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Posts posted by amanda23

  1. my fiance had his interview on the january 31st 2014 he is from england. he got approved! but we still havent seen and change on thier website ceac still says ready.... can someone tell me whats going? and how it works afetr approval step by step? waiting times? anything really that can help us find out whats going on with our visa? the person who interviewed him said he would get within a few days...

  2. I'm wondering my fiance is at his medical as we speak what do we do next? the paper work is filled out do we send that in? can we schedule for the interview yet? Im from the U.S.A my fiance is from England we are trying to get him to the U.S.A.

  3. We already scheduled the medical appointment it's in two weeks. we were wondering if we can schedule the interview now also? i heard it takes about a month for the interview and he will have his medical results before then. Also on the London embassy website it says they won't schedule an appointment before we get the results. One more question, what would I need to schedule an appointment. I know this is a lot to explain but it would help so much. Thank you for the help.we looked on this site but we heard otherwise.

    ( http://london.usembassy.gov/immigrant-visas/medical-examination.html ) thanks.

  4. Sending too many pictures can be harmful; pick ONE meeting within the last teo years and send that evidence. You do not get extra credit for more.

    i was not looking for extra credit. i was scared one visit wouldn't be enough and i put pictures for each visit to show we did meet then too. and i don't no why it would be harmfull.. iv seen so many people say on this it's better to have more then enough then not enough... sent them three photo's for each visit.

  5. Im worried about being denied becuase they just want to... or becuase they dont think it's a boneified realtionship. i sent them pictures from each visit. some recipets of places we spent money, bus tickets ect. the thing is we talk on skype not on phone or by email. we have just started sending each other letters and stuff. i also send them the passport stamps and stuff. but thats just proof we met... do you think that was enough? im tryign to make this short and simple. just know i sent loads of otehr stuff. but as far as proof of on going i sent the pictures and a few recipts in the I-129f. we also met three times in the past year and spent a total of 6 weeks together total. so i put three visits in the I-129f. i was hoping that for the inetrview ill send him my letters he sent me and try and get face book posts and skype convo's. im not worried about not qualifying for the other stuff just this. i already sent him home with the exact copy of the I-129 packet. with originals too.

  6. hi, im a july 1st filer :) been a bumpy road so far everything is going smoothly except the constant omg something happened good! to oh it's not really anything XD i just got this

    On August 12, 2013, we transferred your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.

    i was all excited when my friend said oh they are looking at it! to oh no they are just sending it some where else meaning some one else's desk pile lol

    i really don't mind waiting as long as we end up together in the end. feel free to add me as friend id love to share stories and make new friends ^^ i wish you all the best on your journey!

  7. the spelling is fine, it's the lack of spaces so the ... actually really helps heaps!

    Okay, so if he is not presently in the US then no, he cannot now enter and AOS. You should file the K1 visa for him. You can file that now, he can visit in the meantime (or he can not visit and instead save all his money for when he's here an unable to work for a couple of months).

    oh and sorry for the double reply having issues with my pc and also we have not even married yet.

  8. I'll be honest, reading the above was EXTREMELY hard for me... the lack of punctuation was painful so I had to edit to make it more readable.

    Responses in red above.

    Again, the most important factor right now is where is your fiance/bf right now? In the US or UK?

    he went back to the u.k he came to visit me again recently and i do apologize about that im not that great any more with spelling and stuff.. i know it's bad in time i will work on it.. and i have a bit of dyslexia i can't help it.

  9. to make are story short we never met in person at first we just chated online then we decided to meet to see what would happen and when we met the first time we really fell in love we have taken the time before this to get to know each other and we found we did have something their and we felt love. then we said we want to get married to be with each other all the time we wan't to make something out of are lives work as a team you know.. so i don't know if we can marry and do the adjustment of status.

