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Posts posted by KarlLarsson

  1. I just got my SSN a couple of weeks ago and I tried to register for Selective Services Online and they said that they could not find my SSN. Ok I thought, maybe they just have slow computers that only updateds once or month or something. So I sent them a letter with the form instead.

    Today I am trying to register on Creditkarma.com, I do not have any credit lines yet (of course, hehe) but I wanted to be prepare and keep an eye on my score once I got my first creit card and loans so I figured I should register now anyway. Well they cant find my SSN either!!!

    Should I be worried? Did my SSN not reigster properly? Is there like a homepage that I can control if the SSN is registred at the Social Security office?

    Should I wait more or should I just call tomorrow?


  2. Ok, so I sent all my forms for adjustment of status from F1 visa.

    I logg in on the "check status" place at the immigration website and it tells me the following;
    "On June 8, 2013, your fingerprint fee was accepted and we have mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case."

    The other forms have similar notices.

    Well its the 14th today and still no mail!
    This is pretty scary!

    Did they get the wrong mail address? (Of course there is no way to check your address on file from what I kind see.... -.-)

    So what do I do now? Give them more days? Or should I call them ASAP?


  3. It doesn't matter.

    It would be best to use separate money order instead of just 1 whole payment because if 1 of your form gets denied then you can just re-apply for the form and just pay for that form again instead of re-applying and paying everything again.

    In my case i made 3 moneyorder; $420 for i-130, $85 for biometric, and $985 for i-485. Reason my biometric and i-485 are seperate is because bank, usps, westernunion can only sell me maximum of $1000.

    Cool, thank you guys. :)

    "denied then you can just re-apply for the form and just pay for that form again instead of re-applying and paying everything again."

    So If I fill something wrong they will charge me AGAIN if I need to resubmit a form? Oh lord, that is a lot of pressure on me.

  4. Look at the checklists on the VJ guide. You have to prepare the I-130, I-485, I-131 and I-765 applications separately, so sometimes it means including several times the same document.

    You can put paperclips, yes. Tax returns and pay stubs are documents needed with the I-864, so yes, you put them directly after.

    Evidence of bonafide marriage are needed with the I-130.

    It doesn't need to be all papercliped. But I would say one big paperclip for each applciations. In the end, don't worry too much about that, just organized all the documents the most logically you can.

    Ok thank you all so much.

    I just want to make sure they don't send it back because it was not sorted as they wanted it... would suck sad.png I guess I am paranoid.


    Anyone know anything about the 30 day requirement for photos and if I need to have a receipt proving the date of the photos?

    I know school might have just shut, but can't you get in to your office on campus and score 20 used file folders, plus a box of 1/2 inch binder clips?

    Haha, actually I am taking summer classes as well so I am in school all day even during summer, do not know if I can score any folders though. :P

  5. Add $420 for the I-130. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=c67c7f9ded54d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCRD&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD

    And as said, $1,070 for the I-485. Fees for I-765 and I-131 are waived because you file them with the I-485.

    You have to make 2 separate checks/money orders.

    For more help and to have a checklist of everything you need to include in your packet, look at the VJ guide in your case: http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide2

    I'm still confused though. sad.png

    "Copy of the Full Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen [/size]or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport. This is used to establish citizenship."

    So to what form would I attach that?

    And the tax returns and pay stubs I will just paperclip to the I-864 right?

    "The USCIS now requires that when filing an I-130 for a spouse that you include evidence of a bona fide marriage"

    I assume paperclip to just the I-130? Or should I make copies and attach to some other form?[/size]


    You think a paperclip for each form and its attachments will do? I am short on folders for each separate form.

  6. you are filing the I-130 and I-485 together, right?

    Yes I am.

    excuse me i'm also 7yrs older to my husband lol


    anyways filing fee for 3forms (I-485, I-131, I-765) $1070.

    each forms need supporting documents. make sure to put labels each documents that your submitting to avoid confusion and always attach a cover letter. to make it easier each forms has each folder with the supporting documents with label on it. you could use some post it. make sure not to hole punch the documents. better use some binder clippers or slider binding folders.

    and you probably want to read this:



    haha, ok.

    Ok, yea to use a separate folder for each sounds good.

