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Status Updates posted by Kelly&Brad

  1. Hey, I'm wondering if you received an email from USCIS when they shipped your case to NVC?? I got the noa2 23 dyas ago (TSC) and still haven't heard anything from USCIS or NVC...

    1. trixiechick75


      Took 2 months and getting my senator's office involved to get mine.

    2. Jeff A

      Jeff A

      You have to call the NVC once you get NOA2. You will no longer receive emails automatically from USCIS once you review NOA2.

      On sad news, my Fiance left me on Monday, so this whole process has been ended in genuine heartbreak.

    3. Kelly&Brad


      Thank you for the information. I'm sorry for that Jeff A :( I don't really know what to say about it... so hard to believe that after this crazy process and so close to the end this happened... but at least you avoided a potential failed marriage :/

  2. Parabéns!! Tudo de bom pra vcs! ;)

  3. Parabéns Stefane pela aprovação!! Queria te pedir um favor... pra quando vc receber o visto avisar aqui ou na página do face (Noivas k1), pra gente ter noção de quanto tempo vai demorar agora que os exames são enviados diretamente para o consulado. Também vou fazer os exames com Dr. Joaquim e ainda estou pensando se vou duas vezes ao Rio para fazer o exame com antecedência ou se vou nas vésperas na entrevista, dependendo de quanto temp...

    1. Kelly&Brad


      tempo for demorar. Se vc puder fazer isso fico suuuuuuper imensamente grata!! :) Thanks e felicidades pra vc dois! ;)

    2. StefaneAndThomas


      Olá, obrigada :) eu postarei sim! O doutor joaquim é o mais barato lá do RJ

      Eu penso assim, se você tem tempo pra esperar pelo visto + passaporte então faz antes da entrevista, mas se logo depois da entrevista vc quer viajar então pra evitar atrasos vá antes. Beijos

  4. Yay!! We got the NOA2!! :)

  5. Oii, acho que vc ficou tão animada na hora de atualizar sua timeline que digitou errado rsrs, a data no NOA1 está 26/07 :s

    1. Damaris N Stephen

      Damaris N Stephen

      Hehehehe, ih, vou tentar arrumar! Obrigada!! :D

  6. Hey, I saw your post on Brazil Reviews about your fiance's interview. I didn't know the interview could be this tough and I'm a little concerned since my fiance is divorced, has 3 kids and I'm 12 years younger than him. I'm afraid they can be tricky and hard on me. You said they asked about 25 questions and some too personal... I'd appreciate if you could give me a tip or tell me what kind of personal questions... I think "why did his last marriage not work?" i...

    1. Kelly&Brad


      I think "why did his last marriage not work?" is personal enough! if you are willing to tell us more about the questions, my email is kellybrunaa@gmail.com. Thanks and I wish all the best for you guys!

  7. OMG!! recebeu o NOA2?! Congrats!

    1. Sweet dream

      Sweet dream

      Sim thankss :))) Com 3 meses e duas semanas após o NOA1

    2. Kelly&Brad


      Que sonho!!!! Queria que o meu caso fosse do CSC tbm... ô sonho... pelo jeito qe o VSC está andando, meu NOA2 só sai lá pelos 6 meses mesmo...

    3. Sweet dream

      Sweet dream

      Olha...parece que VSC transferiu muitos cases....e eles estão começando a aprovar de dezembro... acredito que em 2 meses eles começam 2013...normalmente fazem nov e dez, jan e fevereiro...e nunca é na ordem...porque teve uma pessoa do dia 13 de fev foi aprovada antes de mim.e o meu era 6 de fev...mas n se preocupe a noa sempre vem na hora certa....boa sorte :)

  8. hey, have you read the news about brazilians immigration? I still can't believe this is possible... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kelly&Brad


      Eu também acredito que não será aprovada, mas lá no fundo bate aquela incerteza sabe (acho qe pq sempre penso no pior dos casos) e sabendo qe já foi pré-aprovada de primeira aí é que assusta. Embora saiba qe o nosso governo não vai fazer nada contra a constituição... é uma apelação sem sentido :/

    3. Kelly&Brad


      Essa novidade nao veio em boa hora, com tantas incertezas durante todo o processo (sem contar que o VSC está lento) e tanta coisa na cabeça, trabalho, casamento, faculdade, mudança... aiaiai... desculpa o desabafo!

    4. Sweet dream

      Sweet dream

      Não tem como eles punir todos.....seria injusto...acho que eles só querem mostrar que tem poder e dar um sustinho....

      mas fique calma....vai dar td certo :)

  9. 3 months since NOA1 and waiting... :(

  10. Now it's official, we got the NOA1! yeep :)

  11. We got the email with our Receipt Number!! It's only the first step but we're so excited! Just waiting for the the NOA1 that will be mailed in about 7 days...

  12. We mailed the i129f packet Saturday!!! After a long gruesome experience with an immigration attorney from Houston we made the tough decision to cut our losses, fire her and do this ourselves! For anyone just starting if you hire an attorney please do research on them... They can slow your process down like ours was. Thankfully we are on our road to being together:) we will try to keep posting here for everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweet dream

      Sweet dream

      This is my blog about K1 visa and all process


    3. Kelly&Brad


      Lucky you! Our ex-attorney didn't do any paperwork, even before we fire her we were doing all the forms and everything by ourselves :/ beyond that she was never at her office and the only way we could talk to her was by emails... I can't imagine doing this for the whole process... I was so frustrated with her that we decided to get back our package, loose what we already paid and do it ourselves. And everytime I see someone saying that their attorney did all the papers just makes ...

    4. Kelly&Brad


      And everytime I see someone saying that their attorney did all the papers just makes me even more frustrated! It was a bad experience... I'm so glad we have visajourney and so many blogs to help us. By the way, thanks for your blog, you can be sure I'll follow it. ;)

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