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Posts posted by kfischm1

  1. Is that normal for England? Because 4-6 weeks seems like a long time to me.

    I called NVC on Monday, May 13, exactly one week after my NOA2 was approved. NVC told me they received it that day (May 13) and gave me the case number. They told me to call weekly to check the status on if it got sent out. Well, I called yesterday, and our packet was shipped to the Paris consulate on May 14!!!

    After being held up at CSC for nearly 9 1/2 months, I can't help but be shocked at the speed things are going and also terrified of getting my hopes up again until we have the interview date set.

  2. Congratulations smile.png

    CSC just notified us they have received our reply to the RFE on 6th May so hopefully we will hear soon.

    I'm sure you will hear soon! It seems that CSC is quickly working through the RFEs. I was expecting to wait about a month before hearing anything about my RFE response, but today I decided to check just in case...and we were approved! I wouldn't be surprised if you heard by the end of the week.

  3. Wow! What a challenging RFE. And this is why people who get easy RFEs should be grateful. Sounds like you did a good job with providing as much evidence you could, please keep us updated! Wishing you the best!

    Just logged in now...and approved!!

    We mailed our RFE on April 29. They received it and updated it in the system on May 2, and today, as of about 30 minutes ago, we've been approved! CSC is FINALLY working again. After filing in July 2012 and being depressed and hopeless for months, 9 1/2 months later we are finally approved!!!!! I've refreshed the page about 5 times because I just can't believe it.

    Best of luck to everyone!! I hope you all hear soon!

  4. went i sent my packet i send out emails of when we first started talking and pictures of our 6 year relationship from begining to present, on the RFE they want as primary evidence airline tickets stubs , passport stamps of our last meeting , as secondary they want pictures, im thinking im just going to write a letter and get it notarized in tj stating that i was in tj mexico and that i dont have an airline ticket stubs or passport stamps because were right on the border next to each other and just send in more pictures hopefully it will be enough,,i was also thinkin on going to the doctors over thhere so i can send in my doctors note with m name in it they would know its from tj

    When they request further evidence about meeting in person within the two years prior to submitting the petition, keep in mind they are looking for evidence BEFORE the petition was submitted. Anything after, whether visits, plane ticket stubs, photos, etc. does not count. So going to your doctor now I don't think would be very helpful.

    I ran into a similar problem as you and received a RFE this month for proof of meeting in person within two years prior to the application filing. I met my fiance in Spain when I was there working. He is from France and was also in Spain working at the time. Because he is from the European Union, he didn't get a stamp or need a visa to be there like I did or to travel between countries in the European Union. With my original petition package I sent in photos (non-timestamped) and copies of email itineraries of trips we took together by plane and copies of hostel reservations. We did not have any boarding passes of those trips, or of our travel to/from Spain. We didn't save them and like most people threw them away after our trips because at that time we were not thinking of getting married/not thinking into the future that maybe some day those might be needed/etc. I thought that the evidence I sent would be enough, but of course it wasn't. For primary evidence, the itineraries weren't enough without our boarding passes and entrance/exit stamps. Also, they said for secondary evidence, it had to be time-stamped photos, so ours didn't count.

    So in my RFE reply that I just mailed off, I included a copy of my visa page, copy of my foreign resident ID in Spain, copy of my entrance stamps (which were actually from another country because that is where I entered the European Union). I also included a copy of my letter of employment from the Spanish government and the translation and signed translation certificatation. For my fiance it was more difficult. I included a copy of his letter offering him employment and translation and also a copy of his rent contract and translation. I sent in a document from the police station he received after registering his presence, but because he is from the European Union, of course he didn't receive an ID card like me. I wrote a long letter explaining all of those details about why he didn't have a stamp and I did, etc. Hopefully it will be enough.

  5. Well, my RFE may be for the pictures then because I didn't include the names of other people or exactly what we were doing. I mean, I figured they would look at the picture and be a little observant like, hmm, looks like these people are enjoying dinner with friends. I figured our names, month and year and city and country was enough. I guess I'll find out in a few days what my RFE is for.

