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Posts posted by Jochie

  1. We just got our NOA2 (i-797) for our K-1 visa application. Hooray for that!!!

    However, the form clearly states "The above petition has been approved, and forwarded to the listed consulate."

    The problem . . . no consulate is listed. I reviewed the original I-129F paperwork, an no consulate/embassy is mentioned on that form either.

    How do we know which consulate will be selected? The form states that I should contact them if the wrong one is listed, but none is listed. In fact, I see no where on the form where it would be appropriate to list a consulate.

    So, how do we know that the information is being forward to the correct embassy?

    Should we just trust Uncle Sam to get this right on his own? (snort -- giggle -- giggle, sorry I couldn't help myself)

    What is the proper procedure here?

    Just to follow up with you, did it end up going to NVC or straight to consulate?


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