  10. my intent is to get married to him but the intent wasn't that we wanted him to become a citizen we just want to be able to be together live together work and ect (but we know that's not how it works you need to be a citizen to work and live in the u.s) we really don't care for the benefits. we want to marry for love not for the fact he gets to be a u.s citizen.. so i have no idea what you would call it. but i wan't to keep the K1 out of this topic because i already asked about that on here before i wan't to know more about this. im not trying to commit anything wrong and risk a 10 year band on him. i want to know if the state and law people with this can work with us instead of against u.s. because i know every case is different. like say we did do this and they looked at are case they may look at it different its happened before again i don't know what they say but if they find their was no meaning to intentional gain citizenship and it's for real again i don't know. i wan't the truth and different opinions on this matter. how they may look at this. but again i don't want to do it or attempt anything. and other suggestions that have to do with out having the k1 i don't mind hearing.

  11. The question here, is when you entered this country (I assume you are in the US now), did you intend to marry and/or stay here? If you answer yes to this question, or you are outside this country now and are wanting to immigrate here, then it is Visa Fraud. If you came here on a visa or through VWP and you did NOT intend to marry or to immigrate, and you then decide to marry, then you can get married and adjust status. But if you came here on a 90 day VWP and met and decided to marry in that short period, that will likely be cause for a lot of in depth looks at your relationship when the time comes

    i am a u.s a citizen i was born in the u.s

  12. Hi do to the trouble i was having i decided to go to the immigration office my self and speak with a lawyer and i did she was very nice and all but im having trouble believing what she said if its true or not so i will ask you guys.

    my lawyer said i can get married with out the k1 visa and then file for a Adjustment of status im hoping thats the right one. but i said but cant we get in trouble for doing that won't that be visa fraud and she replied. if he not paying you for a green card and you to really love each other and can prove it you will be fine. if this all real and not fake their isnt a problem and she said to come back to her to file the paper work. i said what about visa fraud and she repeated this all to me again. and i looked online and searched and found what she had said that if you ca prove that ti was done out of love as cheesy as that sounds and you can prove it you will be fine. she also said first step would be to get married and then come see her again. she said are case is strong and a good one that their shouldn't be a problem being his is from the u.k. i wan't to know if we can do this and it turn out right... becuase i find a 10 year ban serious.... here is the link to the place i went too. also she said shes dealt with cases like mine and that her son was dealing with the same issue and they always turn out fine.

    http://www.diiri.org/ its called dorcas international institute of RI i have friends and family who say they are the best.

  13. the guy i want to be with lives in the u.k and we can not meet the k1 requirements to marry... i can't even get a co sponsor either.. work visa's are rare so basically it feels hopeless.. but i wanted to know if their is anway what so ever we can get around this? or another way he can marry me. i mean i know about the visa fraud. but is it possible we can at least get married but him not stay in the us and not file for the adjustment of status? i mean if he can't come live with me can we at least try and find another way? with out breaking the law? and it's the same way with me going over to live in the u.k we can't meet the requirements or get me a sponsor :/ is their some where we can go? do anything.. can any one help me? im actually trying to do this the right way no matter what will not risk doing it illegally even if we had to travel back and forth for the rest of are lives we'd do it:/ even if we could only see each other so long we'd still do it.. but that is just a load of b.s i understand why the laws are like this but i was hoping their could be some way around it... i just want to know can we still at least get married? i know the way i said sounds stupid but if you really loved someone you will do anything you can to be with them no matter how pointless... id be highly impressed if any one can find away for us to be together highly impressed. im from R.I in the u.s he is from England in the U.K

    also we woluldn't be visiting each otehr often mabey once or twice a year :/ so yea... and all so i do not want to do anything illegal i wan't to do this the right way even if we move some where else.

