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Posts posted by luna_sky

  1. What is dcf?

    Yeah, I've heard a lot about tourist visa denials.. so I dunno, I guess we'll just have to try... we don't have thick bank account or properties as we are just starting to do that but his company is taking care of us here, they pay for housing and bills basically. He loves his job and he just recently got approved of a permanent resident status here in the Philippines, I went to the immigration with him during the interview. He just wants me to meet his family and for the kids as well as me and the kids have never met his mom and his brother, they wanna meet us its just hard for his brother to travel since he has a wife and 2 kids then his mother has never traveled or been in a plane all her life plus he wants me to see where he grew up.

  2. Well the thing is, we read this ...."under section 214(b) of the US immigration law, the consular officers will still assume that your wife is an intending immigrant no matter how your wife demonstrates her personal ties to the Philippines. Tourist visa by definition and context may be the appropriate visa for your wife’s travel purpose, but under the law, the fact that she’s married to an American citizen gives the consul a circumstantial or “in so facto” thought that she will settle there with you."

    That's why we believe that the tourist visa is not an option... the suggestion was either a k3 or that ir-1

  3. So, I guess my about me says it all.. but anyway, yeah.. me and my husband are both 30 yrs old with 2 amazing boys who are dual citizens and hold passports for both countries (US and Phil). We applied for their CRBA at the Embassy here. We've been married for 1 1/2 year and together for 3 years and counting.My husband is an American expatriate who basically lives and works here but still employed by an American company. Well he was sent here by their office4 in the US to manage a department in their office in Manila. So we are all here in the pHilippines now. We have decided to start the process for the application of visa so we can all go and see his family there. We are just really clueless on what to do, like whats the first step?? and what do we need. He pays his taxes in the US cuz his salary comes from there. I'd appreciate any info... thanks

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