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Posts posted by Laurka

  1. Darnell thank you for clarification. To me they're all Customer Service representatives.

    I scheduled an Infopass Appointment for next week. I didn't have an interview, so I don't know if the USCIS field office will know anything, but I really want to speak with somebody face to face.

    I'm sorry to hear you're having problems like this. I had much the same problem - my work permit was approved for a good 2 months before I actually received the card because they kept losing it in the mail. All you can do is keeping phoning and harassing USCIS! Also make sure your name is registered at the relevant address with your local post office.

    Local Post Office has my name. We receive mail at a PO Box. We never moved, the address has always been the same. We've never had problems with mail deliveries before.

    I know there have been cases like this before and I'm not the first one to be in such situation, but even more so I cannot comprehend why USCIS don't send a document of this magnitude via certified mail! The addressee should SIGN that they've received it. No signature = I've never seen it, never received, never got delivered to me!

  2. what date did the ISO (the 2nd tier person you spoke with) mention

    that the card was resent to you?

    I've written a lot about this, here at VJ:

    advanced search tool:

    Search Terms: 'ISO returned mail'

    Member Name: 'Darnell'

    click on 'display as posts'

    ah - you mentioned two weeks - yer right at the edge, IMO - but do call in again, ask for an ISO, and go over returned mail pieces ONE MORE TIME.

    I'm sorry I don't know what ISO stand for. What do you mean by it?

    The day I was told that they got it back was Feb 26. Two days later, Feb 28, my online case status changed so I thought they actually sent it back to me, but now I think he lied!

  3. Hello,

    I'm looking for any helpful advice in the situation I found myself in.

    My Application to Adjust Status was approved on January 6th 2014 and on January 11 (Saturday) was flagged as undeliverable by the Post Office and returned to the sender. I was shocked because all my previous letters from the USCIS always got delivered to our PO Box in a timely manner. I started making phone calls to both USCIS and USPS two days later. USCIS told me to wait. The last update by the USPS tracking number was on Jan 18 so when nothing happened by the last week of January, I called USCIS Customer Service and was told that I can submit service request, which I did. Required time passed and nothing happened. I submitted another service request, was told that they never received the card back. Meanwhile I also contacted USPS Customer service. They returned my call the following day and told me the same thing I could find out online in 2 seconds "That the last update was on January 18 somewhere in CT, so if it didn't arrive to the sender by now it got lost! They suggested I call the sender and tell them to claim insurance on it. So I did call the USCIS again and repeated what USPS representative told me, but this time the Higher Level Customer Service agent from USCIS told me they did RECEIVE my card back and it will be mailed to me within ten days. I asked the man couple times "Are you sure of it?" He said yes. I made sure they have my correct address. Two days later my online case status changed saying that my address relating to I485 changed, so I thought they finally sent my card back to me. Now today, it's been two weeks and not only I haven't received my card, but I received two stupid letters from them: One concerning the service request from January 24 stating that they don't have my card back and that I can submit I-90 and a second letter concerning the address update. I spoke again to a USCIS Customer Service SUPERVISOR who was unpleasant and couldn't care less for what I'm going through. I learned that the fee for I90 is $450! 450 dollars! Are they out of their minds?? They expect me to pay money out of my pocket for their mistakes?! I'm not willing to do it. We paid almost $1100 for the Adjustment of Status only to receive all this described above.

    Has anybody ever heard about a similar situation or has any idea what I could do? I'm ready to write to my Congressman (already contacted his office).

    I never moved, all my previous correspondence from USCIS came to my PO Box, my name is in The Post Office. I read sth about infopass appointments but I can't find out how to schedule one.

    Please good Folks of vj help me, I will appreciate your insight and advice.


  4. So my mailman is an idiot. He delivered our interview appointment notice (sent on 12/26/13) to apartment LA and I live in apartment 1A. Unfortunately, the tenant in LA lost the key to his mailbox and he just gave us the notice yesterday when he found his key. Our interview is TOMORROW! Thank God he opened his freakin' mailbox yesterday!

    We are scrambling to get everything ready right now!

    Oh yeah? Your mailman is an idiot? How about a USCIS employee who put my residential address instead of my mailing address on the letter with my Green Card? Post Office flagged it as undeliverable and returned it the very same day (a Saturday)! I didn't even have a chance to intervene! Why on earth would that moron do it I have no clue! All the previous correspondence from USCIS always came to our PO Box no problem at all. So why somebody did it when it came to delivering my GC it puzzles me completely :/ It's been almost a month since it was approved. I did service request exactly a week ago and still waiting :/

  5. I only get more frustrated with every week passing without any sign from the USCIS :/

    Anybody here, except me, who applied in the first half of August and hasn't heard a thing? My status never moved from Acceptance :/ It's not even Initial review! No letter, no notification, no invitation for an interview :/ I'm really bummed.

    Oops, sorry, now I know where the misunderstanding came from. It was supposed to say "except me". Somehow I omitted "me" and it resulted in an opposite sense to what I intended.

  6. Good for you on the EAD. smile.png How long did it take for you to get your EAD card on hand from the time they notified you that your card was in production?

    Idk, 3-4 days? Many status updates last week ;-) Last Friday my USCIS online status said they mailed it to the address I put on my file and then that USPS picked up my card and I was given tracking number. They mailed it via 2-day priority mail, but because it was Friday I had to wait till Monday (which is today Yay! :D)

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