've probably already purchased.

  3. When dealing with the US Government, the smart thing to do is answer questions truthfully - but don't volunteer information they don't ask for. If they don't have a problem with your girl's situation they'll issue a visa but if they have questions then answer them truthfully and supply whatever supporting documentation they ask for but don't make a problem out of something they may not care about.

  4. You don't need an attorney for the K1, a friend and I are both in the middle of K1 visas for our fiances and it's a piece of cake if you follow the instructions on this site.

    Don't mention your BF at the POE or you could get hassled. It isn't relevant and you have a valid visa. Don't stir the pot by giving them information they don't ask for, they are trained to follow up on things that you mention casually and might drill you in depth about your intentions - they can put you back on the plane if they question your intentions and having been denied at a POE a future visa might be a real problem. Be quiet and enjoy your visit. Since you've behaved yourself and not over-stayed on any of your previous entries you won't have any problem with your K1.

    Welcome to the US and best of luck to you and your BF!

  5. OP, when you get married is should be like they say in Genesis 2:24 (NIV) "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh". You're supposed to be her first priority in life. A marriage isn't really a marriage when she chooses to leave you and you're living apart like that. I'm sure she's a wonderful girl but there is a story everyone has heard: she's eventually going to get lonely taking care of her mother and someone is going to come along and comfort her. Besides, what can she do for someone with emphysema and back problems? Emphysema doesn't respond to any amount of hand holding; back problems either for that matter.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd do anything for my mother - including moving her into my home to care for her - but your girl almost assuredly knew her mom was sick when she married you and she's choosing to live there with her mom instead of with you - and breaking her vows at the same time.

    In the same situation I'd move on. My fiance's mother is dying of cancer and she's already assured me that she's not going back to the PI and you had better believe I'll hold her to it. Not because I'm cruel or selfish but a family isn't a family when one fo the spouses refuses to live with the other.

    If you haven't already had it, your one year interview is going to be interesting. I'm betting her visa gets revoked and you two are back to square one or worse. She's voting with her actions.

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