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Posts posted by bjj_aces

  1. I had an issure, the issue being that in the past three months I have been dealing with a move and change of democile. I lived in a house that all of the sudden was being taken away from our land lord by the bank. This was right when the 90 day window opened up. Because we believed we were about to change addresses and would need evidence and paperwork with the new address, we waited and waited and waited. Things got complicated because we also have our family business and I had to find time to change the utilities, internet, ect to the new address. I was also waiting so that I could get my new DL with my new address. Is that enough of a reason to send out the packet this late? I am going to send it regardless, but I wanted second opinions.

    - It was hard to find a house large enough for the family, it took OVER a month to just find something avilable.

    - Well over 9K had to be paid to move in.

    - Lease is under our name for old house and new house

  2. An illegal woman is raped while intoxicated. Her illegal friend witnesses the rape and knows about it.

    The victim I going to contact local authorities and file a report.

    The victim will eventually be able to file her U-Visa,

    What about her friend? Can she also call the authorities and file something in addition to the victim?

    The date of the alleged rape was last weekend.

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