  14. the guy i want to be with lives in the u.k and we can not meet the k1 requirements to marry... i can't even get a co sponsor either.. work visa's are rare so basically it feels hopeless.. but i wanted to know if their is anyway what so ever we can get around this? or another way he can marry me. i mean i know about the visa fraud. but is it possible we can at least get married but him not stay in the us and not file for the adjustment of status? i mean if he can't come live with me can we at least try and find another way? with out breaking the law? and it's the same way with me going over to live in the u.k we can't meet the requirements or get me a sponsor :/ is their some where we can go? do anything.. can any one help me? im actually trying to do this the right way no matter what will not risk doing it illegally even if we had to travel back and forth for the rest of are lives we'd do it:/ even if we could only see each other so long we'd still do it.. but that is just a load of b.s i understand why the laws are like this but i was hoping their could be some way around it... i just want to know can we still at least get married? i know the way i said sounds stupid but if you really loved someone you will do anything you can to be with them no matter how pointless... id be highly impressed if any one can find away for us to be together highly impressed. im from R.I in the u.s he is from England in the U.K yes i do have a daughter as well and im exuasted enough having to come right back home and be mommy again.. and employment is very hard in R.I to get a job because all the college students can't get a job and mind you they go to college for real good stuff too but their is no jobs for them so they take all the jobs i can qualify for :/

  15. the guy i want to be with lives in the u.k and we can not meet the k1 requirements to marry... i can't even get a co sponsor either.. work visa's are rare so basically it feels hopeless.. but i wanted to know if their is anway what so ever we can get around this? or another way he can marry me. i mean i know about the visa fraud. but is it possible we can at least get married but him not stay in the us and not file for the adjustment of status? i mean if he can't come live with me can we at least try and find another way? with out breaking the law? and it's the same way with me going over to live in the u.k we can't meet the requirements or get me a sponsor :/ is their some where we can go? do anything.. can any one help me? im actually trying to do this the right way no matter what will not risk doing it illegally even if we had to travel back and forth for the rest of are lives we'd do it:/ even if we could only see each other so long we'd still do it.. but that is just a load of b.s i understand why the laws are like this but i was hoping their could be some way around it... i just want to know can we still at least get married? i know the way i said sounds stupid but if you really loved someone you will do anything you can to be with them no matter how pointless... id be highly impressed if any one can find away for us to be together highly impressed. im from R.I in the u.s he is from England in the U.K

  16. the guy i want to be with lives in the u.k and we can not meet the k1 requirements to marry... i can't even get a co sponsor either.. work visa's are rare so basically it feels hopeless.. but i wanted to know if their is anway what so ever we can get around this? or another way he can marry me. i mean i know about the visa fraud. but is it possible we can at least get married but him not stay in the us and not file for the adjustment of status? i mean if he can't come live with me can we at least try and find another way? with out breaking the law? and it's the same way with me going over to live in the u.k we can't meet the requirements or get me a sponsor :/ is their some where we can go? do anything.. can any one help me? im actually trying to do this the right way no matter what will not risk doing it illegally even if we had to travel back and forth for the rest of are lives we'd do it:/ even if we could only see each other so long we'd still do it.. but that is just a load of b.s i understand why the laws are like this but i was hoping their could be some way around it... i just want to know can we still at least get married? i know the way i said sounds stupid but if you really loved someone you will do anything you can to be with them no matter how pointless... id be highly impressed if any one can find away for us to be together highly impressed. im from R.I in the u.s he is from England in the U.K

  17. how do i fill question 7 in I-134 that asks what employment i work or engaged in if i receive ssi income what do i put their? what will i need.. basically me and the one i want to marry each other but we both have befits he is willing to work i can't because i have to take care of my daughter but i also in the future want to go to school im very lost on what steps i need to do with the income guidelines... i really love him and he really loves me.. please tell us what we need to do because once he would get here he is willing to work which would then become a income of some sort.. but that won't matter for now which i know.. and also if us both having benefits won't work can u give us some other options to work with? on how we can be able to be together and get the fiance visa we need. we are trying to get married in my country the u.s he is from the u.k

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