  7. I have some questions that I googled and tried to find some answers, but the links I saw was all old and said different things so I am going to ask you guys:

    • What about the photos we are sending in, do they need to come with a receipt proving them to be newer than 30 days? (This is not a big thing but the idiot I am I threw the receipts from Walgreens away so we might have to go over there and take new ones just so we can get the receipt... LOL)
    • How exactly do I attach things? I put the photos in plastic bags and attached to the forms that required photos, so that was an easy one, but what about the marriage certificate and my wife's and mine birth certificate and her tax returns (she is sponsor of me), should I just drop them in the packaged with everything else, should I attach them with clips to some of the forms that want requires things, or should I do it some other way?
    • Me and my wife is going over to Sweden this christmas to visit my family so I filled one of the advance parole for leaving the country in case my green card application is still being processed do I need to send some kind of proof of our trip, like flight tickets? (and if so please see question number two on how to attach things)
    • I lost the note we got at immigration for how much money they wanted for the application.... Do anyone know what it cost to fill a i-485 package?

    Bonus question; ( biggrin.png )
    My wife is 7 years older than me, is that gonna trigger an alarm at immigration and force us through a lengthy immigration process?


  8. Would mail get to your house if I misspelled it without the accents on top? I tend to think that since 1) it's not your name that is different and 2) I think it's easy to "match up" the tiny variations in letters that it's not necessary. But either way I don't think you'll have a problem.

    Also, what question are you talking about? You don't have a foreign address because you are adjusting in the US. Questions about foreign address are for people who live abroad.

    Ah, god! Really? Have to take a look at that when I get home then. If is it only for people living abroad this question is pointless. :)

    And yes; I have ordered things to my house in Sweden from Abroad a lot of times and I always receive the mail even though they spell "Önnestad" as "Onnestad"

    I believe others Scandinavians have just used the letter conversion for those letters in their paperwork instead of the Swedish letters, here's one for Swedish.

    ä = ae

    å = aa

    ö = oe

    Ä = AE

    Å = AA

    Ö = OE

    From http://docs.oracle.com/cd/F49540_01/DOC/inter.815/a67843/aspell.htm#2970

    Okok, thank you.

    I just skipped the dots in my address.

    Ok, I guess I do that as well then. :)

  9. In a couple of forms like the i-130 there is a question stating;
    "If your relative's native alphabet is other than Roman letters, write his or her name and foreign address in the native alphabet".

    Well this states a problem for a Swede, we have the Roman letters PLUS 3 additional ones (Å, Ä , Ö) , My NAME does NOT contain these additional letters, BUT my address in Sweden does!

    So what should I do?

    Just fill out the Address and leave the Name as (N/A)? Or should I fill out both just because I have Ö in my address? This looks weird as well since the name will be exactly the same on both the form and then this question.

    Anyone know what they did? I understand it is easy if you have extra letters on BOTH name and address but now I only have extra letters on my address and that got me confused.


  10. The I-130 and Adjustment of Status guide here on VJ will give you a general overview of the entire process as well as a list of items you'll need to include with your forms. You can check if you have all the required documents there.

    You'll also be able to ask questions of people who are in your specific situation over in the Adjustment of Status from Work, Student & Tourist Visas forum. The CR-1/IR-1 forums (where you are now) are for cases where the foreign spouse is not in the US. The two processes are quite different so you'll probably get better answers if you ever need to ask questions specific to adjusting status while in the US at the link above.

    Best of luck! smile.png

    Ah ok, thank you! smile.png

  11. Welcome to VJ.

    Yes, you most definitely can.

    So you're filling for the green card while in the US, and you're following the I-130 and Adjustment of Status guides, right? Just making sure. wink.png

    Thank you all for the quick replies! :)

    Yes, I got here 2 years ago on a F1 Student Visa, then found my love after a few months, been together for almost 2 years and 6 weeks ago we got married and had a nice wedding for friends and family. :)

    Yes, I am in the USA right now I am following the instructions on the forms yes, and the parts I do not understand I am "googeling", I got the whole package (I hope!!!) of forms from the Immigration Office in Tampa, but my penmanship is horrible so I started to download the same forms to a folder and filling them out on the computer instead.

    My wife also likes it better so she can sit in the sofa with the laptop instead of by the table :)

  12. Just got married and I am filling all the forms for green card based on marriage.

    Just want to make sure I am not doing a lot of work and then turning out I am doing it wrong.

    Can I download all the forms (I went to the immigration office with my wife and got all the forms but I like to do them on the computer better), fill them out on the computer then print the FILLED forms and just add our signatures "by hand" so to speak?

    Read somewhere that you need to fill out the forms with black inc, but then why would they make it possible to fill them out on the computer?

    So to keep it short;
    Can I download, fill out the forms, THEN print and just use my ink pen to sign by hand?


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