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Posts posted by isbjorn

  1. +1 for Aer Lingus £378 for my one way including taxes in January. MAN-DUB-BOS

    TBH even if it was more expensive, I'd still pay extra to go via Dublin for POE, just makes life easier - very little waiting the last 3 times I have been.

  2. Actually, yes I am a worrier.....mainly because I am getting different information from the attorney and Visajourney. I don't want to 'sack' the attorney just incase there is a real issue that flags up but this isn't the only piece of information that has proven the attorney to be wrong. I was originally told the whole process would take 3 months!!!

    The reason for not wanting to declare the full £80K is that some of it is tied up with my parents as an investment package and to show it in my sole name would mean cancelling policies and losing interest accrued etc etc.

    Thank you for your help.



    Sack the attorney.

    I self sponsored with about £3000 in my current account, and a letter from my employer saying I would still be employed just telecomuting to the UK when legally able to work in the USA.

    I just went in with 6 months worth of bank statements and the letter.

    He didn't even look at my bank statements, just took it verbatim, and added the letter to my file.

    Approved no issue.

  3. So went to the SSA office to apply for my SSN, the lady was able to find me - however the entry has my middle name include with my first name, almost like a double barrel.

    However the lady said she would need to send off the copies of my documents to DHS/USCIS to verify them as the SAVE database entry was not an exact match. I didn't proceed and said I'd come back.

    Is it possible for me to call DHS/USCIS to get the SAVE entry amended? Then apply for SSN. Or do I have to go back in, and have them send copies to DHS/USCIS for verification and with that the longer wait time.


  4. First Line- I am not asking you what you felt

    Second Line- Do you think the attacker identifies themselves as gay?

    6th line-Do you think the attacker identifies them selves as gay

    7th line- I am not asking you what you think ?

    Are you Bi-Polar?

    Seriously You keep telling me you are not asking what i think,, then demanding my opinion?..

    I am American--If I identify myself as Philippino what freaking difference does it make I am still American.

    or you insulting people by calling them Gay, then saying people that stereotype are ignorant

    Were you educated in a steel mill?

    It's not a hard question:

    Do you think the attacker identifies them selves as gay? (y/n)

  5. In this thread I am not going to give in to the hate..... my goal to bring help is more important than defending my honor.

    I also have additional resources for the LGBTQ folks, if you need it, PM me.

    I am there for you.

    No one deserves to be beaten.

    Cant wait to see your dedication to the abused LGBTQ folks.

    I look forward to seeing this thread bumped in a months time to keep the message 'out there'?

    You know not been beaten, dedication to the cause and all that.


    After such interest in the high rates of sexual abuse of men by other men in the military I thought I should share this website.and start another conversation about what we can do to help those who are battered?

    The high rates of domestic violence everywhere is concerning and something we should all take note of.

    So that I why I wanted to get this alternative avenue of support out there.

    I think we can all agree, "No one deserves to be beaten" so please pass this link on to your friends and perhaps post it to Facebook as I have.

    And share your thoughts on what else we can do to protect the LGBTQ folks.


  7. I don't really care how heselfidnefies. People often most of the time hide who they really are.

    I wasn't asking what you felt or if you cared, so that obfuscation can stop. Again:

    "Do you think the attacker identifies themselves as gay?" (y/n)

    If you have sex with another man, that makes you as a minimum Bisexual.

    Cool - Tho, again that isn't an answer to the question.

    If you fly a Plane for a living you are a pilot.

    Wow, thanks for giving me the heads up on an aviation employment question, I didn't even ask.

    It's not a hard question:

    "Do you think the attacker identifies themselves as gay?"

    I'm not asking what you think, or what a taxi driver drives.

    It's really that simple

    Yet the question still goes unanswered.

  8. Been over to the states enough, I know what I will miss.

    A decent public transport system, I actually like using buses. And was shocked by how terrible/few local bus services are.

    Cashiers/ anybody who works in a public facing role, I am comfortable with how natural people are in the uk, if they have had a bad day you will know by their attitude. But in the US the fake polite friendliness just doesn’t sit well with me.

    However I can’t wait to get there.

    Oh and Henderson’s Relish, boy i’ll miss that.

  9. Usually I wouldn't.

    i happen to know several including my own children confirmed developed ADHD from vaccines,

    No, just happen to know several children that have ADHD. The 'from vaccines' bit is pure conjecture.

    several children developing MS directly from them, two who DIED from them given 5 at once, several who developed tumors in the brain and one who developed sesiures. just because you don't know any cases, and havent done research doesn't mean you know.

    And just because you know some doesn't mean correlation implies causation.

    and CHRISTIANS are not supposed to ever get vaccines by order of the BIBLE where is says to keep your body free from blemish and toxic substances, and i quote a few:

    The Bible says lots of things...

    There are scriptural passages that teach us why it is not right to vaccinate. Vaccines are comprised of foreign proteins, and vaccination is the forcible procedure for putting foreign proteins in our bodies. Scripture gives specific instructions about how we are to care for our bodies and repeatedly warns against defiling the body. We are commanded to keep these temples clean, pure and holy.

    ~1 Peter 1:15-16 teaches us “as He which hath called you isholy, so be you holy in all manner of conversation (life); Because it is written, be you holy, for I am holy.”

    Er... this has nothing todo with vaccines. It is talking about the products of salvation... salvation: hope, holiness, reverence and love.

    ~Leviticus 11:44-45 tells us to keep the body clean in order to be holy. “You shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and you shall be holy.”

    Try reading the 4 verses beforehand that tell you explicitly how to be clean.

    ~Ephesians 5:27 and ~Romans 12:1 beseech us to preserve our bodies without blemish or any such thing and tells us that it is our duty to do so.

    Our bodies should be “holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

    27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

    Got that? No wrinkles! And Romans 12.1... well go read it.

    ~1 Corinthians 3:16-17 teaches us that to be holy we must follow the laws of nature. This scriptural passage warns that if any man defile the temple of God, he shall be destroyed, “for the temple of God is holy, which you are.” The destruction of living tissue, and eventually the body, is a natural consequence of a degenerative disease process that begins when the body becomes defiled.

    Or you know... the fall.

    ~Deuteronomy Chapter 14 and ~Leviticus Chapter 11 To keep us free from blemish, the laws of nature stipulate that our bodies cannot tolerate foreign substances. For our protection, these scriptural passages list the clean and unclean proteins that are both acceptable and unacceptable in our bodies in any manner.

    Please, go read these chapters, they are dealing with Jewish Sacrificial Laws and Laws of Kashrut, and what is an acceptable sacrifice to God. Nothing about vaccines.

    ... Ill refrain.

    and by the way, the Quran agrees.

    Oh right must be true!

  10. Update: we got no e-mail and no CEAC update, but packet is now at courier (my fiancee called the office where we are supposed to pick it up and it is there). Unfortunately, they close at 4 and are not open Saturdays, so she will get it at 8 a.m. Monday and hopefully be set!

    Hmm, how did your partner get information on the package without the tracking number?

    I called my local depo as I wanted to leave with my partner when the flew back to the states, however the lady on the end of the phone couldn't tell me anything about it without tracking number.

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