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Posts posted by 'muricanWoman

  1. Hellllooo,

    I recently got a new job, which puts me at $10k over the 125% poverty line requirement. The only issue I'm having is, this is obviously not going to be shown in my tax statements since I just got hired in early July. I had a part-time minimum wage job for the first half of 2012, and then started a new job with better pay the next half of the year. I ended up with a total of $14k for 2012, even though the second job paid enough to be over the 125%. What I'm wondering is, is should I bother sending my w-2s from the previous jobs? It's not like it will help prove anything about my current job since it is so new. I have a letter from my employer and a print out of the 2 paystubs I've received thusfar. I did a print out of my monthly bank statements for the past year and the deposits total out to about $22k.

    I've read as many threads as I can about the i-134 but it's hard to find an exact answer when everyone's situation varies so much. I'd appreciate any help as to what people would recommend I send over to my fiance.

  2. Hello there.

    I was very excited to see that my check has been cashed, and that I got an e-mail stating that my packet has been routed to VSC. This, however, brought up questions. Does this mean that I sent everything that was necessary (aside from any need for RFEs) and that all the forms were correctly filled out? I became worried when I read about someone who only sent in the i129f form and a check and it was routed to VSC (with check cashed), only to find that it (of course) got rejected. It's exciting to know that my packet is being routed to VSC, but it is also worrying that I might easily just get everything sent back to me. I feel confident that I sent in everything necessary and that all the forms were filled out -- but that doesn't mean it is so. I'm just worried, as I'm sure everyone else is who goes through this process.

    I appreciate any advice.

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