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Posts posted by KarenCee

  1. I had to come out of VJ retirement and post on this one!

    I am soooo thankful to God for my foreign husband!!! Having been married once before to an awful Amerikan man and hearing my friends complain about their awful Amerikan man (sounded a lot like mine unfortunately) I knew a foreign man was for me! My gorgeous husband treats me like a man is supposed to treat a woman - with love and respect as his equal. Being married to a Canadian has been THE best thing I have ever experienced! He cooks, he washes clothes, vacuums - none of that ####### about those jobs being woman's work - he does those things because we both work. He works as hard as I do and actually wants to spend time with me so if we both work on the house we can spend time together (imagine that - a man who loves his wife enough to help out). Now that my friends is a REAL man...and seldom will you find a MAN like that here in the States. Oh! He's intelligent, he can read - READ and actually comprehend too! He talks to me and not just about hockey or beer. He loves me just the way I am and actually sees me as a very intelligent woman with merit. He's not hung up on looks or a woman's figure and oh my gawd he is so HOT ! :wub:

    Oh, and to hear him watch NHL games and chew out the players, coaches, and referees in French...omg...makes my heart beat faster and I have to start fanning myself. OOOO LA LA!!! ;)

    Being married to my sexy Canadian man has been THE best experience in my life. I love being married to my Canadian...I am very proud to be his wife. HIS! I am the lucky one in all this. (L)

  2. I did a search and I found a discussion with a bigot named mawilson but that was it.

    This made me :lol:

    Hello Comrades!!!! Popping in for a moment to ask for prayers for my mother in law. She's having open heart surgery at about 10pm PST (7 am in Germany).

    Prayers being offered...keep us updated. (F)

    Also doing a pop in...working on two classes, working two jobs, and trying to help hubby find a job before March since the one he has now is over at the end of March. Prayers please!


  3. I check in occasionally to check on your progress...and I am so happy to hear that things are finally coming to a close with this nightmare so you and Sharon can finally...FINALLY...be together. Safe travels and best wishes to you both. (F)

  4. This is one of the photos taken at the gathering at Unicoi State Park in Helen GA. We had a super time, lots of food, lots of laughter, and just plain enjoying being around each other. We want to do this again soon and hopefully it will be where more can join us. :D

    BermyCat and her husband, KarenCee and Fuzzness, Southern Canadian and her husband, Steve S, and Kathryn41 and her husband.


  5. Awww...Sister Susita...some peoples are just jealous. :D Jealous they are not the party hostess you are. Besides, there are some not worth letting them get to you. Know what I mean jellybean?

    I apologize for my disappearance...between work, school, homework, and health issues (not to mention other extremely stressful sh!t in my life recently) I've not had much interest. I've not even FB'ed much. But I will try to be more faithful to my commie brothers and sisters. :star:

  6. i'm working like crazy hours,saving for wedding,and trip to moscow,so i have to bow out,but thank you all,and please post more like this in the future,marina should be here in early december as our interview is oct 26th. :thumbs:

    Ah, sivad, we will miss your company but understand your situation. Good luck to Marina and I'll look forward to meeting the two of you at a future Georgia Couple get together.

    a1v - hope you can make it - it would be great to meet you!

    yes the next one for sure :thumbs:

    Definitely would love to see this become an annual event, maybe in a different location so we can all see various parts of the South. :D

  7. I am SO looking forward to tomorrow! Joel and I will be there early (11:30ish) and I have a poster made and hope to have it posted near the room where we are. It's a lovely room and the food is good ol' Southern cuisine. Anyone that hasn't signed up but wants to come...come on anyway!!! The leaves are turning and OMG they are gorgeous so bring a camera if you want pics of the trees. They have a nice fireplace there and it will most likely be lit. There's a small gift shop just adjacent to the restaurant and of course there's Helen GA. Oktoberfest is wrapping up but there's still lots to see and do in and around Helen.

    Y'all come!

  8. I'm thinking that we're poverty level since with our combined incomes we barely scratch $34,000 at the moment yet we're paying our bills and receive no assistance. Once we're done with school and degrees in hand (and jobs to match) we *should* be c.oser to "middle class". Wow. Kinda makes me wanna go on and finish that graduate degree and specialist degree after all.

  9. Been lazy today...haven't made coffee yet...making some French bread toast cos I just don't feel like anything else. Gonna be a long a$$ day. It's rained off and on all night and this morning. Got stuff to do...can't get motivated to do it, but maybe by the time hubby is home I'll have the motivation.


  10. *laughs softly* Not hardly...my self esteem is quite intact, but I thank you very much for your obvious concern. How refreshing of you to be so caring! :D

    What I do I worry about are my fourth and fifth grade female students' self esteem...when there are people (and parents) who place such emphasis on a woman's size and stats. :blink: I have some skinny little girls this year who still think they are "fat"...and that's scary. I would hate to see one of my students get sick because she's worried about eating...and god knows what else could happen. This is why this kind of ####### upsets me. Some adults have no idea the pressure they put on these little girls to be painfully thin...because they think they will be loved and valued. THAT makes me sick. :angry:

    Even my mother-in-law from Colombia made comments about all the fat people around here, not only women, but men as well. Must be the American way and our grocery stores are loaded with fat things to eat, really don't see that down there in their grocery stores, can find it, but the prices are out of this world.

    Had to help my wife lower her hem line her first boss said one inch above the knee was maximum, could see why she made that rule, she was wearing a tent. Many of her skirts had to be pitched, five inches above the knee, but hey, she was nice looking knees.

