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Posts posted by cpk

  1. Can anyone tell me more specific info on the 134 affidavit.. in my divorice decree it says i pay support for four children, currently only three are still minors and those threel live with thier mother.. i claim one child every year and two every other year on my taxes.. I just noticed that my income falls a little short when all three kids are listed in the 134.. does anyone KNOW if they will go by the divorce decree, the tax return, or what is listed on the 134..

    the income is well above the 125% IF the support is counted back into my income, however my accountant writes it off as alimony, so the tax return income does not show the support on my income, but it is listed as alimony


    i am planning to take three 134's with me to give for whichever path they choose, but will have to list assets if they will not calculate the support payments back in to the total

    any info would be appreciated

  2. make sure that the divorce decree is a original certified.. i have read that a certified copy is possibly problematic..i still need to get mine for 30 sep interview, so I will be finding out also.. i read what i just told you this wek somewhere here.. i think a watermark is needed on the papers. i will be getting as many different types of the divorce decree as i can!!

  3. this is a little late , but if you havnt sent it in yet I strongly recommend rapid visa or another service to put the packet together for you !!

    any little thing done wrong could put you back at square one.. months later!!

    a friend of mine who has lived in sps for 25 yrs has seen many applicant give up because of paper work errors that eventually cause the petitioner to lose hope.. I used the aforementioned service and had no rfi's or problems..

    good luck

  4. Does anyone here live in the same Congressional District (California 48th) as the CSC? I wonder if an in-person visit by their Congressman (John Campbell - R) might be a good next step? The district is pretty small geographically covering Newport Beach, Tustin, Irvine, El Toro and Lagune Niguel so both his residence and local office are probably nearby which would make it easy for him to meet with the director on one of his visits home if he could be convinced to do so. It's worth asking if you live in this district and who knows perhaps the Congressman might take up our cause?


    if you go to the bottom of this page you will find a casework release authorization form(PDF)to download and return to him signed.. if enough of us send him one of these asking him to help ALL OF US to get the first come first serve process followed, he might be inclined to help or at least provide info beyond the standard reply.. again please dont focus on your own case but rather ask for him to help all who have been on hold while CSC has been doing what ever they have been doing

  5. i dont know if any of you have tried this, but you can enter any case number to see the status of those in front or behind....also am not sure if the numbers are really assigned in order, but it does occupy some time and is interesting..also read from the post today 'infopass' the employee (our employee) who did the meeting inferred if he had other case numbers to compare against the persons requesting the infopass meeting, they might be able to check why some wait forever while other are not...

  6. Thank you for letting people know that info passes do not give you much information. I do not understand if they are so far behind, why they think scheduling info passes in person are better than just answering the questions on the phone. Either way, we do not get any information because they are not going to confirm or deny stuff we hear on vj. They are not going to guarantee us anything. They are only going to put us off two, three or even six months to keep us from contacting them again. They need some guidance and good leadership to get this immigration process to work properly.

  7. i believe that if you have paystubs or a letter from your employer that verifies the minimum income requirements, you only need one years tax return..the most current.. IF.. you are 1099 rather than w2 you will probably need three years tax returns.. the letter from your source of income will be helpful if you do not have previous work history..

  8. That is from what I understood from the lady i talked to on the phone, she told me that the dream filers have priority ! which i find nothing but a bunch of bull, they can wait in line like the rest of us ! they have been here all this time breaking the law ,and now they get priority over the people doing it the right way ! i hope everyone will write mr. Rubio and make him hear our voice ! and not just the undocumented !

    thanks for responding.. i will send a letter to him tonight.. i kind of figured obama put them on a fast track..

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