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Posts posted by nourhan003

  1. hello, my husband filed form ds160 for my father to came to us to visite me he received confirmation letter by email but my father opened the systhem from morroco and choose the date of appointement but when the page appear is written print this page after that the page expired

    plz how can my father get new appointement letter ?? should he return to ds 160 or should he delete ds 160 and prepare new one with new interview ?? because when he want to apply for another interview the systhem need the id number and it s written in the appointement that was expired page ??

    i need ansewer as soon as possible because we want realy that he came to visite me as soon a possible


  2. hello , finaly i got visa from consulate that will be green card with my new born i already pay the plane it will be in the afternoon of next tuesday 27 tuesday 2013 thy give me paper they write number of registration number it contain 8 number after the letter A when my husband try to pay the fee of 165 dollard the systhen give us right to enter just 8 number not 9 with letter A and when we add number 0 after letter A

    they give us acces correct to pay should we confirm payement with adding 0 or what should we do

    plzz i have no time and plz if we didn t pay this fee before traveling what will happen they will stop me at port of the entry or they will give me chance their to pay it ??

  3. hello,my inerview will be next week with my baby who has one month and 20 days now im f2a category

    they tell me to bring new form i864ez for baby not simple form but in that form ther is no case to add the baby what should i write in the first page info for me or for baby and what about total of houshold should be tree or four my husband just sponsored me in old form i864ez that was sent and case completed and sponsor my newborn

  4. hi, i have new born who will appear with me at interview i have question about form i864ez not simple form i864

    - i want to fill this form and want to know what to put in the first part information for my new born or for me

    - and what about total of houshold should i put 2 and 1 and 1 that mean total will be 3 or four??

    my husband just sponsor me and my daughter ??

    thanks my interview will be next week

  5. ok any question im her i already get appointement with my baby to do medical report they asked me to bring

    -for me


    -copy of passport

    -fee of 1400 dirham /

    -4 pictures

    -appointement letter

    for baby


    -copy of passport

    -2 pictures

    -book of vaccin for new born

    -fee of 250 dirham

    appointement letter that i received is enough

    u should get appointement with baby prior to interview with a few days

    my medical exam will be in 28 may 2013 at 9 am

    and plz u have to print ds230 and fill it for new born and fill form i864 also like u filled for your wife but ther will same change in the first page u will see the diffrence just when u will write number of persons that u will sponsor

    income should be enough and sponsor two persons mother and child

    any question u can ask .because we have the same situation my interview will be in 9 june 2013

    don t forget to join the most recent tax they will ask u for tax 2012

  6. if u are green card holder and u filled for your wife f2a category and she gives birth outside usa and interview is so close don t call nvc u have to prepare

    -passport for new born /passport of orginal country

    -translated birth certificate

    -2 pictures

    -appointement letter for wife

    -fee of 230 dollard

    -medcal report for new born baby will enter withaout appointement lettre with mother and must appear at interview

    mother will bring new born at medical report and enter consulate with her baby

    they will give visa in two days for mother and child

    but if u are citizen consular will gave mother chose betwine getting visa and let child in country don t do that because mother will travel alone and fill i130 in us baby will stay outside us until finishing process approuval and nvc

    the second choice is mother must tell to consular to hold her visa and waiting for blue passport the periode is 6 to 8 months for mother to travel with baby

    im sur for this info because i have just deliver my new born last month and my interview will be in the first week of june i prepared all documents needed my husband is green card holder ill get visa with my baby consulate who advice me to do that

  7. i m asking about case no 5 about age my new born will have one month and 28 days at interview day so i would like to know what to put in this case

    plz we filled this form in computer and when we try to write the correct age two months and few days it doesn t work and the application give us just access to write one number so the consular office will not make diffrence if new born has one month or one year

    -and for case 18 plz in form ds230 they write date of marriage and new born isn t married when we try to write n/a computer can t write n/a he gives just access to write number

    my husband filled aos in computer and we try to fill ds230 also in computer can we let the first one written in computer and write ds230 by hand

    plz help me in this form and thank u very very much @

  8. hi my interview will be in the first week of june 2013 my husband will send me tax 2012 he will scan it

    plz i wnt to know if consulate will accept scane documents and just copy of tax or he must send me the original one

    -2 question is about form ds230 we filled this form for our new born and want just know what should we make in case no 31 should we make name of mother who will accompany new born or make n/a

    -case 30 what should we make current adress for new born or nothing n/a because new born has not reached yet 16 years old ???

  9. hi my interview will be in the first week of june and i didn t filled ds230 for my new born to be inclueded at my petition f2a category plz i have question in this form if anyone can help me i have no enough time and i wish to not make any mistake in this form to include my daughter correctly

    ds 230 that we need to fill is for new born

    case 14 they write

    -spouse es maiden or family name what should we write in this case name for new born of m

    other who is the beneficiary and will pass interview

    -case 15 and 16, 17 should we make n/a or fill info for new born or for mother ??

  10. my appointement at doctor of consulat in casablanca dr ambari next weeki i want to know if i need book of vaccin for me or no because when i went to get appointement from doctor to do medical exam with my daughter they write in documents needed just book of vaccin for my new born daughter who has now one month but they didn t ask me to bring my book

    plz anyone who know the process in morroco im f2a category we have same interview with my daughter

    i lost my book of vaccin but is he obligatory ??

  11. thank u so much i have already got appointement from doctor it will be ai 28 may 2013 at 9 am

    they give appointement befor 15 days of interview

    i have new born who has now one month we prepared all documents they need

    -aos form d i864 ez for my new born show the last tax year and that petitioner is able to support two persones

    ds 230 for new born

    -passport for my new born

    -translated birth certificate

    -fee of 230 dollard

    -2 pictures

    all this documents are ready now

    -medical exam we already got appointement we will enter with the same appointement letter and after the exam my consulate asked me to bring document from doctor for baby to be allowed to enter with me at the same day and visa will issued for me and baby after one week

    i have just question plz if someone can help me in filling form ds 230

    - should i keep all informations for benificiary /mother of child who will do interview like we have already complete at nvc ? and change just the case 29

    -list names dates and place of birth and adresses of all children

    and case 30

    - and what about case 14 and 15, 16,16, 17,18 this info for beneificiary of petitioner ?

    or should i include just info for new born and write n a at all cases

    plz help me

  12. hello, we have new born and want to fill ds 230 for him to be allowed to travel with her mom

    im asking what to write in first page info for beneficiary and include child in the second page at this form

    just her name ??? or should we write just info for new born in all form ??

    -can bneficiary sign the form or should be signed by the petitioner ?

    my interview is at in the begining of june i have already prepared all documents to include our child

    but i have prob to complete ds 230 for new born

    - should i keep all informations for benificiary /mother of child who will do interview like we have already complete at nvc ? and change just the case 29

    -list names dates and place of birth and adresses of all children

    and case 30

    - and what about case 14 and 15, 16,16, 17,18 this info for beneificiary of petitioner ?

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