    My fears is getting trapped in a tight spot and not being able to get out, or climbing a 40 foot high ladder with all that extra stuff to drag up. But if that doesn't bother some people, eat all you want, I don't care. Also don't like scarecrows, for one thing, they tend to be bitchy. And I like those curves women are noted for.

    Nothing wrong with having opinions...I have plenty. But to be so cruel with one's comments...that's what I don't understand. What is accomplished by being cruel and nasty with one's comments on a woman's figure? My husband doesn't want me to be painfully thin either and I've been that way before...it's not healthy and you don't feel good and you are right...it makes you bitchy!!! What I really and truly don't understand is why the emphasis on a woman's figure? Doesn't anyone understand that the little girls in this country are watching and listening? When a little girl feels her self worth is wrapped up in being so thin a gust of wind would knock her down then there's something terribly WRONG with that picture.

  11. Lots of good information there! Thanks! Yeah, I have to agree with you on the ease...it does seem easier than US Immigration especially if done from outside Canada. Although I have to admit, the only stressful moment was the FBI namecheck process during our AOS...my hubby was in name check for 9 months.

  12. *laughs softly* Not hardly...my self esteem is quite intact, but I thank you very much for your obvious concern. How refreshing of you to be so caring! :D

    What I do I worry about are my fourth and fifth grade female students' self esteem...when there are people (and parents) who place such emphasis on a woman's size and stats. :blink: I have some skinny little girls this year who still think they are "fat"...and that's scary. I would hate to see one of my students get sick because she's worried about eating...and god knows what else could happen. This is why this kind of ####### upsets me. Some adults have no idea the pressure they put on these little girls to be painfully thin...because they think they will be loved and valued. THAT makes me sick. :angry:

  13. Wife amazes me, always finds something different to wear to work everyday and can remember if she wore a dress she did two years ago. Daughter is the same way, but less frugal, always find clothes she recently purchased in the trashcan, what's wrong with this? Still looks brand new. I finally tossed some old blue jeans I used for working on the cars and other construction projects that were literally shredded, then she comes home with a pair of brand new blue jeans that looked worse than the pairs I threw away.

    Us guys wear the same old suit each day, maybe just change the color of the tie. We did happen buy a mall having a fashion show with all slim models, couldn't help but notice all the fat women in the audience looking at those clothes and wonder why they weren't modeling them. But then like airlines would have to provide those vomiting bags.

    Wife and I do a lot of things together, but when it's mall shopping time, we go our separate ways. Too bad they don't have car, RV, tool, and machine shops at malls, but did notice one or two shoe stores. Boring, boring, boring.

    Cruel much, eh? It's comments like this that make my little girls at school worry to excess about their weight. Why oh why do people have to make such cruel and heartless comments about overweight people? :blink:

  14. My MIL says Zed all the time and hubby says it most of the time but he flip flops on it...sometimes Zed, sometimes Zee. I try to say Zed when I am at home (NS) and Zee down here. Joel is working on teaching me French so I will be able to converse with the family more. Some of them do try to speak English but it's so heavily accented it's hard to catch most words.

    Definitely coffee and a Tim's donut! Love poutine and donairs. Of course, one of my favourite things is those garlic fingers and donair sauce from Pizza Delight. OMG...*drool*

  15. Doubt either of us will dress up but our munchkin is definitely planning on a costume...not sure what she wants to be yet. We'll take her downtown Clarkesville (small town, looks like something from a Norman Rockwell painting) and all the merchants come outside and pass out treats to the kiddos as they walk along the sidewalk. She scored big time with the candy (mmmm!) and there were a few coupons for discounts at restaurants and such. Our neighbourhood is boring... no one does anything for Hallowe'en. The local colleges decorate their dorm halls for the kids to come trick-or-treating too so there's plenty of safe places to go. :)

  16. Whoa...that IS huge! When the time comes we're moving back to hubby's province of Nova Scotia. I'm thinking it's pretty reasonable there regarding HC and auto insurance. Anywho, it will be a few years yet (we both need to finish school and wait for daughter to finish as well) so I've got some time to research. :star:

  17. maybe this forum http://www.roadtocanada.com/

    I spoke to a specialist - there's no equivalent to fiance(e) but there is a conjugal, commonlaw, and spousal process. It's possible to get a fiance(e) in if there is some extenuating circumstances that prevents living together and/or marriage. The advice I was given is to marry and apply.

    I don't understand this completely, but I was also told to apply to Canada after we get married in the US, to get that process started in case we do want to do the reverse in the future, or run into problems with the US process. There is something in there about the non Canadian being able to build residency by living with a Canadian citizen in a marriage even though they aren't physically in Canada. Don't ask me to explain it more because I don't know more : )

    This is an interesting question really.

    So scenario - say someone is living in the U.S. with their American spouse and they put in an application for said American spouse to become a PR of Canada. Now we know that you can maintain your Canadian PR-ness by living with your Canadian spouse, even outside of Canada.

    So this begs the question, is there any reason why someone who is living in the U.S. cannot sponsor their spouse as a PR and then the fact that they live together, although perhaps have never lived in Canada, would suffice for the American to maintain their Canadian residency for PR purposes.

    Hmmm...interesting. This morning I was reading the links Kathryn provided and wondered about the time between sending the application and actually receiving the PR visa. It will be a few more years before we can actually physically cross the border BUT...if I can accrue PR time towards citizenship...makes me wonder if we should go ahead in the next year or so and apply. IF this is possible of course...

    Wish those forums were more active...would make getting an answer to one's question much easier. :)

    KnJ, do you know where you found the information or who you talked to that gave you this information?

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