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Posts posted by michelleposporo

  1. i have started my medication for a few days now and i will be leaving for the US very, very soon. will it be alright to bring my doctor's prescription and all the medications? just in case? i really want to finish my meds so that i wont have a problem in the future, but i cannot postpone my job opportunity anymore.

  2. Settle down people :wow:

    I currently work at a health care facility and it is a strict compliance to undergo TB skin test and I am positive from latent TB too.


    1. Latent TB infection (LTBI) means the TB bacteria are sleeping or dormant in the body. For most people who breathe in TB bacteria and become infected, the body is able to fight the bacteria to stop them from growing and the bacteria become dormant, Has a normal chest x-ray and a negative sputum smear.

    2. People with LTBI are not infectious and cannot spread TB bacteria to others.

    3.Persons with LTBI are often advised to take antibiotics for several months, 9 months the most, in order to kill the sleeping bacteria and to prevent the development of active TB disease. Taking medications is an option/ prerogative however there is no guarantee that latent TB won't develop into active TB in the later period of life when human immune system weakens despite complete course of taking medications.

    4. For persons whose immune systems are weak, especially those with diabetes or HIV infection, the risk of developing TB disease is much higher than for persons with normal immune systems.

    5. In some other countries anti TB vaccines are given to kids, if so, later they will be tested positive from latent TB skin test. Further blood testing would determine if the positive latent TB is caused by past TB vaccine or exposure.

    I decided not to take any medications. I mean what's the sense if it can't even guarantee total wipe out of the dormant bacteria??! I am fine. Not contagious. I just have to maintain a very strong immune system which I have by the way, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Manila St. Luke's will regulate chest x-ray and once u passed then you are good. The problem I am seeing in OP's case is that she started taking the medications and not completed it which actually makes the bacteria more resistant. Good luck! (F)

    Hi! i want to know, what's going to happen if you have latent TB infection, negative xray, and has started taking the medications but decided not to continue it? is there a big chance of getting an active TB soon? thanks!

  3. please if anyone can help me. I had my medical done, and it says that I'm fit to work, but my employer is requiring me to be tested for PPD. it turned out that I have positive results, but my xray is clear. i already have H1b visa. do you think I would be delayed because i have positiv PPD? or is it ok for me to go to the US and work?

    please anyone...any answer would be a greatt help.tnx!

  4. hi! i want to ask, if i have a stamped visa on my passport which is valid until October and was revoked by USCIS this January then my employer filed MTR. now i got approved again by USCIS...am i going to undergo another interview? thanks!

    anyone please? :help:

    anyone please?

  5. hi! i want to ask, if i have a stamped visa on my passport which is valid until October and was revoked by USCIS this January then my employer filed MTR. now i got approved again by USCIS...am i going to undergo another interview? thanks!

    anyone please? :help:

  6. Welcome

    hi! i want to ask, if i have a stamped visa on my passport which is valid until October and was revoked by USCIS this January then my employer filed MTR. now i got approved again by USCIS...am i going to undergo another interview? thanks!

  7. im finally under post decision activity. and it says, i'll recieve a notice within 30 days. you think i'll have a good chance of getting approved? Goodluck to us!!!

    in a week or two you guys were goin have your noa2 soon fnger croseed*

    i realy, really do hope so. thanks!

  8. Based on my experience, the only time a case is reopened and an RFE issued is when the employer revokes their H-1B sponsorship. I would suggest contacting your employer for further details regarding the status of your H-1B.

    i really dont understand if they are the ones who did revoke my visa, why are they going to file a motion after that then? why would they want to do that? i asked them today regarding my case and they said that they dont have an update yet, because 60 days isnt over yet. thats what it says in my status at USCIS, that i should expct a written decision or written update within 60 days.

  9. i didn't quit my job for sure, and i didn't get fired, unless they didnt tell me that i was fired. but it seemed wierd. i want to know though, how come my case status says that im under RFE response review?

  10. Why did your employeer ask you to return back?

    Once a visa is issued there is no RFE, I have never heard or known a case in which visa was issued and rfe came later on.

    Normally one gets a rfe during visa application or renewal and yours was neither one.

    they said that my visa was revoked and i must return back to my country while they fix it. they said that they are going to file a motion, and promised to get me back in the US this year. and the week after i arrived to my country i kept checking on my status in USCIS website, and i was under RFE response review and it changed date twice in a span of 1 week. i really dont know why. i was issued a visa sept last year and came to US to start work early this year. do you have any idea what could be the reason?was my visa really revoked?because i have read somewhere that if a visa gets revoked, you wouldnt be able to file a motion. thanks again!

  11. I am guessing your employer is not telling you the ocmplete truth, this is something weird if you got a visa travelled to US and within a month they are asking you to return back.

    How did you hear about RFE on your case?

    i checked my status at USCIS website and its under RFE response review. you think they are fixing it? or USCIS is just updating my case? thank you

  12. What visa are you applying for? Renewal of H1B? Or an immigrant visa?

    An RFE does not necessarily mean you're out of status. It just means USCIS needs more evidence.

    Whatever you do...DO NOT leave the U.S.

    thanks for your reply.

    I just had my H1B visa, and after less than a month of working, my employer told me that I have a problem with my visa and told me that I need to go back to my country which I did. I asked them if my visa was revoked, and they said yes. but they also said that they are going to file a motion on my case and hopefully it will be fixed in 60 days. my case status in USCIS website is already under RFE response review and it changed date twice in a span of 1 week. I dont know what it means, and my employer didnt even tell me what's the exact reason for the problem and just promised me that i will be able to come back in the US this year. but i heard that if a visa got revoked, a sponsor wont be able to file any motion and that the only option is to file Another visa. is that true? I have already waited 35 days to be exact, including weekends for my case status to change.

  13. my USCIS case status is under RFE response review now, but I was wondering why my employer asked me to go back to my country before they submitted the needed docws for RFE. am i out of status under H1b if i USCIS snet RFE?

    can anyone help me please?

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