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Posts posted by bcmcfish

  1. thank you everyone!!!

    basically our solution looks like an amalgumation of a few suggestions.

    we are renting from Penske in Buffalo... they give unlimited mileage, which U-Haul doesn't... we'll drive it back to TO, then on to our destination.

    the price is actually $100 cheaper than U-Haul as well!!! i was really surprised, but apparently they have a deal going... (and for AAA members)

    the company seems more reliable, the staff were incredibly helpful (especially compared to all the other people we had called... yes, we're talking to you, National!!!)

    so yeah, that looks like our best option for cross-border... we'll let you know how it goes :)

    thank you everyone!!!

    basically our solution looks like an amalgumation of a few suggestions.

    we are renting from Penske in Buffalo... they give unlimited mileage, which U-Haul doesn't... we'll drive it back to TO, then on to our destination.

    the price is actually $100 cheaper than U-Haul as well!!! i was really surprised, but apparently they have a deal going... (and for AAA members)

    the company seems more reliable, the staff were incredibly helpful (especially compared to all the other people we had called... yes, we're talking to you, National!!!)

    so yeah, that looks like our best option for cross-border... we'll let you know how it goes :)

  2. ok... now that we have our visa, we have our move date... now we just need to get our stuff there...

    we have heard a number of evil reports about U-Haul and the upkeep of their trucks and what-not... so we are trying desperately to find an alternative.

    it's like a word-problem from school... we need to get our bodies and our stuff from toronto to new jersey the cheaply yet reliably... we are not importing a car, so we probably need to go with our stuff, so we can't use a u-pack or POD or an expensive moving company.

    but we don't want to use U-haul... anybody know of an alternative? please?! :)

  3. Hi all,

    My wife and I are planning on going over the the US this weekend and wondered if it might be a good idea to get her green card activated. We will be fully moving our stuff in December, but we'll be back and forth sorting out jobs in the US and also shutting things down in Canada until then.

    Is there any problem with this that I don't see? Will we both then be taxable on our continuing Canadian income (which would continue until our December final move)? Would we need to have a list of everything that will eventually be brought over later?

    We want to get the green card and thus the SSN because she's planning on being a teacher, but in transferring her credentials to get a teaching certificate she needs a SSN. So we'd like to get started on the transfer process while we finish up here in Canada.

    So, basically, are there any issues we need to watch out for or problems that could arise? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


  4. I had no problems either. I went to the local Toronto Police Station, they made a copy of my wife's ID, and we received it a few days later.

    Like people have said before, you just need a Canada-wide name-based check as long as you don't have a criminal record.

    We just had the Canada-wide check on Toronto Police letterhead, and we were fine.

  5. Well, Congratulations! Your B&B story will be part of your lovely memories about the experience - quaint and a bit quirky, but imminently satisfying:-). Good luck on getting all of the eggs into the right baskets for your move south:-). Do you know yet where you will be relocating?

    probably the east coast near family:)

    So you were dcf, right.... but from what you wrote you don't have set plans for where you are relocating? That didn't come up as proving domicile or anything? Just curious

    AND CONGRATS!! I am sure you are PLEASED it is over :D

    yes, we DCF'd. We applied as residents of Canada, but for where we are going to live I put my parents' house, since that is where we will probably go first, then figure out where we want to live from there. I didn't have to prove that or anything though. In fact, they never asked.

  6. Yes I am legally an Ailen... but better looking than ET!

    We went to Montreal on Thursday for our interview at the US consulate. We stayed in a nice B&B ~ Jade Blue ~ cheaper than a hotel and alot nicer than the youth hostel! It was in an "interesting area" of tacky strip clubs (yuck) in between cute restaurants. Try the Trois Brasseurson Rue St. Catherine for a Flamme... delicious!

    Although the B&B was kinda weird, as we let ourselves in and the landlady was nowhere to be seen during the 2 day stay, we could speak to her by phone. It was relatively smooth although their check in system might need a bit of fine honing. A member of staff did appear each day to cook a delicious breakfast for us and the other bewildered but contented guests:) We could park our car for free beside the B&B, although we prayed for large bouncer-like angels to guard it. My poor sister and bro in law got their truck stolen when they went for their interview last year and had to get the train back to Toronto ~ additional extras on finance never great in this process as your little nest egg gets fried by the visa process itself! argh...

    Thursday night we sat up watching the season opening game of Bill's beloved superbowl champs from last year ~ the Steelers! They beat the Miami Dolphins in a rather good game. Now before you all think I have been brain washed by my sports mad American husband, this all does make sense, it is in context I promise.

