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Posts posted by druebey

  1. TOS should be enough. You could also email that and ask if they are an IMB and if they reply with "no" then print and send that as well.

    Is it a free site? if so, then that's a slam dunk. IMB's only charge US citizens a fee.

    Well it has free memberships, but there are paid for better "perks", It is honestly a site you can host your own room, have it be about just about anything, wishing someone would do one for a K-1 from this site on the family section... BUT anyways I digressed, lol. I mean literally anything, everything from childbirth, to taxes, to Religion, to politics, to gaming, to whatever is covered(all but K-1 visas right now)... :D Someone please take the hint and take it to a mod lol :D I just honestly think I can get a "redhat" or admin of the website to confirm its not a IMB. I mean I can do that in chat itself... FROM the HelpChat and ask them to answer in text while I ask in text also. Just explain to them why I am doing it... Pretty sure since they are americans they will understand, Well most of the redhats are that is...

  2. dangit, we just got an email for a RFE today and dont know what it is im guessing until we receive the RFE, is there any way i can see what they want now?

    it took exactly 1 month from the day they sent me the NOA1 to the RFE so i looks like my case is moving along nicely

    Same thing here, and looks like your through CSC too... So we are in the same boat man/woman.

  3. That could very well be it then. Most of the RFE's of this nature I've seen were out of the CSC which looks like where you are.

    It's hilarious some of the sites they are asking to prove they aren't IMB's. eHarmony and Match.com are some of the more popular ones I've seen LOL.

    The must have middle school interns working on these lol

    Good luck to you and hope it's something as simple as that.

    Yep CSC is where its at, so prob just prove paltalk isnt a IMB... Really, PAL TALK dont they get that its just a bunch of chatrooms for various topics??? Anyways I am hoping its that, but wondering how much I should provide to them about paltalk.com if it is that.... ERM, How deep should I dig for them to realize they were a bit over the top asking for it(not meaning I dont understand it, but a simple search proves it)...

  4. Could be for any number of reasons. I've been seeing a lot of RFE's for people that met online and they are being requested to prove the website is not an IMB. If you met your fiancé online, that could be what it's for.

    Or, it could be as simple as something like you have forgot to check one of the answers on the petition

    Unfortunately, all you can do is wait for the hardcopy to arrive in the mail to find out what's it's for.

    Well we did meet on paltlk.com... Definally NOT a IMB. So I will be easily to be able to prove that with TOS, Picture Grab of all the Subsections( and also one of the section in religion/spirituality that we met in). I can even take a picture grab of the exact room we met in and what it was about(I own it)... So yeah, I can prove alot of things when it comes to were we met online lol. I mean really paltalk has over a million registered users and MOST I have talked to are in the USA, SOME even work with USCIS lol

  5. I am trying to figure out what the RFE is for... I sent the letters of intent, payments, adoption paperwork(hers), all recipts of me being there, airline itenerary and boarding passes, conversations on skype and letters, my birth cert, photos of us together (dated and location), passport photos attached to the G-235A(one of each), copies of her passport and permant resident card for greece... Essentially everything on the VJ checklist plus more...

    What else would they be asking for?

  6. Always follow the instructions from your consulate over the generic I-134 instructions. The I-134 is used for more than just the K-1 visa, and for the K-1, most consulates want to see the most recent tax return.

    This is what the FAM says about taxes for the I-134 > http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/86988.pdf


    f. To substantiate the information regarding income and resources, the sponsor should attach to the affidavit a copy of the latest Federal income tax return filed prior to the signing of the Form I-134, including all supporting schedules. If you determine that the tax return and/or additional evidence in the file do not establish the sponsor's financial ability to carry out the commitment toward the immigrant for what might be an indefinite period of time, or there is a specific reason (other than the passage of time) to question the veracity of the income stated on the Form I-134 or the accompanying document(s), you should request additional evidence (i.e., statement from an employer showing the sponsor's salary and the length and permanency of employment, recent pay statements, or other financial data).

