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Posts posted by Caniwirose

  1. Exactly, it can be frustrating. I have crossed the border about 3 times after we filed for the I-129F. Only once did a border guard even mention the petition, (he saw it on the computer) but it was never a problem.

    thank you! canadians are allowed to visit america for up to 6 months. I have gone back in fourth for over a year. I wont take my furniture, I realise that is daft! but why cant I wait in america for my visa? I have a job to come back to and my family is here. Thank you again! you have given me confidence!

  2. thanks for your help!! its just so hard being with someone from another country!! every part of you just wants to be with them but u cant u have to play by the rules. I live right on the border of america and canada and see my fiance nearly every 2nd week. its complete torture yet I know im lucky as alot of people cant see there loved one as often. COME ON VISA!!!

  3. A definite maybe !!

    you can stay as long as you are here legally, but must return for the interview at the embassy, but in NO CASE should you overstay since that can throw the entire process out the window. You can also come and go as often as you like, but you run the risk of being turned back at the border at any time, so be prepared for that. You need to be completely honest and tell the CBP folks that you have a K-1 in process, when it was filed, and that you are obviously not going to screw that up this far into the process. Have documentation from USCIS that you can show them.

    Some people here have been back and forth many times, while others were denied on their first attempt, so it is really hard to predict, although I think most would agree that coming with a truck full of goods makes it more likely that you would be turned back.

    If you live close to the border, why not go for it, but if you have to drive hours and hours with a truck full of goods, the risk/reward starts to look less attractive.

    And Sam, what you say is not correct. She will not be automatically rejected.

  4. Hey just wondering if anybody knew whether or not I can stay in America while waiting for the K-1 visa? I live in Canada and want to wait in america with my fiance. We have recieved the letter saying they had recieved our petiton and its been 5 months since we have heard anything else. Can I move my furniture over and wait or am I likely to be turned away as I look like im coming over to work? Any advice would be appreciated.


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