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Posts posted by Kpow

  1. Hello, I'm hoping someone can tell me where to go or who to call to get something done. My fiance came in to the US on her K-1 on October 1st. She applied for her SSN two weeks after and was told her name was entered into the system wrong and whoever did it entered her first name plus her middle name as her first name...which they said was too long and unable to fit on the card so they could do nothing for her other than contact DHS for verification, a process that takes up to 4 weeks. 4 weeks has come and gone and they're telling us we just have to keep waiting, there's nothing they can do until they hear back from DHS.

    This is ridiculous. She can't do anything until she gets a SSN and we've been getting the run around for weeks. The SSN office keeps trying to send us to our local immigration office and the immigration office keeps telling us there's nothing they can do, the SS office has to handle it. Is there anyone we can contact to stop this stupidity? Or should we just keep waiting indefinitely and hope someone gets their act together?

    Thank you in advance for any help anyone can offer.

  2. Hi all, I'm having trouble finding good information on the US entry process. Our K1 visa was approved and we are planning for my fiance to drive into the US (from Canada) with some possessions in the car. Are there specific entry points for this or can we use any crossing? Is there any clear information out there on importing a Canadian car with a K-1?

    If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. This forum has been a big help to us, couldn't have done it so quickly and painlessly without everyone's help. Thank you.

  3. sit tight, I got the same error and several others here have too. if csc keeps their pace up you could be getting your noa2 in not too long. the only time I was able to see the case was when it was approved, some get access when it was move. regardless I would check on it next month, and call every 45 days or so. the good news is that the first person you get on the phone, the cr can see the same thing you can, so you have to be transferred to the io, who may not give you an answer you like, but can at least see your file.

    Good information, thank you.

  4. So I received the NOA1 back in November, and to this day when I use the website to check for any updates with the case number I was provided I get a message about the case not being found. I called about it months ago and was told not to worry about it, they were just behind and it would be updated soon. Now I see Oct/Nov/Dec filers getting their NOA2 and my case number still isn't even in the system. Has this happened to anyone else? Should I be contacting them again? I'd appreciate any input, thank you.

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