    Honestly I dont know how to answer this one... As I dont have a tax return due to my income status and over half of it being tax exempt in the states and state I live in. I am hoping that my statements of income from the two sources(VA and SSDI) will be enough. I though would try the latest and also if remember right it says to attach statements from your banks and like too. So it should all be stated with the deposits that you will have enough. Least that is what I am hoping for my k-1 also :~

  7. You are right, but it has only been 10 business days. And no, it will not take 5 months so don't worry. NOA1 and Form I-797C are the same thing.

    NOA1 and I-797C are same thing??? Never in my wildest dreams would have thought that.... No where on any site did I see that... well ok, I guess I need to update my timeline as it took them less than a day to get it back to me...

    Edit: I am blind lol... Been looking at all sorts of places but where it says it :D

  8. Patience, you just started the process and have quite sometime before it ends, don't stress over the NOA1 or anything just yet, you will receive it, it takes about 1-2 weeks.

    When you call to ask about things like that they will usually give a general answer but rarely will they look into your case and give you a more specific answer. They will communicate with you by mail for anything rather than give you answers by phone no matter who it is that you talk to.

    July 29th to now is 14 days. They said when I talked to them on the phone the NOA1 wont come till 5 months after I-797C was sent...

  9. I sent the K-1 in July. July the 29th is when they received it, I still have not received a NOA1. I called them today and was told it will be 5months before I get any notification or anything from them other than RFEs if needed. That is from a Tier 1 and Tier 2 CSR. What do you all think? It has been over 3 weeks with nothing in mail that I have seen concerning the NOA1.

  10. Well you also need a waiver for not meeting, and you also want an expedite.

    It looks like you don't want any help. Have a good day.

    harpa, first off, I don't know where you get off saying that the people that work in these departments don't know what they are saying... secondly... I am asking for help with the expedite... so yeah I do need help... but it seems that you cant help me bc your too busy thinking you know what I've been told by multiple sources is wrong and what you believe is correct...

  11. The embassy official was wrong. The embassy official does not know the procedures of USCIS (the separate agency that approves I-129F petitions stateside) and maybe did not realize you had never met. USCIS will deny your petition way before it ever gets to the embassy - that official will never see it.

    If you have trouble remembering things, please trust the community here that it will not work unless you meet. Concentrate on meeting her.

    What do you think about meeting in Mexico?

    I have also talked to a USCIS official and was told that I had a great chance to get that waived... but also HE KNEW I hadn't met my fiancé... and mexico NO. the statement stands how to do a expedition... NOT A WAIVER ANYMORE... that is the question... I don't want to get rude or anything but answer my update as it doesn't pertain to the first post's question anymore...

  12. You will not be able to get a K-1 visa until you meet her.

    You could

    ... Travel by bus to Mexico and she could meet you there.

    You think that your injury makes you a case for hardship, but actually, it can appear that you are importing a nurse to care for you that you have never met. The bona fides of your relationship will possibly be questioned strongly.

    to address you myself not have someone else do it... I am disabled and have issues with remembering things... that's why I reread my own posts before citing them or anything like that... and all the EMBASSY OFFICAL stated was to do the process to get her a k-1 visa... was told that the letter I wrote for her stating why I wanted her to come over here, was better for a k-1 then a b-2...

  13. :thumbs::thumbs:

    Also OP, you keep confusing "expedite" with "waiving" the 2 year meeting requirement. You are looking to waive the requirement. You can try to make the case that she tried and failed to get a tourist visa and that due to your documented medical condition and doctors' prognosis/letter you are unable to travel. But it may still be denied. There are other avenues you can try that you didn't yet (like meeting in a closer 3rd country). Even if it's approved, it can still be held against you as Harpa said. They will question whether you intend this woman to be your wife or your caregiver.

    He already said she is from Georgia, not a VWP country. She is a resident of Greece, not a national.

    actually this time I mean expedite... not waiver... I know it is confusing with the previous posts... actually its not a try... she did get denied for the visitors visa and told to do a K-1 by a embassy official ... so in that I believe I have a greater chance of having her get her K-1.. don't you? with that said... I believe that im now trying to figure out how to make this ###### faster due to medical or just do a regular k-1. and I believe also I stated that in the update.....

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