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Posts posted by jayrkirztine

  1. So i filed my tax return for 2018 at the beginning of January this year. It turns out i am missing some forms and IRS sent me a letter requiring to send form 8962. My problem is i already sent the 1040 income tax of 2018 to nvc for processing. Would that be a problem and cause a delay of my petition due to IRS not completing the 2018 tax return yet? Or would they just basically need it proof that i make enough money to support my parents in law and just proceed with the process? im worried about this please help anyone who has experience with this situation. Thank you!

  2. Hello guys im a newbie here but lurking on the site for a while now. So today i finally decided to register and ask for advices and your guys input about my problem. Here goes, so ive had my interview on January 15. Im still waiting on my oath letter. Ive been calling the uscis customer rep plenty of times to ask them about the status of my oath taking scheduling but all of them said the same thing, they keep telling me to wait until april 15 which is 90 days after the interview before they can find out information about the hold up on receiving the oath letter. But they said by law I have to give them 120 days for processing for the oath scheduling. That’s where the problem is going to be for me, because im leaving out of the country on may 21 and im going to be in Philippines over the summer for 2months vacation and to marry my fiance. So today I went to my local office where I had my interview with the appt. I set through the infopass last week to find out for myself whats holding them up. I talked to the Representative and she told me the reason behind the hold up is because of the presidential hearing last November, I guess i'm not sure what it is exactly but im guessing it’s the presdintial election? Anyways she told me some of the people that had their interview on December where still waiting to get in and she said their having ceremonies every week to catch up. She told me march were all full for the ceremonies and that the chances of me getting in to any of the April ceremonies were slim. Oh my, Im so worried. There are so many concerns running through my mind, I don’t want to leave the country without becoming a citizen. If I have to reschedule there is probably another delay and probably have to wait for a long time again when I get back from philippines. Im worried if its going to get delayed again and I have to wait before I can file a petition for my wife, once I get married in june, when i get back in August. I’ve been thinking a lot in the past hours and I was wondering what if I get my oath schedule around may, which should be the worse case scenario, because on may 15 that should reach the 120 days time frame, which is the time we give our local uscis office to schedule us to get in to an oath ceremony. But anyway lets just say I get my oath scheduling around may before the 21st, can I still travel outside the us going to Philippines using my Philippine passport and certificate of naturalization only? And i thought since im going to be in philippines for 2 months maybe i can just get my passport at the us embassy or consilate in Cebu City, philippines. Can i do that? ugh

    Im in need badly with you guys input on this matter, as I know a lot of you have had the same experience im having. Thank you so much for the help!

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