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Posts posted by rico_cooper

  1. hello everybody I want to know if DS-160 form replace all DS-156k and DS-56 and others forms??

    I recieved and E mail form NVC and embasse telling me to fill a DS-160, but when I read some Topics for people had theire interview in the embasse they told about other forms but not DS-160???


  2. Hello everybody

    I have a question about Affidavit of Support, My fiancee's cousin she is an American Citizen, she applied for her mother to join her in USA, A family member of her applies an affidavit of support for her mother because sh's a student,she does not have enough income.

    The day of the interview the consulate told her mother the affidavit she has its good but even that they need an affidavit of her daughter too no matter what.

    I am little bit afraid because my case is little bit different but it match in one case about Affidavit. I will explain you why I am afraid of:

    My fiancee and I we just got approved the last month, in one hand its a good news but on the other hand we are afraid to have the same problem as her cousin, because my Fiancee does not worke she takes care of her children and benefit from government support. We can find someone who will help us with his Affidavit of support, but we don't know if the consulate will request a second Affidavit of support from my Fiancee as they did with her cousin?????

    Thank you for your support and your help

  3. Hello every body My name is Nabil from Morocco,..

    Last year I've met my ex fiancee she comes to visit me and then we've decide to apply for a visa K-a to be together.

    Unfortunately I've decide to stop this relation because she never had time to talk and always looking for exuses....etc

    I called to USCI to cancel the petition, they told me she's the petitioner and she must send a letter to them, they told me I am not allowed to cancel.....or I have to wait untill the process will be cancelled. but how long is gonna take to be cancelled????

    I try to call her every day but she never answers,,,,

    what Can I do??

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