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    jill84 reacted to frenzyheart in I-751 April 2013 filers   
    That's what he told us, because if caught "out of status", it can end up getting pretty nasty, because more often than not, they will punish first and ask questions later. It's not just border patrol that can cause issues. Say you get pulled over for whatever reason. They take your ID, find out that you aren't a US citizen, ask to see green card... OH LOOK. You're showing them a green card that is technically expired. Can you prove right there, other than saying it, that you are in the country legally? Nope. And I can guarantee that they aren't going to simply take your word for it, as much as we'd all love for it to be like that. In my opinion, It's NOT a hassle to carry the passport with you, even if just for the sake of knowing that you can 100% prove your status NO MATTER WHAT situation may arise, and even if it never happens... well, you still know. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and given that it was a SUPERVISOR that told us this? Yeah. I think we'll be listening to him. But you go ahead and do what you want if you think you'll be okay.
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