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Posts posted by SusanAdili

  1. Good afternoon!!

    I have a rather silly question, but this entire process has been so confusing for me. I filed K1 visa, it was approved, my fiance is here and last week we were married!!! YEA!!!!! We are both so very happy after waiting for 1 year...

    Now my question.......what next?? He has applied for a social security number, which should be back within 2 weeks. How do we apply for his citizenship? Can/how can we apply for a work permit so he can start work? What about travel? Can he leave the US or must he wait until he is a citizen?

    I know it is a lot of questions, but I just need a starting place and this web site has been muy blessing this past year for the K1 process.

    Thank you so very much!!!!!!!

  2. My fiance's interview was Nov 4th, APPROVED......They said they would deliver his visa in 12 days and he finally received his visa today, ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be getting the flight information the first of the week and he will be here in about 20 days in sha Allah.

    We began this journey Feb 12, 2013 and 10 months later it is finished, SubhanAllah........I cannot stop crying I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To everyone, thank you for the support!!! Hang in there, it will happen for you too!!!!!!!

  3. It is like a dream!! The interview was today in Algeria and he sailed through with no issues.....VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I cannot give enough thanks to all on here for there support, advise for the past 10 months. I do not think I could have made it within Visa Journey!!!

    I wish everyone a speedy process and remember, hang in there...IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Tough day here, the Embassy in Algeria saying they have NO appointments available.......I just broke down crying, it just gets so hard. I cried in front of my fiance, and he gets so sad to see me upset.....IN SHA ALLAH...this will be over soon and we can be together, IN SHA ALLAH

    I sent the Embassy another e-mail to see when they will be scheduling for interviews........

  5. We are so excited! The Embassy in ALgeria finally sent me an e-mail today for my fiance to fill out his DS-160 and schedule the interview online.....YEA We do all they ask......and guess what.....they have NO appointments available. I just broke down crying, to be so excited, now to have to wait on another e-mail.....

    WHy is so hard????

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