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Status Updates posted by tuhii

  1. Whens ur hubby coming?

  2. But ur really lucky cuz afftr the 2nd month of ap u start going nuts....its good to hear tht the embassy is workking nd some1 got out cuz I thought they donjt give a damn anymore cuz of the hartals...

  3. Last month or February I dnt remember....the status was updating everyday for 4 days I thought it was done but nope still ap. I check it every morning....nd yea I did contact my congressman but they told me not to expect anything straight up front so nothing to do

  4. wow really ? congratttss!! u werent evn in ap for a month..was the visa for u or ur husband? did u do anything to get it so quick?

  5. Did u guys get ur visa yet?

  6. yea they kept it....i dont think its a good or bad sign.... how long have u been in ap?

  7. i dont get how they're working everyday nd still have finished our aps...r they analyzing everyday of our husbands lives since they were born lol.... -_-

  8. r u in administrative processing?

  9. did ur update date change? does it even mean anything when it changes?

  10. woah thts a long time...during tht time was ur case updated or u just found out aftr u got the embassy call?

  11. hey i read u were in ap im also stuck in it...how long was ur ap?

  12. its really messed up fr them to take such a long time for just ap... im just gonna go to bd aftr october then in sh Allah i miss my husbnd alot

  13. did u call? my husband is seriously fed up...im searching the cheapest time to go to bd :(

  14. soo...any updates? i called the dos today and again they said ap nd just wait... :'(

  15. Congrats!! I hope u finish soon.....mine was updated 24 February but no word frm them since....Ins Allah we both get out of ap soon!!

  16. i will call them and the dos. im so sick of ap...never gonna apply for ayone again...but applying nd waiting for mother nd fathers isnt as bad as husband i think...both our lives r on hold idk y the embassy donesnt try nd understand tht

  17. I knw nd especially during summer ticket prices r doubled! But I havent seen my husband in over a yr ... I think the Dhaka embassy is not working due to the strike

  18. I know rightt...they did the same thing to me.... Wont applying for a new visa effect his pending visa? No.I cnt visit although I want to cuz every my husbands telling me..but I just went lst year nd tickets r so expensive

  19. same here...all my family members r so frustrated...i dont get wat the hell is going on down there...did u try calling dhaka embassy?

  20. thanks! i know it feels like years..ur lucky to have gotten out of ap in 4 months

  21. i dont think so bcuz some ppls visa has been issued on jan nd feb...is ur last update still december?

  22. they didnt tell u to come in? i was really hoping u wud get the visa by now nd it wud give me hope...ugh ima just go visit my husband nd take a semester off college i guess...i dnt think the inquiry's evn gonna help

  23. 19..i got married last january...so i contacted our senator..nd his office called nd told me to bring the nvc papers to them nd they'll make an inquiry? is tht normal? cuz i thought they wud just email the dhaka embassy now im bck to worrying :/

  24. they asked for pics? any updates?? yea my husband told me to stop reading it too...insALLAH u will get out soon

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