  6. Felt the same thing. I really thought we did it all right. We waited for six months to know that my fiancé didnt pass the first page of his divorce decree, which is something that we are so surprised of cause we thought, we did everything right. So, anyway, they told us that we had an RFE on April 5, 2013 but actually sent us the notice on April 9 and then we received the hard copy by mail stating what they need on April 12. We sent a reply on April 13 and they received it on April 15 and they sent us a confirmation they received it on April 17, now we're just waiting for an approval, it shouldn't be long now. Thank God for Second chances, just hang in there.

    I hope you hear soon! I was just so hopeful that we would get our approval soon, and now I just feel so helpless and overwhelmed. These last 8 1/2 months have been such an emotional rollercoaster, and I just wanted to get passed this first step. Had we got an RFE at 4 or 5 months I don't think I would be this upset - but it's already been 8 1/2 months! Even the thought of having to wait one MORE month before getting the NOA2, not even all the other steps we still have to go through, is heartbreaking. I hope we get our RFE soon and whatever is needed can be sent back right away.

  7. I think that is true what he said in the email response.

    As I said in another thread, yesterday have been approved 5 cases and 11 got RFE(all of them from 17 July). Only 20 left to be adjudicated for this date.

    Didn't get to the 18th July(got bored of searching rofl)

    I really hope it is true. Having them stuck on July 18 for so long is upsetting, but it is absolutely infuriating being told that and then seeing them work on Nov. and Dec.

  8. I wrote to the ombudsman yesterday about how later filers, November and December, are being processed at CSC. The person replied that they were able to "locate the issue" that may have caused a few days worth of cases to work out of order. He then said it was a result of the flood a few weeks back, the files being wet and having to be relocated, and therefore them not having access to them. He said that they believe they have resolved the issue and are back on track beginning today.

    (I would copy and paste the response but the email explicitly says not to do it)

    Ummm so now it is a "flood," not a pipe breaking/plumbing issue? Wasn't this the same issue that supposedly didn't damage ANY files?

  9. Calling those help i work for an immigration law office and i call and call for many clients and they always help you just have to talk to them very firmly with facts!

    Not always. When you call USCIS, you are talking to a call center. Any amount of facts, logic, reason, emotion, etc doesn't do anything. They don't have access to your case or the person who does. They just read a script and try to get you off the phone. Trust me, I've tried. If it worked, I would have been approved 4 months ago as I should have been.

  10. It just occurred to me why the USCIS is processing Nov and Dec. After all, if you process July and August now, you only extend your avg processing time. meanwhile, you bang out the Dec ones, and you bring the average processing time down from 7.5 months closer to 5. Then when Congresspeople are getting on your case about processing backlog, you say "what processing back log?" I am sure your constituent has a hang up in his app and we'll get to it as soon as possible.

    This is truly maddening and sickening, yet exactly what I think is going on. Honestly, I can't believe it.

    I called USCIS today and spoke to a Tier 2 person. I told him I knew of people personally, without an expedite, who were approved from November. The tier two person then told me, "It is first come, first served, unless there is an expedite." ####### did he not just hear what I said???

  11. July 26 filer at CSC here. No RFEs. Neither of us has been married before. My fiance is from France, not a high fraud country. He has no criminal history. We submitted tons of evidence. We followed the guide on here exactly as to what documents to submit. We have as simple of an application you can get, so if your theory was correct, we should have been one of the lucky few being approved in 4 months.

    No word on my case as of today. NOTHING. Just "We are currently processing July 18. Blah blah blah. Wait some more. Blah blah blah. Cases are processed in the order they are received. Blah blah blah."

    Your "theory" of us July filers having problem cases is BS. Especially considering half of July filers have not yet heard back.

  12. July 26 filer at CSC here. No RFEs. Neither of us has been married before. My fiance is from France, not a high fraud country. He has no criminal history. We submitted tons of evidence. We followed the guide on here exactly as to what documents to submit. We have as simple of an application you can get, so if your theory was correct, we should have been one of the lucky few being approved in 4 months.

    No word on my case as of today. NOTHING. Just "We are currently processing July 18. Blah blah blah. Wait some more. Blah blah blah. Cases are processed in the order they are received. Blah blah blah."

    Your "theory" of us July filers having problem cases is BS. Especially considering half of July filers have not yet heard back.

    But anyway, congrats to the original poster. It's not your fault you were approved before us. But please, do be thankful and appreciative and know how lucky you are.

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