    We arose bright and early (OK early, but not so bright) Friday morning walked 15 minutes to the US consulate and had it completely jammy in timing. We walked in and within 2 minutes got on the lift to the 19th floor, got off and were 2nd in line at window 14 to get our number! (right behind our Calgary VJ friend, thanks for keeping us sane!)

    So we were in and out in 1 1/2 hours approved. Reading the process on VJ helps lots and makes it all simple, others straggled in rather confused and flustered as we sat calmly~ish. Everyone there was pleasant too, which was honestly a bit of a surprise (except the security guards... they were a little bit tense, but then again in this current climate who can blame them? they're just trying to do their job well).

    The interviewer was really pleasant asking * when were we married * where was I born * had I ever been refused access at the border *... then he discovered Bill was from Pittsburgh! HE (interviewer) was Miami Dolphins fan (which could have gone against us had he been a bitter man) and the men talked American football for 10 minutes ~ I kid you not! It was as pleasant a conversation as any in starbucks. I guess we looked like the innocent, law abiding, in love people we are :)

    I cannot believe the majority of my green card interview was about The Steelers and National Football League. For all those who have seen the 1990's movie 'Green Card' there were no "what deoderant does Bill use?" questions, no interest in our wedding and dating photos... zippo!

    So yesterday morning (Tuesday) all my paperwork arrived with us in Toronto and we hope to now make firm plans and get ourselves organised to move. So thus ends the chapter of our lives in Toronto Canada and thus begins our new one in The US of A somewhere soonish....

    Thanks VJ and although there are some harrowing stories, please do be encouraged that if you are going through this ~ that it can be quick (6 1/2 months) and be done without a lawyer (if you have a straightforward case and your head screwed on). We are done, the nest egg is fried, but we are together and can stay that way now in the USA. The US consulate were nothing but pleasant and kind to us, it doesn't have to be a scary process :)

    All the very best to everyone still in process...

    Next up for us, Point of Entry!!! YAY!!! :)

  7. The Irish girl and the guy from Pittsburgh is us!!!

    We got approved too, and relatively easily... we had no problems and the interview was all about the Pittsburgh Steelers

    I'm sure my wife will write up a nice long story which we'll post later on... but our visa arrived this morning, so we're ready to go!!!

    all the best for you both... your husband kept us calm and occupied, which was great. it kept us from thinking about it too much

    hope the move to indiana goes well!

  8. The Irish girl and the guy from Pittsburgh is us!!!

    We got approved too, and relatively easily... we had no problems and the interview was all about the Pittsburgh Steelers :)

    I'm sure my wife will write up a nice long story which we'll post later on... but our visa arrived this morning, so we're ready to go!!! :) :) :)

    all the best for you both... your husband kept us calm and occupied, which was great. it kept us from thinking about it too much :)

    hope the move to indiana goes well!

  9. My wife and I have been back and forth while in process for the CR-1. The first time we tried to cross we were both really nervous about getting turned away...

    When we arrived at the immigration desk, my wife filled out the visa waiver (since she's British). Then nothing happened. They didn't ask to see any documentation, even though we brought almost everything we would need (bills, lease, etc). We even voluntarily told the lady that we were in the green card process... and she then shrugged her shoulders and let us go...

    So, inherently there is no problem. If you have other complications it might matter. But we've traveled a couple times during the process and have had no difficulty...

    Just take your documentation and proof that you have ties to Canada, and it should be fine.

  10. hi everyone!

    we wanted to tell everybody that we got our interview date! the letter came yesteday (July 4th), so we thought it was rather appropriate to get it on independence day :)

    our date is Sept. 8th. we were hoping for sometime in august, but we'll take it. it's nice to know that the end is in sight :)

    thanks for all the help in answering questions! these forums have been very helpful, and i'm sure we'll have a couple more questions coming up to the interview...


  11. Hi everybody!

    My wife and I want to take a trip down to my family in PA this holiday weekend... The only problem is that we are in process for her CR-1. We are currently awaiting the interview date (which will hopefully be soon). We have a new nephew (he was born in April), and we really want to go see him, and the rest of my family.

    Since we are already past the stage of giving all the times she's crossed the border (DS-230), would there be any complications at the interview if we did get turned away?

    Also, we would bring a letter from both of our employers stating that they expect us back, perhaps a copy of our rental agreement, an e-mail from my sister, a picture of our new nephew...

    Is there anything else we should bring to convince the border guard to let us in? Everything we've read says that it's up to the border guard to let us in or not, so we want to bring as much evidence as possible...

    We don't want to cause any complications, but we really want to see my fam...

    Thanks for your input!!!

    Bill (and Caroline)

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