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Status Updates posted by Kenja

  1. Hi, were same VSC, and also our date of filing is closer.. good luck for our noa2

  2. Thanks for adding me..

  3. Just Curious for the 2yrs of relationship, how important is the 2 yras are? cause me and my fiance is less than 2 yrs of in a relationsipp.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miss_September


      Thank you for adding me here. Good luck to us!

    3. Ran4jenny


      Is ur wife coming from phils to md

    4. Ran4jenny


      To anyone on Facebook that is a FIL/AM couple. I am starting a new group for life during and after visa journey and your Pinay is here is USA. I will make it easier if you go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/272323009467474/ you can request membership.

  4. thanks for adding me

  5. Hello Thanks for adding me

  6. Waiting for our 797 from USCIS.. Wish it wont be long to have it soon

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